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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. no.... but every jazz player should take every opportunity they get to show off their beast (beast meaning bass, not something else...)
  2. i shall call a spade a spade- that isnt laminate, that is playwood. plywood is made of veneers layered on top of each other at 90 degrees, for strength mostly. that will be a solid body, but is it not a little heavy? I was a joiner for a few years, when i hear things like this, i just feel the need to point out that it could easily be someone making a precision from plywood. mmmmmhhh, cost-effectiveness. although, it is something that has crossed my mind before. also making a bass out of cardboard.
  3. im in the process of creating a nice fender jazz out of bits and bobs. i aqquired a fretless jazz bass through here last week. and it really is a lovely player, but i just dont think fretless is for me (but at least i tried it!). Anyway, the body is supposidly a fender body, although the seller admits not knowing for sure if its a fender body. its lake placid blue with a tort pickguard. a really lovely looking body. i am buying a squier maple neck+ maple fretboard with black block inlays to stick onto it, instead of the the fretless. after that, im thinking high mass bridge (babicz) and a pre-amp? although not set in stone about the preamp. It already has a set of (64?) RI fender jazz pickups installed in it. Just wondering if you guys have any interesting jazz basses about? or any plans for something interesting? i will post a pic of mine when it has the new neck on
  4. bump. get in touch
  5. i found this cider recently called kingstone press. it comes in 660ml bottles, and its 5.3% and you can get 4 bottles for £5.50! and it doesnt taste like crap, its actually nice! anyway, could we organise a meet somewhere, then we could head to the pub afterwards? i dont see many people on here from ireland.
  6. yo lads, we should have a bass meet up. in a pub. a real CHEAP pub. (yeah.... im from ballymena )
  7. heres some photos of the neck in question. give me a shout!
  8. was this ever sold/traded? did your friend get sorted?
  9. actually need rid to fund other things. so it is being sold as is- needs strings and is missing 2 control knobs. i was going to replace before the sale, but i wont be able to at this price. £120. this has cost me quite a bit more than that, so sorry, no offers at all. i can still ship to england, but i need a quick sale. paypal accepted. no trades.
  10. Got a fretless jazz bass very recently, although not so sure that fretless is for me, and it would be a shame to carve the lovely ebony fingerboard up to install frets. its a Hohner neck (more details and pics later when i wont wake anybody up). the neck is in very good condition, and plays like a dream. anybody that knows their way around a fretless would enjoy this. basically, want to trade it for a fretted jazz neck. preferably maple, with black block markers, all-parts or mighty mite or fender. but try me with what you have No longer interested in a trade, for sale at £80. £85 shipped to mainland UK. more info and pics later.
  11. cheers rasta! this already has an upgraded pickup (like your one) and it sounds great, and a decent preamp will make it sound better! (like you have said). great bass, just surplus to requirements, and i need some cash for other things.
  12. been playing about 18 months, and in that time, i have gone through a few ol' things. stagg jazz bass copy (brother still has it, feck knows how i learned how to play on that neck!) OLP stingray HH 3 band eq. (sold this around march) 11 year old epiphone thunderbird, in bad nick! (didnt have this very long) OLP stingray standard passive 4 string, orange (recently traded) OLP stingray standard passive 4 string, tobacco burst (trying to sell) OLP stingray HH 3 band eq (re-aqquired this month, same one i sold in march) Hohner fretless jazz bass (only had it 2 days) so thats averaging about 1 bass every 4 months or something ridiculous! hopefully i can hang on to these couple for a while (apart from the tobacco burst OLP, i need recording equipment)
  13. currently seeking a few things. high ont he list of priorities is a controller keyboard- preferably with a few drum pads, a few knobs and a few sliders. doesnt have to have many keys. a shure sm57 mic. any condition, as long as it works. an external sound card. something along the lines of the M-audio fast track or fast track pro. let me know what you have
  14. also, the spillage on the body appears to be wax or something (feck knows how that happened, previous owner) anyway, it doesnt effect teh body or neck in any way, and isnt vissible from even just a meter or 2 away, and it does come off fairly easy anyway.
  15. bump. i can ship to england. i will organise the courier too. i take alot of care when shipping basses, as im sure Mr.Rasta can vouch for me. it could make a great project, or just a backup bass, or something to practice on, instead of risking damaging your very nicely kept bass!
  16. bump. still up for grabs. open to offers. possibly a trade for a sweet preamp and bridge?
  17. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1345188195' post='1774630'] Curses - beaten to it [url="http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/KeyStudio49i.html"]http://www.m-audio.c...yStudio49i.html[/url] [/quote] unfortunatly, my computer is going so slow today, it may just crash if i open another window (currently running 2 entire programmes ) ray, loving the name. love rage. ill look into that when my computer decides to pick up the pace a little. although my new laptop could be here by that stage :/
  18. ok, yeah i thought i was kinda right in saying i needed both, i just needed it clarified why its right. maybe i can go now and make controller keyboard which has an inbuilt soundcard? make a mint at it too. i have been told i should use an exteranl soundcard for my laptop, which is a macbook pro (so new, it hasnt even arrived yet).
  19. hi. im currently trying to learn the fine craft of recording. i have no equipment as of yet, but what i was thinking was using a shure sm57 and shoving it in front of my speaker cab, then running that to (and bare with me, im not sure i entirely understand this yet) a midi controller keyboard? then through an exteranl soundcard? all onto logic pro 9. ok, entirely unsure of that last line. i basically want to be able to record bass/guitar parts, and create melodies, ad synthy parts, and drums using software, and a keyboard, which i believe requires a midi controller keyboard. can i use the keyboard and plug it directly into the computer? also- could i record my bass/guitar using the controller keyboard? or should i run that through an exteranl soundcard? any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  20. bumpy.
  21. price drop to £150? thats my best price unfortunatly. still a great bass for the price.
  22. to the top, once more.
  23. what? a flinder jizz boss? what a ridiculous thing. i give it a year maximum, and they will have gone under.
  24. bump.
  25. bump.
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