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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. i find that drummers tend to just want to play the hardest fastest thing they can find. i dont know what it is, a fair few of my friends are drummers, and all they talk about is being able to play fast and about post hardcore music, which i think was invented by drummers with bad taste. Chad smith is my kinda drummer. he's defo not a typical funk rock player, but he still beats the hell out of it. and his other work too, amazing. i think what makes him good is the fact that he isn't just a drummer, he is also a pianist and a guitarist, and probably even a bassist too, so he knows what he has to do to make a drum part fit a song, which i have found some drummers don't know how to do, then blame it on me, the bassist...
  2. it has always amazed me how many people ask what the best guitar or bass for metal is. when i started, i didn't ask what the best bass for funk or classic rock was (that being what i play mostly). but i did my research and found out what my favourite artists played, and if i wanted to sound like them, i would have to adopt their playing style and have a similar instrument (nearly to an obbsessive level). I think manufacturers who produce pointy guitars and basses forget about what the instrument is designed for. body shape is important for playing comfort, and i would never play anything pointy. i would much rather take a P or a J and mod it to sound gritty. but then again, i'm not a very look or public perception conscious person
  3. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1350250744' post='1836471'] Been listening a lot to RHCP and Jamiroquai recently. I'm looking for recommendations for albums from other artists with similar funky bass styles. Any suggestions? [/quote] mmm, yes!
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1350205240' post='1835654'] I started stripping [/quote] [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1350205240' post='1835654'] very very thick and very very hard. [/quote] [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1350205240' post='1835654'] Mine smells of pear drops [/quote] haha, everything is funny when taken out of context
  5. MiltyG565


    106,000,000 page views? well, that's me accounted for, what about the rest of you?
  6. [quote name='jamesbass116' timestamp='1350084823' post='1834542'] Here are some pics of my new US Deluxe 5 String. Sorry about the large images! [/quote] wow! that looks fantastic!
  7. HAHA! using this to annoy my drumming friends.
  8. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1349996681' post='1833487'] I see you are largely unfamiliar with Victor Wooten then. He is one of the tightest groovers around. This track is awesome, Prasanna with Vic on bass. From about 04:40 until the end of the song, he is bringing the house down with that massive groove. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQQVbfam06s[/media] [/quote] Don't mis-quote me. i am familiar with wooten. I said i didn't like his slap style, and that i find a good groove within a song more interesting than a song that IS a groove, i.e.- Wootens songs.
  9. i have to say, i like slap, but i see it as a performance art as much as a playing technique. i want to see that thumb come down and strike that string like it just shot your mother. and pick that string up like its trying to defend its mother shooting mate. I don't like wooten's slap, for a couple of reasons. It doesn't have that emphasis on performance as a regular slap would. also, i tend not to like songs that are only played on bass, i find them w***erish and show-offy. Yeah, i know, the bass guitar can be used as a solo instrument, harmonics etc etc and yeah, that takes alot of skill, but i would rather hear a tight groove in a song, than a song that is just a groove. and anybody who isn't a bassist, or at least a musician, won't be interested in it really. so yeah, it is boring.
  10. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1349818750' post='1831066'] Here's my totally ruined (by me) 1962 Jazzer... I love it. [/quote] what is ruined about it? it looks GREAT! east preamp in it?
  11. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1349720365' post='1829632'] Are they magnetic poles or a magnet strip along the bottom? [/quote] magnetic strip along the bottom. ceramic, or something similar i believe.
  12. YES! got some photos of my own jazz uploaded- here we go! it's worth pointing out- the body and pickups are fender. the neck is a fairly fresh squier neck. it sounds good!
  13. that is a NICE jazz!
  14. don't know that there is a huge difference if i'm honest. the korean made OLP's were better made, with better quality control and materials. the korean ones appear to be better made looking at the back of the pickup, but i have one price. wether this has a massive difference in the sound of the pickup, i actually don't know.
  15. yes of course- you can choose what you want, chinese or korean? £10+ P&P.
  16. i don't play many gigs, but i pick songs i like (mostly red hot chili peppers songs) and i figure out some parts, look up tabs for others, and perfect it by playing it a few times a week for a very long time. i can play a fair few flea basslines as they are on the album. I do it mostly to build up skill and technique, and to have fun and play along with the track. I don't do it to impress or prove anything, because as i said, i don't play many gigs. I can imagine though that when i get on stage, things would become a little bit more..... mickey mouse, for lack of a better term. and of course, you have to improvise a little, don't you
  17. Through my various recent dealings and upgradings and whatnot, i have ended up with 3 complete OLP musician style pickups, and 1 that has been split up, but should still be fully fuctional. 2 of these are the chinese made versions, which were on the chinese made basses, This includes the one that is split up. These worked fine last time i used them, and in the case of the split up one, the coils weren't potted, but the case was epoxy impregnated with a waxy type substance. this obviously came out when i took it apart, but i am fairly sure it could be potted in shellac, and this could possibly even help the sound of it. The other 2 are complete, and actually still attached to my korean made OLP. They are fully functional. one has some rusty looking stuff on a few of the pole pieces, but this scrapes off quite easily, and doesn't effect the sound. This is something that EBMM mention about their own pickups, so it isn't down to them being more cost effective, it is just something that happens sometimes. also, all the pickups use ceramic magnets. i haven't been able to upload photographs recently, but anyone interested should send me a message, or email me [email protected], and ill see what i can do for you I won't accept anything less than £40 for the lot. i think that is fair, and it is my only price, so please, no offers. Thanks. Any questions, please ask JUST 2 OF THE OLP MUSICMAN PICKUPS LEFT. JAZZ PICKUPS HAVE BEEN SOLD.
  18. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1349221398' post='1823636'] @Milton Yeah I'd love a blank if there's one going begging! Of course I'll pay for it, PM if you go ahead with the plan. I refuse to pay £55 or whatever it is from tone tech! Anyway, the jazz looks great! A small detail, but my favourite bits are the tuners. Very cool! Alex [/quote] was thinking more like £15-£20. i couldn't charge £55, that is just stupid.
  19. i went to buy some ash earlier to make a bass body from, but the ever helpful people in the shop said that the only ash they had that would suit my job was rough sawn timber. the only issue was, you have to buy the entire length (nearly 10 foot). so i was thinking, cut it up, and make a few blanks from it and see if any guys on here had interest in them? they wouldn't be routed or anything, but it would be dried properly and i will match the grains up well
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