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Posts posted by MiltyG565

  1. A guy I used to work with would tell an apprentice to go for a "long stand". But he obviously didn't understand the joke, because he got his mates to send the apprentice all around the site, and he wasn't standing anywhere for very long!

    The apprentice never twigged on either.

  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1418384326' post='2629737']
    One reason for NOT approaching the manager at the end of the gig is because, putting it bluntly, so many of them are piss-artists.

    At a very rough guess, I'd say that half the pubs we played this year the manager was as drunk as his regulars by the end of the evening.

    The phrase "lunatics running the asylum" comes to mind :rolleyes:

  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1418381113' post='2629670']
    Mostly we have 'fans' tell us a certain venue would be good, and they'll put in a word..

    That's probably one of the best ways to get business, IMO. If the punters are saying "We love this band and we'd come to your pub to see them play", there's no higher endorsement. The punters are where the pub makes their money, and if a band has a good following, all the better.

  4. There's no doubt about it, your follow-up has to be on point.

    Weststarx - When the Landlord says "We'll have you back", and your band mates aren't in like a shot with "We have a free slot on [enter date in near future here]", I suggest that you and any bandmates who share your position annoy the hell out of whoever does the booking to phone the landlord or call in his pub during the week to discuss more dates. Right after a gig might not be the best time for either party to discuss dates.

  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418332393' post='2629343']
    For you guys that gig pubs/bars, fairs and festivals. How and when do you re-book your band? Right after the gig, when the place is packed and the register won't quit, follow up call, or wait for the pub to call you ( good luck with that ).

    When the landlord has to empty the till halfway through your set, that would be a bad time to start a discussion on how many dates he wants you to play in the future. They'll be really happy that they're doing business, and that the entertainment is bringing in the punters in a big way - They won't forget that when you walk out the door. Trust me - You always remember a good day's trade.

    I'd leave it until after the gig is finished and the band's packing up, at the earliest. At the latest, I'd say a week. My own personal follow-up (if I were in the business of playing live gigs) would be to phone the landlord with the band diary open in front of you, or call in to their pub again during the week when it's quiet and you know they'll be there. Never via text or email. Although a landlord with a sense of humour might appreciate a snapchat :D

    Talk it up - Say you really enjoyed playing at their pub, and everything went well, and you noticed the queue at the bar. Then gently steer the conversation towards them booking more dates.

    That's just how I would do it, personally. I'm not a gig player, so others might have their own "tried and tested" methods.

  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1418331606' post='2629335']
    You see. This is why we can't have [i]nice[/i] things.

    And please don't drop jam on the floor. That's how you get ants.

    And put your bike in the garage or it'll get stolen! NOW!

  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418323299' post='2629213']
    That's classic Chuck Berry.


    They said they got stung too many times with Landlords saying they'd pay during next week, or the Best Man drinking himself unconscious.

  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1418307958' post='2629005']
    Pub bands usually get the money at the end of the gig from the landlord/manager. The money is shared out during the pack down.

    We used to do the same at weddings. Band leader received the brown envelope discretely from the best man then counted it all out on the stage into 7 nice piles in front of all the guests... :D

    I know musicians who never play until they're paid. They carry the gear in, find the landlord/best man, and ask for the money, then do the gig.

  9. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1418312691' post='2629074']
    That, has just wasted approximately 2ft of internet!! Don't do it again. You'll be the first to moan if we run out altogether :huh:

    Please say that it wasn't 2ft of the good, expensive internet!

  10. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1418236360' post='2628340']
    I sent my young apprentice out for skirting board ladders once, she came back saying they were on back order....that shut me up!

    Haha! Reminds of the time me and my mate dialled random numbers and did prank calls. I dialled in a number, and gave an order for a Chinese takeaway. The lady at the other end say "Yeah, what's the delivery address?". I promptly hung up.

  11. [quote name='BeardyBob' timestamp='1418209571' post='2627920']

    I'm hardly going to stay up all night without making it scientific, chaps! Same stripped van damnit cable with neutrik connectors, same stands, position & test equip, different sheathing.

    The differences in a darkened room were negligible versus colour. The differences with daylight lamp @ 2m were plotted.

    Thinking about it I need to check the weight of sheathings & guess plot each one versus its darkened state.


    I must admit, I snorted when I first read the thread (not necessarily because of the topic, BeardyBob, but some of the responses were funny), but now this has got my attention.

    What material did you use for the sheath?

  12. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1418210171' post='2627926']
    Ha ha. I did get it straight away, but then doubted that what you wrote was satire when I saw the reply.

    No, EB are not dodgy at all IME, quite the opposite in fact and I would hate to give the impression that I am not in anyway satisfied with the Stingray's I own. I love them all and can't envision parting with any of them (apart from the fretless which was bought for a project and I have no further use for).

    I know it's a slight play on words, but I do take issue with the "they don't make custom instruments, so why be upset when they say they won't make one" argument in this specific case. They do make them, but only when THEY want to make them! The spec I was after is completely stock apart from the gold hardware and matching headstock. No custom wiring, switching, size, weight or colours. I could order a Stingray without those two options tomorrow. I stand to be proved wrong, but I'll wager there is a gold hardware kit or two knocking around at EB somewhere and how much bother would it be to ask the paint team to spray a headstock white in exchange for a £2000 ish price tag. Seemed like a fair exchange to me. Their loss, not mine really.

    I get that it's all standard hardware, but as it's not in production, a request for one would rightly be considered a custom order.

    For example, if a customer asks me for specific set of strings that are in production, it's really easy to provide them with it. If they want to maybe have a set of their own that's got multiple different strings from multiple sets, that can be done as well, but it's a custom order. The components exist, just not in that specific arrangement, so it's a custom set.

    I don't know why they wouldn't open a custom shop, however. It seems to be working for Fender. But the cold hard truth right now is that they don't have a custom shop, so if we want a custom MM, we either need to build one ourselves from salvaged parts, or ask a luthier to build a MM replica, but to your specifications.

  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1418204344' post='2627851']
    easy tiger :lol:

    I'm sure he was kidding. Don't take EBMM stuff so seriously :P

    I thought the "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]AVOID111!!!11!ONE" made it obvious enough :lol: Who'd have thought it? Usually I'm about as subtle as a brick :rolleyes:[/font][/color]

  14. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1418175096' post='2627747']
    I see - so you approach a company which does not sell large parts like bodies and necks (except by exchange) and then wonder why you get no as a answer?

    You obviously don't know much about Musicman as they have recently produced a limited run with roasted maple necks available as 4, 5 or 6 string.

    It sounds like there's a level of delusion in these posts!! Are you sure they werent men in White coats?

    Oh dear... apparently I didn't make it obvious enough that my previous post was satire. EBMM aren't a dodgy company at all. I agree with you - They don't advertise custom instruments, they've never said they'd make custom instruments, so why be upset when they tell you they can't make you a custom instrument?

  15. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1418146091' post='2627363']
    I once emailed EB costserv asking if there was any hope of a fivestring roasted neck. Within 10 minutes there were two serious looking fellows in black suits and sunglasses at my door telling me to back the f**k off.


    This is my experience, too. Dodgy company. AVOID111!!!11!ONE

  16. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1418035198' post='2626082']
    From [url="http://forums.ernieball.com/music-man-guitars/22115-endorsements-2.html#post318556"]here[/url]


    Interesting! Just as well - I was right. He didn't have the authority to command a custom bass :lol:

  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1417990174' post='2625858']
    I think the Modulus neck that he wanted was the problem more than anything, why they never reunited and put graphite necked rays with a choice of nut width options into production I'll never know?

    Well he had already "moved on" from the MM a good while before he started using a Modulus. He played a Spector for a while, BSSM is mostly played on a Wal bass, I think Mother's Milk was played on an Alembic, which had a Modulus neck, I believe. So it seems a little odd that the Modulus neck was the deal-breaker when he didn't play a Modulus bass for a long time after switch from the MM as his main bass.

    But I've never heard any stories about his getting a signature model from MM. What I meant with my earlier comment was that he didn't have the authority when starting with a MM bass to say "make me a signature model!". It seems he didn't really have any authority until the '90s, when he got a signature bass and signature strings.

    [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1417989423' post='2625852']
    How so? Mr Flea is the very embodiment of authority.

    [size=3][b]Flea to World[/b]: Behold my authority! Now someone do me a custom bass, pronto.[/size]


    I do love the irony in the fact that he's giving everyone the finger with "Love" tattooed on his hands :lol:

  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1417981377' post='2625732']
    Even Larry didn't get a custom Ray, nor did Flea, closest I can think of is either the Tony Levin OLP or the Sledge limited editions.

    I don't think Flea really had the authority to command a custom made bass when he was still playing MMs.

    Are you talking about custom production? As in an instrument designed with an artist with the express intention of putting it into production? As I understand it, that's not a requirement for getting a custom instrument. Although it would appear that Fender or Gibson are more obliging when it comes to that.

  19. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1417663887' post='2622853']
    It's interesting that their reply uses the words "custom work orders" when they don't purport to manufacture them.

    Not for us, but I'd think that they use custom work orders for various other purposes, like endorsing artists who want something a bit unique. Or, making a small amount of a certain instrument as prototypes.

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