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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1352970131' post='1869831'] Doesn't garageband have an option to bounce to MP3 or something then? [/quote] Not sure, but when you send it to iTunes you convert it to either MP3 or AAC. Then you can choose all your different compression options. I've gone for MP3 at 128 K/BIT because i'm uploading to youtube. I'll use different compression options when i create my composition for the competition
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1352969562' post='1869825'] Audacity can compress the files and you can do basic editing in it too. And it's FREE! Also REAPER [/quote] But i already have Garageband. I'm just learning the ropes on it. I just re-recorded a cover of an RHCP track, and i made 5 tracks for my bass so that it sounds fuller. Basically i lined them up- 1. Centre. 2.Hard right. 3. Hard left. 4. Between centre and hard right. 5. Between centre and hard left. I've used audacity before... didn't really like it. iTunes gives plenty of compression options anyway. and Garageband records in AIF format... and it came pre-installed on my laptop! wow!
  3. I should have a sound card coming today. When it comes, i'll be setting up my ashdown ABM 400 head (very early model) and running my guitar and bass through it into Garageband, and exporting to iTunes (easiest way to compress the audio. There is no compression other than for each track rather than the entire file) I might ad some vocals too. I'm not really a singer, but my brother left his microphone here yesterday (hehehe) and i've been messing about with it.
  4. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1352935024' post='1869673'] Interesting stuff, didn't know that. But I can't imagine he will have that the hand masseuse in the earlier days, i.e the times he had to full the gaping holes in his thumb with superglue and tape up. [/quote] Yeah, he has always done lots of warming up, but the masseur couldn't magic flesh onto his thumb, could he?
  5. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1352934616' post='1869664'] That's horrible. [/quote] yeah, but it is really poor audio quality, lets not forget. probably just ripped from the song.
  6. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1352933434' post='1869642'] He actually amazes me that he didn't develop CT a long time ago, god knows he must have had some problems over the years. [/quote] He spends as long warming up for gigs as he does playing at them. Also, he has a guy that massages his arms, and has had for years.
  7. [quote name='BassPimp66' timestamp='1352927401' post='1869551'] +1 You beat me to it ! [/quote] It's only rough because he plays so hard. i love it though. you won't fall asleep listening to this though. (he has an INCREDIBLY bright amp, doesn't he?) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBJuxGrWAA0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBJuxGrWAA0[/url]
  8. Any thoughts, anybody?
  9. willing to get rid cheap for quick sale. PM me for more info and to work out a deal
  10. [quote name='Looper' timestamp='1352882424' post='1868670'] John Paul Jones can be seen playing with his thumb over the top of the neck. Many would consider that poor technique! [/quote] I think that can be seen as good technique. If you think about it, if your thumb was always directly on the back of the neck where you are fretting, you are going to injure yourself sooner or later. Yes, it is good technique most of the time to play like that, but i wouldn't stick to it as a law of bass technique, good technique should also mean not doing something that could injure you.
  11. flea. his right hand technique is shockingly rough. listen to any RHCP bass master track.
  12. i suppose then it's out of the question to re-write Elton John's "tiny dancer" by putting in Jimmy Saville? "Hold me closer, Jimmy Saville" Nobody has ever said that before, EVER! anyway, now that i know about this, i shall crack on. HA-ZAH!
  13. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1352767478' post='1867324'] (I thought I posted in this thread already. Curious.) I agree with iconic, you've got bigger balls than me (The Hohner neck off your LPB jazz is now on a Kay or Avon Rose P body, and very nice it is too - cheers [/quote] Thanks. good stuff about the fretless neck glad you are enjoying it.
  14. congratulations on the good news... but WHAT!? this is a thing? i feel like i have been done out of something here... my goodness! I want a 1993 stingray FLEA ASAP! anyway, yes, year specific. that shouldn't be too difficult, because most guitar manufacturers are totally anal about this kinda thing that they will only run a certain colour for a year... then wait 20 and re-release it as a custom shop special edition or some crap like that. but your kid will have the original of that colour
  15. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf8vbC5tCrI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf8vbC5tCrI[/url] It's even worse than first expected, because youtube makes a bad thing worse! anyway, here we are, have a good laugh
  16. I'm uploading my cover of Run by snow patrol now.... it isn't great... by anybodies standards. I'll link it here when it has uploaded... but don't hold your breath, guys!
  17. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1352720308' post='1866413'] [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I just can't echo that sentiment at all. I'm 20 myself (came out of school a couple of year ago) and there were plenty of kids who were learning to play bass (and drum, and guitar). The scene is still very much alive, it's just there's other scenes running parallel to it... which honestly is fine. Perhaps even more interesting is that nearly all of the people I know who listen to mainstream radio chart music are middle aged women... I honestly hardly know any people of my age (or a bit younger) who listen to any of that stuff. Take that how you will.[/font][/color] [/quote] Hmm... I'm 19 myself, and unexpectedly still at school (although i have been off sick since mid september.... oh dear). I was in the performing arts group, and there were other kids in the group. But most of them played guitar. There was one lad, who played guitar, bass and drums, and also sang, but he wasn't a great drummer. Anyway, this group of 15 year olds constantly swapped around their instruments. The thing that annoyed me about that was this- I always think it is better to be good and competent on one instrument, than "mmm alright" on several. I have to say, none of them had any particular knowledge or interest in instruments. They just wanted to play along, which is fine, but the bassist usually had bad technique, and to a degree, lacking ability (nothing proper tuition wouldn't sort out). But i just think there is an entire lack of interest in kids coming up now for bass guitar. Nobody introduced me to it., I found it for myself, but then my family does have a bit of musical history to it. Obviously, the instrument to get, in a kids mind, is either a drum kit or a guitar, because those are the instruments that you hear. Guitars are obviously well know for big flashy solos, and kids love something flashy. Drums, hard to miss drums in a song. It is easy to miss a bass in a song, especially if it is only playing roots. I suppose it could also be wrongly perceived as a guitar by some youngsters. Anyway, us, as musicians, we tend to surround ourselves with other musicians, and i know for a fact that there are plenty of people in our generation who do listen to utter crap. And this "bass culture" thing is utter crap. Those people don't know what bass is, they seem to think it is a drum. FFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK! Sorry, i'm going to take my meds now.
  18. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1352710660' post='1866278'] At the Cardiff bass bash (which was great!) on Saturday a discussion came up about how Pj Harvey's last album only had bass (guitar) on 1 track and how we should record bass parts for the rest of the album as she had 'forgotten' to. Anyway, from this, someone mentioned that earlier in the year 3 of the top 10 billboard chart singles had no bass at all! And the reason for this is that [b][i]songs are being produced and mixed for mobile phone speakers[/i][/b]. Does this spell the end for bass players? [color=#FFFFFF](obviously not but it's a good starting point for discussion!)[/color] [/quote] quite frankly, f*** mobile phone speakers. Who here can say that they honestly want to listen to a song that has been mixed for such crap quality speakers? Anyway, who here even listens to music regularly on their phone speakers? i assume most of us have invested in a decent set of earphones/headphones? Listening to music on a phone makes me think of chavs at the back of the bus forcing every passenger to listen to some generic hyped up dance music. f*** it, they are welcome to those songs. I bet most of them didn't even pay for the song. Oh, the irony- producing a song to be played by the inferior phone speakers of the people who are most likely to steal their music. Rant f***ing over!
  19. I've cleaned it up a little. it doesn't sound too bad with the track over it. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1352673992' post='1866060'] Have a try/listen to Badge by Cream, youll like that one [/quote] mmmmm.... creamy
  20. nah, I can't upload this cover. it sounds just awful! bad guitar ability+bad sound quality= ear poison!
  21. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1352651806' post='1865597'] what problem do you have with your recording technique? It sounded fine to me. [/quote] I'm basically just playing through my very very crappy practice amp, and letting the little mic in my mac pick up the sound. it's ok, but it isn't great, plus it picks up a lot of room sound, and it can't handle much in terms of volume, and really does distort badly at high volume. that is my main problem. For some reason, when i play the A on my E string, it hardly picks it up... sounds like i"m hardly playing... then i go down to the G and it is loud as heck! oh well... i'll just have to make do for now. should have a sound card arriving in the next few days anyway.
  22. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1352643355' post='1865465'] RATM's Killing in the name of. Easy, but lots of fun! [/quote] would love to, but my recording technique can't really handle something like that right now, maybe in a few weeks. I've just finished recording a cover of Run by snow patrol. Don't get your hopes up people!
  23. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1352619682' post='1865159'] I'd suggest an open and frank de-brief of the event. Explain your concerns. If they are met with silence or a brick wall then make your move. The others could be feeling exactly the same, you never know..... [/quote] yeah, this is a good idea. De-breifs (no, keep your trousers on, it doesn't mean that) are a good way to say what went well, and what needs work. But, if the drummer follows the guitarist all the time (maybe you should start saying drumtard instead of guitard?) that is probably an issue that won't ever be resolved. i assume he is self taught? if not, he should ask for money back from his drum teacher.
  24. I would leave. but i don't stand for any sh*t in a band. I've told my mates before to get their act together, they didn't, so i left. They had begged me, literally begged me to be in the band, and the one guy was an absolute messer, and never had the gumption to organise more than one practice.
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