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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1353524554' post='1875659'] haha no worries, im a value for money type person but i wouldnt call myself tight and i get a lot of satisfaction doing things myself rather than buying them as a whole. [/quote] no, i wasn't saying you were tight, i was saying your "value for money" attitude makes the tight blush, because they want something equally as good, for little money, but few are wiling to actually get out and put the work in to creating something.
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1353521457' post='1875597'] [/quote] I saw you posted that in the bad jokes thread earlier. I personally stopped watching movies when i realised nobody could ever make a movie that lives up to the hype that people build up around movies. now i only watch movies in different languages late on BBC2.
  3. [quote name='buff' timestamp='1353523208' post='1875634'] Go to they're web page click on bass then scroll down to legacy, you'll find all they're previous amp's there. [/quote] It isn't on there. closest to it in appearance is the 5th anniversary ABM 500 evo II. but it was built in 1998, isn't that about 3/4 years too early to be a 5th anniversary?
  4. lads, whoever wins this month, make the picture for next month something really inspiring... like God having a pint in the rovers.
  5. emailed ashdown a while ago, still no word from them. having no joy with this. I saw it was like an ash down ABM500 head (with the silver face-plate) but it is a 400 model. any ideas?
  6. booyah! i'm 19, and i'm a regular johnny cash! my main problem is tone and hitting the right notes, but i'm getting there.
  7. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1353374775' post='1874471'] Actually, when tuned to low A it has the same tension/feel as a .130 in B [/quote] What is the need for a low A though?
  8. [quote name='Nico@Bass' timestamp='1353340463' post='1873855'] [/quote] haha. I may be mistaken, but is cumbria not in a quite "well to do" area of england? in which case, his nice gear might just be typical of the nature of the people in the area
  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1353328239' post='1873608'] I have to do this with my .152 gauge string so this is worth checking! [/quote] .152? f*** that is a heavy string. do you use the claw of a bear to play it?
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1353321522' post='1873506'] IME Rotosound have problems making consistently good strings that aren't standard gauge 34" scale 4-string sets. When I was using them at least 50% of the B-strings I was getting were unusable and had to be exchanged. What make of tuner do you have? Many tuners can't cope with pitches below E on the bass. Does the string sound out of tune to your ears? [/quote] In my opinion, rotosound make pretty average strings that don't hold their tone very long. well, i have only used the rotobass sets, and they seem to be the cheap ones, but i had to change them every 3 or 4 weeks. I've had a set of ernie balls for a couple of months now, and they just need some fast fret every now and them to clean the string, and it's fine. although i would rather have a set of D'Addario ProSteels.
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353355108' post='1874205'] Some DIs are just noisy anyway, but a squirt of servisol in there won't hurt it at all. [/quote] It isn't just noisy, it is ruining the recording with the loud crackling. I elimated buzzing sounds, but crackling? no chance.
  12. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1353349808' post='1874100'] Yeah I agree. It's a tricky balance as you say, but I think I've [i]nearly[/i] got there... just a few more tweaks and then I'll abandon it and upload! Goddammit, how did you know those were my lyrics?? [/quote] because it's that singalongable that people will play it in pubs all the time and the drunks will stand up during the course and yell profanities and question the main protagonist's of the song social connections.
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1353343521' post='1873947'] Sort of says the issue is with the output to the computer. If it is the XLR and that is board mount, I'd do the soldering there, its a fairly chunky item to be board mounted. [/quote] This makes more sense.
  14. but the thing is, i never heard any noise from it plugged into a cab, just into my computer, it records with a horrible cracking noise.
  15. MiltyG565


    [quote name='ped' timestamp='1353341050' post='1873882'] It'll be back. We haven't updated the actual forum software, just patched some areas. The full update is a lot of work and we can't afford it! [/quote] ah right, i see. ask david cameron for some money
  16. MiltyG565


    [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1352983530' post='1870074'] Incidentally, through the software updates we've just lost the guests/members/anonymous users count at the bottom of the home page. [/quote] It's fine on safari. Although, it is missing the part where it shows the latest post in each forum on the homepage, is that just safari? or does anybody else see it like that?
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1353338385' post='1873787'] Ashdown ABM stuff is simple inside, proper boards, would guess their digital mini ones will be surface mouth stuff. [/quote] It's a very early ashdown head. it's 1998.
  18. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1353334874' post='1873730'] That's a shame Mike but I know you've had a busy few weeks with the London Jazz Fest being on (wish I could have made it down this year). You can - ahem - [i]'thank'[/i] Nigel and I for the inspiration this month. Must admit I've really struggled with it myself. Ended up penning a song about a former failed relationship, dealing with deceit and the death of happy memories... so y'know, a chirpy and lighthearted singalong number on its way from me! [/quote] singer- "24 years, just waiting for a chance, to tell her how i feel and maybe get a second glance, now i got to get used to not living next door to alice" crowd- "ALICE! who the f*** is alice!?" hope your song is that cheery and singalongy that everybody happens to know the right words to fit into the course.
  19. FLAC and ALAC are compressed files, but they use a compression codec so they compress without any (or much) loss of audio quality. It's a good idea use this type of file format to reduce the size of the file, without losing the quality.
  20. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1353285816' post='1873349'] Does it still make noise if you keep playing after its off? Doing that will use most of the juice in the caps, it will be low voltage anyway. Mostly if its off for a while it should be fine. Valve amps are the ones that educate you. [/quote] It has a valve preamp.
  21. ok, don't i need to de-charge the amp before i do any of that stuff?
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1353281895' post='1873310'] So cracked solder, on the legs of some board mount stuff. Resoldering it all should fix it. [/quote] how sure can you be? do you mean resolder all the points in the amp, or just the cracked one?
  23. cannot be tuned. do you mean, you tune it and it quickly goes out of tune, or you literally can't tune it to B? If it was going out of tune quickly... i'm not sure, i would look at the simplest thing first- the string. try putting a different B string onto it. make sure the nut isn't too tight that the string binds in the slot, and not so wide that the string can move about in there. If that fails, you have to look at the neck, truss rod, bridge. Do all the other strings stay perfectly tuned when you try to tune your B string?
  24. So i have an old ash down ABM400 head, and the other day, i got an XLR lead so i could DI it through my sound card and record some stuff. When i record my playing, i'm also monitoring at the same time, but i get some buzzing from the amp, but that is ok, because i don't normally hear that on the recorded track, especially since i do a couple of things to minimise the impact those type of things have. But something i didn't hear at all while monitoring was a crackling noise, and this is clear on the tracks (which are now unusable). I only noticed when i listened to the tracks after recording, without the sound card. There is a constant crackling noise, but only when i play. it gets louder as a i play, and is worse when i turn on the amp's EQ. any ideas what it could be?
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