dude, thats rough. but heres what i think. if any record label is demanding that members leave or join based on their weight (lets not forget, overweight CAN also be good-looking, just not slim) they are being used as a money making tool. obviously, you and your band knew you guys were good together, but these guys, who you thought were your friends, got one small-time offer, lost sight of what they had created, and drunk on possibilities, did what the hitler from the label told them too. at the end of the day, it will be their loss. if you guys had continued without a label, it was possible that you would have gotten a good following eventually. anything they get now will be manufactured to fit into the ultra-stylish music scene of today, which means, marketable good looks, and little talent. once they stop making money, the label will throw them out like yesterdays newspaper. i know it is hard, but take this one on the chin, and look onwards. start a band with people who aren't so short sighted, and have as much of a distain for the modern music industry as you now should have. only accept contracts on your terms!!!!