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Posts posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1392561098' post='2370017']
    I have a few friends that reckon I wrote the book on cheating , however, most think I plagiarised it :rolleyes:

    I think I've heard that one before somewhere... :lol:

    Well done Ironside! :) I found it hard to choose this time. Either they were all roughly of the same quality, or my ears aren't as good as I thought they were. I did think they all sounded pretty good, though, so well done everyone :)

    I look forward to (being thoroughly beaten by you all) next month :P

  2. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1392100923' post='2364580']
    I had tinnitus for years as well as dandruff. I used other brands of cable. As soon as I started using OBBM cables, the tinnitus and dandruff both vanished.
    I'm not saying that there is a link, but there is definitely a link.


    That's one of the more inventive sales pitches :P

  3. [quote name='crashdesk' timestamp='1392039643' post='2363847']
    It's never easy. Went looking for two nuts for these screws only to discover that the thread on them is Imperial, not Metric. I ended up having to buy metric and the just about catch on the thread. Because there isn't much pressure from the springs I think these will do. Just a bit annoying that I couldn't get imperial threaded nuts. Ah well...

    I don't think you should need to buy nuts... I'm at work tomorrow - I work at Ping music shop in Magherafelt. If you want me to take a look at it for you, you could call in. It's a fair journey, mind you.

  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1392028005' post='2363656']

    Three bands is a struggle.

    I only thought about this recently, but at one point, I was doing my A levels, was in 2 bands, and had 2 jobs. I was tired, but only physically - I got in at the end of the day and slept, and got up in the morning and did it all again. The thing is, at the time, it never phased me, but I'm sure I probably thought at some point "I wish I could get a week off from it all", but only now do I see how lucky I was, and how full my life was, and I wish I had that now. Although, without meaning to sound disrespectful, I was 19 at the time.

    But the biggest headache of all was probably the band, and the fact that I had to organise everything, our drummer was being rushed to A&E very regularly with epileptic fits, and our guitarist was largely uncontactable.

  5. Don't take it too hard mate - You've made the right choice for you. I wouldn't expect somebody to continue in a band if they weren't happy. Sometimes you really do need to just be selfish and put yourself first, and I don't at all blame you.

    As for free time - Life seems to have the habit of using up as much free time as possible. You'll find something to keep you occupied, I'm sure :)

  6. I'd tend to go with "Play what comes easiest". I don't think it will be detrimental to your future playing ability, and I don't think anybody is going to scrutinise your technique too hard. Now, if you were in a massive gigging band, there would be a thread here called something like "bass2345 - technique or technot?" where people discuss in great detail the great and bad things about your technique. Since you've only been playing since March (You've nearly passed your first year - congrats! :) ) I'd not worry too much. I think at this point, it's more important that you hone the fundamental technique you have learned so far, then start working on smaller aspects of your technique, like whether to play an open A or the 5th on the E string.

  7. [quote name='crashdesk' timestamp='1391980643' post='2363306']
    Sort of getting it now. Yeah, my springs were actually just sitting under the pick up, attached by the magnetic poles on each end. Is there a diagram online just to get it clear in my head how it meant to work. I feel like a dunce :-)

    Do the spring is to go between the pickup and the scratch plate with the screw going through it?

    EDIT: think I found what you mean?..http://m.ebay.com/itm?itemId=380713415556

    LIGHTBULB MOMENT!!! Got it. Thanks. lol

    Oh, alright then! I didn't even have a chance to reply :D See, you don't need our help! :P

  8. [quote name='crashdesk' timestamp='1391979075' post='2363272']
    Hi Milty. Sort of.

    The thing is the pressure of the springs pushes the pickup/cover out towards the strings. This means that the plastic 'wings' which the screws go through are the only thing keeping the pickup from coming out. Because there is no thread in the plastic wings and there is no way to screw it into the bass, it just wobbles about. Probably not explaining it too well. It's one of those things that you need to see .

    The way it is at the moment, I would have to put something between the underside if the scratch plate and topside of the pickup wings to make the pickup/cover sit less proud of the scratch plate.

    If we look at the photo you posted, we see there are 2 little brass-coloured washers, which I assume will be there to provide a decent thread for the screw to screw in to.

    Where are the springs? From what you've said, it sounds like they are underneath the pickup, when they should really be around the screw - i.e. when you put the screw in, put it in through the scratchplate and the spring, then screw on the pickup. That's how it's usually done with Strats and Les Pauls and the like. So when you screw your pickup upwards, it actually tightens the spring, and makes it move about less, rather than loosening it and allowing it to move about more.

  9. [quote name='crashdesk' timestamp='1391971792' post='2363160']
    Cheers! DIY bolt hunt is on tomorrow :-)

    I have seen old Precision screws that are the exact same but they are expensive.

    One thing I don't understand is how on this bass, [url="http://www.eddievegas.com/store/photopop3.php?image_filename=a5e82988728acdd3246096c99ddbe883_huge.jpg"]http://www.eddievega...dbe883_huge.jpg[/url] the pickup sits less prouder than mine. There is nothing within the body for the screws to screw in to. The only thing stopping the pickup from the scratch plate is the bits if plastic with screw holes either side of the pick cover.

    The screws don't screw into the body, just the pickup. They usually have a little spring between the pickup and the scratchplate to provide the pressure to stop it from wobbling about. Anyway - it's not like a jazz bass or p bass pickup, where it screws down into the wood, but more like a Stratocaster pickup, where it just screws into the pickup. Does that help?

  10. [quote name='Ticktock' timestamp='1391965320' post='2363066']
    Plater in Newtownabbey just off Ballyhenry road, or there used to be. One or two larger operations were in Mallusk Industrial Estate.
    Milty restrain your inner culchie! ;-)

    I'm not quite sure what you mean, sur. Now I'm away on - da has his tractor stuck again, the buck eejit. :mellow:

  11. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1391727785' post='2360794']
    That's the thing - I'd be surprised if anyone cared that they mimed that slot or not, the fuss has been all about them doing it after being so critical about others miming in the past.

    People don't like hypocrisy.

    It's a good lesson in not mouthing off about something unless you're serious about sticking to your principles - especially when it's all so trivial.

    Besides, has there ever been a 'live' music video in the history of the genre? This show was just a glorified music video really.

    There are music videos made up of clips of live performances, but it's always well edited to make it fit with the recorded track. Yes, it was a glorified music video, that's all the NFL wanted, I suppose. A bit of a spectacle. Something to keep you entertained while you drink your beer and eat your nachos.

    Have they really been critical of others in the past, though? It was my understanding (I could be entirely wrong, of course) that they were vocal about why they didn't like to mime, but that they had never said anywhere publicly that certain artists mime, and that this is a bad thing.

  12. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1391707078' post='2360472']

    'No trickery. No choice, but no trickery'... 'No choice' implies they didn't want to but had 'no choice'.

    Only if that's how you want to read it. Admittedly, it's a fairly vague statement. But he meant that they didn't have a choice when it came down to miming or playing live. It was either mime, or do without.

  13. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1391706372' post='2360465']
    I would have done it, without a doubt. I just wouldn't have taken to twitter afterwards to cry about how I really didn't want to...

    I never saw that happen. Maybe you follow a different Flea to me.

  14. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1391704018' post='2360431']
    It would have been worse from my point of view if they had plugged in and mimed. At least they weren`t hiding the fact.

    Exactly. That's Flea's point. Frankly, if they had plugged in, it would have saved a world of hassle.

  15. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1391703606' post='2360428']
    True. I don't understand hypocrites but it must make sense because there are plenty of them floating about!

    Plus, playing (sorry, miming!) for free so you can line your pockets later thanks to the exposure is still money grabbing. Premeditated money grabbing.

    So the only thing that was alright for them to do was say "No thanks buddy"? Is that why you weren't playing the Superbowl half time show then? :lol:

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