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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. http://axvault.com/2012/10/10/five-other-fender-instruments/ there's the article. Can't be bothered finding the links to the bass specific part, but it should be in there somewhere.
  2. [quote name='Stance' timestamp='1350933869' post='1845312'] Do you have the link to that article? Thanks [/quote] oh, don't doubt me. i will hoke it out.
  3. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1350895355' post='1844647'] I can forgive Fenders for being 'boring' because of their pedigree, but I find Ibanez SR and those old Bass Collections with the skinny headstock really, really dull looking, as if they were designed by a committee of accountants. [/quote] good news- today we made the headstock an entire 8.7% smaller. This will result in less wasted timber and provide an annual saving of around £20!
  4. [quote name='Blackbird88' timestamp='1350911021' post='1844918'] Fenders, simply for the lack of originality, in all the time P and J basses have existed the body design has never really changed much, and they never seem to try anything new. Probably why I like the Blacktop Jazz, there's a bit of creativity there, deviating from the norm and taking a risk. [/quote] eeem, what? fender recently produced an article on "the instruments you didn't know fender made". There were 5, violins and such, than at the bottom, a link, because fender has produced so many different basses over the years (excluding all P's and J's here) that they had an entirely different article for it. fender has risked a lot, especially in terms of bass guitars, it just never beat the originals, and lack of demand meant they ultimately dropped most of them. stick THAT in yer pipe and smoke it
  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1350931183' post='1845255'] I'm of the school of thought that he fine tuned it and got it 100% at the second attempt (not withstanding the 'prototype slab body single coil stretched telecaster guitar). All the niggles of the classic Precision are sorted with a Musicman Stingray. It's always been a Precision Mk II to me. Whatever - I still prefer the niggles of the Mk I ! [/quote] i always thought of it as a MK11 jazz bass... maybe i'm just wrong
  6. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1350858196' post='1844466'] Anything headless, they look like snow shovels with strings. Anything that has an odd looking exotic wood top, they look like coffee tables, horrid. Anything with more than 4 strings, simply unneccessary. LED's, really??, do people [i]actually[/i] think these are cool?? Any Wish bass. These are jokes right? I could go on, and on, and on, I have far more bass-hates than bass-likes. [/quote] Rick, we have much to discuss Can anybody tell me- when it comes to modulus, it seems to be a very marmite thing. I aspire to getting one, so somebody tell me what it is that makes people hate them? the best reason i have heard so far is that they feel "plastic-y", i suppose the graphite neck and high gloss finish would make them feel a bit like a toy.
  7. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1350910239' post='1844892'] Buying an instrument is one thing; it can always be sold if the child loses interest after a while. Six months worth of lessons is a lot of non-recoupable money down the drain if the kid gives up. [/quote] agreed. I was always a bit peeved off that i had to wait untill i was 18 and had to sell my own car before i could afford my own bass, and it was a heap of dung. my brother and sister both had 2 guitars bought for them growing up, but so far, i am the only one playing my instrument daily. (i haven't seen my sister play in years, although she plays every sunday in a church).
  8. [quote name='enricogaletta' timestamp='1350908990' post='1844864'] Talking about the marketing, well I'm pretty sure your friend is good, but if all the other courses are full of students but the bass class still don't reach a good level... well, don't you believe there is something wrong that doesn't depend from the popularity of the bass? Cheers [/quote] not really. he promotes all his classes and courses the same amount. There just isn't as much interest in learning bass. His bass teacher has taught me a lot, and i have said many times that the environment needs to be right for me to learn, because i don't learn well in a sterile school environment. I need to be comfortable with the person teaching me. And it needs to be relaxed. That is the reason why i get lessons there. It is relaxed and personable, and sometimes, you don't get that. it is lack of popularity and ignorance i'm afraid.
  9. I have to say, i found myself picking out the basslines from songs while listening to my ipod months before i bought a bass. then again,it was flea, so the basslines made up 60% of the song.
  10. oh yes, i forgot to mention- i recently cut down the number of lessons i was getting (£36 a week it was costing) and i said to the guy who runs it (also a good friend of mine- £36 was a pretty good deal he did me). He told me not to drop bass lessons, because it is my first instrument, but i suspect it might have something to do with the fact that they have 200 students, and only 8 of them are for bass.
  11. well then, somebody needs to create a band with big hitting grooves and tasty fills to get the bass teaching going again. i would but... my grooves and fills are neither big hitting nor tasty. (tasting a sound is literally impossible it turns out.)
  12. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1350822919' post='1843805'] IMO it's because there are no 'characters' on bass in the newer bands, to inspire kids to take up the bass. [/quote] exactly. Flea was my inspiration, and he is a massive character. very interesting grooves too.
  13. i have to say, school always seemed to blunt my creative edge (not that it is very pointy to begin with). i always found it hard to think and do what i'm supposed to in school. i suppose that's where music differs from school. With music, i just want to play and listen all the time. i suppose it unlocks the part of my mind that is only restricted by my inability to say and convey what i think and feel. (i have a terrible way of expressing myself verbally). [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1350689930' post='1842469'] I understand what Enrico is saying perfectly. [/quote] Sorry, i'm not mister super duper, like you
  14. [quote name='Blackbird88' timestamp='1350611230' post='1841296'] I strangely find myself wanting a Jazz bass at the moment though [/quote] That is EXACTLY what basschat does! My first bass was a crappy jazz rip, then i steered clear for a year, come onto bass chat BAM! back on the jazz wagon.
  15. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1350666765' post='1842099'] I think the biggest manufacturing disaster was not putting enough strings on the first electric bass - see what it has done to people's perception of bass guitar today! What an epic fail [/quote] nope, 4 is the correct amount
  16. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1350679557' post='1842349'] I didn't think that Google translate was about in the '70's/'80's when that was written? [/quote] no, but i so rarely get to tell my story about calling somebody a car wash
  17. I'm sorry Enrico, i don't mean to be rude, but i found that quite hard to read. you aren't perhaps using google translate, are you? I don't mean to insult your english skills though, google translate has a habit of translating things wrong. are you saying that in alot of cases, it is the teachers fault for not doing it for any other reason than the money? because i reject that, most kids just aren't interested in learning bass. the music school i was talking about, i am good friends with the owner, and he has a degree in marketing. his business is quite successful, with 6 fully booked guitar teachers, 2 pretty well booked drum teachers, and a bass teacher who only has a few students. he is a good teacher, so that isn't the issue. The issue is, it isn't seen as a "cool" instrument, and kids always want the "cool" thing, even if it is totally rubbish.
  18. most non-musical people, especially kids, are quite narrow minded when it comes to instruments. most genres put a heavy focus on guitar solo's, so most kids will see that as the cool instrument. I have also been "told" many times (by non musical people) that bass is much easier than guitar, because there are less strings. I play both, and genuinely, i find guitar easier. It is far easier to write a good guitar rhythm than a bass line. The place i get lessons has 2 drum teachers, 2 piano/theory/singing teachers and 6/7 guitar teachers, but only one bass teacher. it does annoy me in a way. bands here are constantly crying out for bassists, and guitarists are a dime a dozen here. A band i used to be in kinda reformed (yeah, that kinda hurts) into a punk band (i quickly got over it ) but one of the guitarist had to jump on bass, and was looking another guitarist to join to fill in on bass, so he could take his rightful position as the lead guitarist. that is madness. 3 guitarists in a band with only 4 members? so yes, i encourage everyone to take up bass rather than guitar. I find that bassists tend to be have more musical knowledge than guitarists. alot of guitarists i know are just kinda "john frusciante.... who's he?" "tom morello....what?" where as nearly all the bassists i know could rhyme off nearly every member of nearly every band since the P bass was first launched (slight exaggeration....)
  19. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Next to the arrow was the word F**K. What they meant of course was "screw"..."[/font][/color] arg! google translate, up to no good again. i accidentally called a person a "car wash" in irish one time because of it
  20. i'm not slagging drummers, my best mate is a drummer. would i play with him? not on your life. he is a great drummer, but doesn't listen to what i have to say really, and stylistically, we are worlds apart. i also have another good friend, who i was in a band with, he plays drums. he's only 16, and has played since he was 10 i believe, but he lives for the drums, and he is a solid drummer, but i wish he knew more about other instruments, because it would make creating songs so much easier. when i start a jam, i don't want to then have to reconfigure what i'm already playing to fit his drum beat. also they try and make me call my instrument the bass [i]guitar[/i], because it confuses them if i just call it the bass. I quite wilfully ignore those demands, bass is an instrument, bass drum is part of a different instrument.
  21. "I've been trying to sell my P for weeks!" "Then put a sensible price on it!" strangely realistic.... great vid.
  22. say waaaaaahh? i picked up a guitar only 4 months ago and i have found it much easier than bass, but i suppose everyone is different. welcome aboard! i'm actually surprised you went for 2 years without being on a bassists forum. Well, keep it low and slap it hard
  23. i am exactly the same. can't say i have had a chance to experience it a lot in my time as a musician, but the times i do, it's great, and i have found myself listening to the song constantly, just out of sheer enjoyment.
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