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Posts posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1391557142' post='2358675']
    Poor guys. All that agonising over whether to allow themselves to be forced to mime. :rolleyes:

    I don't think they were looking for sympathy. A lot of people have been giving it the whole "What the f***?", so he explained. They don't mime, but this was something they'd really love to do, and they couldn't do it without miming, so they made an exception (and every rule has an exception).

  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1391545621' post='2358485']
    Edit: Cristine Agrilera


    I didn't watch the Superbowl, but I did watch the half time show on Youtube on Monday. I also follow Flea on Instagram, so saw a couple of clips of people cheering and whatever.

  3. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1391539859' post='2358382']
    Me too, I'd happily do it. I just wouldn't release cryptic comments afterwards to pretend I'd been forced into it ;-)

    In what way was it cryptic?

  4. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1391533379' post='2358264']
    Sweet Jaysus! Did he tell you that over tea and crumpets? If that's the case he must really hate the guys in Bruno Mars band who had the audacity to plug in while miming. God only knows how he feels about his bandmate, who clearly has issues. Honestly, a pink strat is the worst choice for the non performing performer. Tonight I shall pray for Flea. May his weary soul be at one with his millions.

    Hmm, maybe I worded it wrong. He doesn't hate people for miming, he just doesn't like when people charge their fans a lot of money for them to pay lip service, and he's also a big advocate of supporting live music.

    Also - I didn't see a single mic anywhere near Bruno Mars's brass section.

  5. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1391532059' post='2358243']
    In response to the first few posts about money being a factor I was surprised to find out today that according to Time magazine the NFL has never paid any acts who perform during the halftime show- they've all performed purely for 'exposure' alone... presumably RHCP's management wanted them to do it to boost sales of the last album..?

    I'd say this is probably true. They don't have many gigs in 2014, which leads me to think they are writing another album, so it will help when that's released too.

    [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1391531364' post='2358225']
    "no choice" says Flea. He had every choice, he could have said no. Coming out with that obvious tripe is the insulting part.

    How do you know he had no choice? Do we know what's in his contract? Do we know what his management say? Do we even know what the rest of the band say? No. He may well have had no choice.

  6. [quote name='sam-davies' timestamp='1391507838' post='2357811']
    I was too tired to notice when I was watching it. Haha.

    I agree with MiltyG565, it would be awful if you'd paid to see them specifically live, saying that people were spending $2000 to be there (to see football). Bruno Mars did a good job as a performer, still don't think I'll start listening to his music.

    Has anyone seen RHCP live? I haven't and am wondering whether it's worth it if the opportunity comes around.

    I've seen them live a couple of times. If it's an indoor venue, and you can get a standing ticket - definitely go! It's insanely enjoyable. If it's an outdoor gig and you can only get a seated ticket - give it a miss - it won't be anywhere near as good from the stands.

  7. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1391513616' post='2357886']
    Nonsense, in every sense. They were all pretending to play their instruments. Thats "trickery" however you want to frame it. As for "no choice", I'm pretty sure the multi-million selling multi-millionaire RHCP weren't being held at gunpoint to go along with proceedings. If they weren't happy to fake it they could have said no. They said yes knowing full well that they would be miming. Pretending that they had no choice in the matter is just insulting.

    So much for rock n roll.

    PS I actually don't have a problem with the miming part. That was inevitable. Its the sad pretence that they were in someway coerced and not fully willing participants in the charade that I find insulting to their fans.

    If you knew about Flea at all, you'd know that he absolutely abhorrs those who go on stage and mime and do their best to trick their fans into believing that what their hearing is the same as what they are seeing. Flea obviously didn't want anybody to think that he was genuinely playing right then and there, so he removed his wireless transmitter, and thus removed any doubt that what people were hearing was not actually what they were seeing.

    Your final statement is that if they had mimed convincingly, it would have been less insulting to the viewers? Please.

  8. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1391470567' post='2357640']
    however he was still miming, to make a point that hes angry surely doing that just made him look stupid

    Not really. For anybody that hadn't caught on that it was all one big mime, they certainly know now.

  9. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1391468644' post='2357616']
    I would imagine it is more than likely that [i]all[/i] instruments involved in that show were pre-recorded and Flea was poking fun at this by unplugging his transmitter alltogether. The bassist with Bruno Mars had a wireless transmitted plugged in and he clearly wasn't creating the bass heard. Same with Josh. Flea on more than one occasion has preached about bands playing live before and I imagine he was pissed at having to fake it, as it were.


    If we look here, it seems that his wireless transmitters are on the bass straps constantly, and are simply unplugged from the bass between shows. I do very much doubt that they forgot to include his wireless transmitter before going on stage. And I also think that he could have asked for it to be taken off simply to make a point. Very well said on the Bruno Mars bassist - no bassist ever danced that well and played that well at the same time :D

    I know this isn't TrumpetChat, but nobody has mentioned that the trumpets and brass were nowhere near a microphone. Maybe they had those little clip on microphones, but I never spotted them.

    Josh also didn't have any of his massive pedalboards, despite us clearly being able to hear effects during his solo.

    The whole thing reeks of a pre-recorded performance, and like you said - Flea more than likely took the wireless transmitter off as a bit of a "screw you!".

  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1391455659' post='2357392']
    The Basschat 'definitive' gen on this is in a blog by 5imon, but I can't find it right now. I'll be back if I come across it...

    It's [url="http://web.archive.org/web/20130215154741/http://blog.basschat.co.uk/setting-up-a-compressor/"]here[/url], and very informative. It helped me when I started using compressors in Logic.

  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1391462001' post='2357512']
    Really good points too!

    I'd have been shocked if I was watching it live, but looking at it that way it makes perfect sense.

    I'm glad you think so :)

    I think one of the great things about RHCP is - even if you were deaf or hearing impaired, you could still enjoy one of their shows, because it is a visual spectacle as much as an auditory one.

  12. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1391454374' post='2357366']
    I stand corrected :(
    Probably just as well I never took up law :unsure:

    *On the phone to his boss*

    "I've made some great headway on the Prince lawsuit... what do you mean? When? That long ago!? Why wasn't I told? What newspaper? And Basschat!? I guess I really don't have any excuse now for not knowing..."

    [size=3]*Steve takes a break from trimming his designer stubble to take a phone call from his boss*[/size]

  13. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1391439037' post='2357139']
    I think in this case it's more of an 'exposure' thing. One way or another Beyonce got a whole new audience after performing last year...

    Indeed! It's massive exposure. I don't the figures, but there was probably hundreds of millions of people watching the Superbowl all over the world. I doubt that Red Hot Chili Peppers really need that exposure, but it couldn't hurt either.

  14. I heard about this this evening, and I'd just like to raise a couple of points, which I'm sure most of you have thought about already, being haven't been mentioned on the thread yet.

    The half time show was 15 minutes long, and it's there to entertain people between the 2 halves of the match - there's literally no time there to set up gear. The transition between Bruno and RHCP was seriously slick - I just can't imagine the transition going that well if it was actually live.

    Secondly - this was a seriously massive gig. Not only did millions of USA citizens watch it, but it went out live to millions of people all over the world. When you have that many eyes on you, you want to make sure that your entertainment doesn't say anything inappropriate while they have the opportunity. These big gigs are all run like that. People were shocked when Beyonce mimed at Obama's inauguration, frankly, I'd be more shocked if she hadn't mimed. That would leave her completely open to yell something like "death to America", which would be completely inappropriate (and probably very unlikely), so it's all managed to make sure that doesn't happen.

    Lastly, Flea and RHCP have never really tried to hide the fact that they are miming when they do mime. There are old TV interviews and things where they basically just run and jump about without even touching their instruments, and their track is playing, which they are supposedly playing live. It's possible that Flea was trying to make it obvious that they were miming. It was unlikely that they genuinely forgot to plug in his wireless transmitter.

    I'm not bothered by it, really. I'd be very bothered, though, if I had paid £60-something to see them live, and they had mimed the entire set.

    What I suppose that amounts to is this - I'd be more shocked if they hadn't mimed than if they had.

  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1391343138' post='2355927']
    No controversy intended! I just can't play faster with a thicker pick, is all. :)

    I play faster with a thinner pic, because I just saw right through the string. Probably not the correct technique at all, but then El Borracho is using the wrong point of plectrums... what a weirdo :P :lol:

  16. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1391116767' post='2353567']
    In the past he has employed a company called 'Web Sherrif'

    Can we rename the mods to this?

    Oh, and the admins can be... what's higher than sheriff? Commissioner?

  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1391107798' post='2353409']
    'One' is splendidly multi-purpose and has spared me all sorts of trouble in the past. But one wonders whether others consider one a perfumed ponce for using it.

    Anyhow, back to the artist formerly known as 'the artist formerly known as Prince' (or Mr Squiggle as he was dubbed at the time).

    It's been a long journey from the flasher mac (with leggings) to the stately Halls of Justice. That the shimmying sexual acrobat of yore now spends his days trawling the internet for copyright infractions is rather depressing.

    Time the conqueror. :(

    From what I've heard of him, he sounds like a bit of an arse, and I really don't understand why some people look up to people like that. I give a certain dispensation to fans of certain celebrities (such as Mr. Bieber) because they are usually very young, and easily lead (and often putting looks ahead of genuine humanity).

    Although I do doubt that he does all the internet scrolling himself. I'm sure some intern at the label or a legal department does that.

  18. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1391106754' post='2353386']
    Fair enough. But apart from Dad's point, as you specifically quoted me, I assumed (quite reasonably I think) that you were addressing the question to me.

    Tricky things forums. ;)

    Still, no harm done.

    I actually forgot I quoted you, but it was mostly for context rather than a direct response.

    So does it make more sense now? :)

  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1391106080' post='2353380']
    Yes, indeed, wrong end of the stick, old son. Faulty grammar, really. Might have been better without the vernacular 'you', ie: [color=#800080]Fans of his are well aware of that. I'm not sure why [s]you[/s] [b]they [/b]would post things like that when [s]you[/s] [b]they [/b]know his position on these things.[/color]
    The impersonal 'one' would have done the trick, too...
    Bloody Irish..! :P

    Yes, bad grammar indeed, although I didn't think anybody would think I was actually referring to them personally. It's just the way I talk. I also don't pronounce Ts unless they are at the start of a word. Oh well - live and learn :)

  20. Language is great, isn't it? :lol:

    For each piece of jargon posted, there are a couple of slightly different responses. This is where things get confusing, because one person's "rig" isn't another person's "rig". Personally, I consider the bass part of the rig.

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