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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1388006264' post='2317862'] +1 for both the Fender steel flats and the Roto nickel rounds [/quote] If you mean rotobass, I would advise against them, unless you want a string that sounds new for a few weeks, then dies. That's my experience of them anyway. They are cheap, so alright if you are in a bind, but not something I would recommend for long term usage. [quote name='AutomaticWriting' timestamp='1387915054' post='2317241'] Which set would you guys recommend as my bass is 3/4 size ? I did see some D'addario's and I use them on my guitars but I have no clue if their bass strings are any good. [/quote] I love D'Addario strings. They are a high quality string, IMO. My old bass teacher turned me on to them at first - last I saw him, he had a set of Prosteels on his bass for a year, with loads of tone left in them. Flatwounds have less brightness than roundwound strings, but they tend to last longer and the degradation in their tone isn't as pronounced. Some would argue that with time, flatwounds sound better. However - dark is not a term that springs to mind when talking about any set of D'Addario strings that I have ever used. I've never used their flat wounds, though. Very good strings, but maybe not what you're after if you want "dark" sounding strings.
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387842873' post='2316477'] Think about when you spend say £300 on a designer coat on ASOS. They let you do what you want, so if it's not right for you or not as expected, you can send it back for free and get a refund. No attitude from a mardy musician. [/quote] I thought that was just a legal requirement as part of the distance selling regulations?
  3. When I was doing my performing arts A level, my school had a Rumble 100 Fender amp, which I used all the time. It had a single 15" driver, and I believe a tweeter too. It was fine, for what we needed it for, but in my opinion, it didn't have a sound that would stand out in your head when you think about amps and stuff. I suppose if you like the amp, then you should go for it! Never worry about whether it's better or worse, get the one that you like the most. I've never used a Yamaha amp, so couldn't comment.
  4. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1387804489' post='2315856'] Sure but you can't expect it to be faultless for six years - there's a sliding scale of reasonableness If it electrocutes you then that's different [/quote] If it had been a inherent fault in the item, then it's covered, if it's just broken through use, that's different. So long as it hasn't broken within an unreasonable time scale (6 months I think is a pretty quick time for an amp to fail). Squid - I hope you get it all sorted. It's a total bummer that your son can't use his lovely new amp to record with his band.
  5. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1387751141' post='2315321'] Agreed - some shops are getting better now, although when I was younger this was what I would consider the normal behaviour for most music shops [/quote] I have no knowledge of how music shops used to be. Old habit die hard, I suppose? Anyway - All I know is that in the shop I work in, we are there to serve the customer. The customer is number one. They aren't always right, but we are still nice to them and help them. Without our customers, we are nothing. It really pays any business to look after their customers. I find it a very easy concept to understand.
  6. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1387490684' post='2312723'] I still prefer to support local business , but the availability of reasonable bass gear is limited to say the least . I have expressed interest in a few items in our local music shop , for example , a nice little 40 watt all valve bass amp with no price on it . I was told that they would phone me with the price , but of course there was no phone call . A second visit to the shop for a price on the amp was met with same shop assistant still none the wiser on the price .( not a difficult thing to ask for , the price of an item in a shop ) [/quote] I find it very embarrassing when I don't know the price of an item. The first thing I do is try and find it in a catalogue, which gives the RRP, which might not be our exact price, but it gives you an idea. If it's not in the catalogue, I phone the shop owner. If both fail, I take the customer's number, and call them when I get a price, which probably involves getting in touch with the supplier. If the same customer was the come back, and ask again what the price was, I would be very ashamed not to have followed it up. But maybe that's just me
  7. [quote name='SlipperySquid' timestamp='1387559035' post='2313401'] Hi again all! Thought I'd hit you with an update! So managed to go to the shop on my dinner break (really hate missing my lunch....so was not in the best of moods on arrival!). Managed to take said poorly re-fret dressed guitar with me. Now the shop assistant that I saw that day was more than apologetic about what had gone on, looked over the guitar and said he would like to send it back to the luthier to get a better job done. I (as most of your good selves would) refused as I didn't want the said luthier anywhere near it. This went on for about ten minutes with me pointing out what was wrong and him trying to explain what happened. (the luthier would sooner leave a divet in the fret then have to file it down as he'd have to file all the others to compensate which could take a few years out of the life of the frets, to which I said, why not replace the fret?) As to the poor setup of the guitar etc he said that he probably hadn't done it as he was not told to. I showed him the receipt which showed all the work I wanted carrying out, poor chap didn't have an answer. Anyway then I went on to say how I didn't expect to be lied to by the other assistant and that when a shop says it will call you back it should. He agreed. Then the fun started when the owner of the shop appeared! Of course he was sticking up for his assistant as any good boss should, but unfortunately didn't have a clue what the problems where and just jumped in. He said that they had offered to send the guitar back what more did I want? I said that I didn't want the want the guitar to have to go away again nor did I want the luthier to work on it again. He then turned and walked off muttering a comment, then I lost my sh*t. Told him what I thought of his customer service,his attitude and what a great show for his employees and customers (there where a couple of people in the shop obviously embarrassed). Anyway he stormed back ask me what I wanted, I said refund so I could take it to a competent luthier that would get the job done first time. He said give him it....and stormed off, not before I got his name and confirmed he was the owner. He didn't seem to understand that I was pissed off and it was more my fault then there own? as they had offered a resolution.....but not my I say an apology. At the end of it all, I have the amp back that works and the guitar will be going to another luthier in the new year to get a full refret and setup (no point messing about) The assistant giving the refund said he totally understood where I was coming from and I apologised for having him in the middle of something that was not personally his fault. Anyway, about 20 mins later I had the owner phoning me and apologising saying what he did was inexcusable. To little to late for me I'm afraid. So anyone that visits the good old city of Hull, please remember to not visit Antone Guitars on Beverley Road. Nor should they talk to the owner "Tony" or believe anything the assistant "Phil" has to tell you as he's more interested in surfing the net. The other lad (can't remember his name) that tried to help me on the other hand is a good lad! I really will be buying online from now on. Sorry for the long post, Merry Christmas to all! [/quote] That sounds really unfortunate, for you and the shop. You feel badly treated, and the shop has lost at least one (possibly more after this thread) customer. Firstly - The luthier should have carried out the work to a decent standard. I think since you didn't get what you paid for, it was only fair that you got a refund for it. Well done for standing your ground On the amp - What I would have done (i work in a music shop) is phone the supplier and let them know that the amp they supplied to us, which we sold on to the customer, had developed a fault within the first 6 months of use. It's not good for the customer, and a quick resolution is all that's need. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, that didn't seem to happen for you. We could speculate all day on why it didn't happen, but the only thing that matters is that your son's amp wasn't fixed by the guys who built it, like you had hoped. What can you do? Well, if I was put in that position, I'd be asking them to send it back to the supplier, and either have a full service and repair done on it, or have a replacement sent out. You have a contract with the shop, which more or less means that it's their legal duty to stand over any product they sell you. Just a little suggestion - maybe instead of avoiding the local high-street music shop scene altogether, maybe you could take your future business to another local music shop? The next one you go into might be the polar opposite of the last one your dealt with. Of course, it's entirely your choice I think it's important for any local business to look after their customers. Unfortunately, some don't realise that until they've already dug their own grave.
  8. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1387126448' post='2308436'] Interparcel - their standard services use UPS, and every experience I've had with them has been brilliant. You can insure as well, which I never fail to do if selling. [/quote] Don't know about sending to NI, but I've never been able to get one sent from NI using inter-parcel. I use Parcel Force. Never had any bother. So long as you package these things well enough for it to be thrown off the back of a van and be perfectly safe, it's grand. I always go overboard with the packaging.
  9. I have a Planet Wave cable with a big hefty plug. Very good quality. Had it for ages, and it always works. Dropped it a million times, and it hardly even makes a scratch in the paint. If you're looking heavy duty, check out some Planet waves cables. I can PM you a link to my specific model if you like, but I'm sure you are capable of finding the one you want (if you want one).
  10. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1386785094' post='2304539'] ...with an aggressive bass player. lol Here's one take by one person. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1PZilMzaFo [/quote] If this had the level of production that One Direction has, it would sound infinitely better. Sounds better already. Does make you wonder - why does it sound better?
  11. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1386235802' post='2297443'] Here is a rather fetching [s]selfie[/s] shelfie Taxi!!! [/quote] Aha!
  12. Crap! I forgot about this! So sorry! I'll sort them out soon. I have a good little bundle to send!
  13. wooo!
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385496828' post='2289034'] I think that's probably it. The record needs to be validated by an official GWR Adjudicator. Which for obvious reasons would be a logistical nightmare. [/quote] Well that makes sense. I wish they had put that into their reply. I know when they do world record attempts on TV, they always have adjudicators to verify and make sure everything is above board.
  15. What does that mean, though? Does that mean that they just don't think it's the kind of thing that people would like/care about in their book, or does it mean that there's something about the whole process that needs to be adjudicated by them to check the record's validity? I just don't understand what it means.
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1385423959' post='2288244'] Ok... I've made a special request to someone to donate some stems for the next competition. I don't want to say too much in case they're unable to for whatever reason, but it should be a new challenge for everyone if it goes ahead If not, I have Plan B that I'll put into action. Won't be long. Thanks for your patience! [/quote] Thanks for putting the effort in to organise it, Paul I'm looking forward to it!
  17. Got a good few sets of strings here that friends have given me. I'll try and sort them and send them soon, probably before Monday.
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384631332' post='2279006'] One does wonder, doesn't one. Perhaps there are too many videos of chicks with low tops playing funk bass on YT so people think that's all women can do with music. I mean, god help us, an ANGRY feminist woman? In this day and age? [/quote] One of my throughts when listening/watching was that it seemed a bit like a female group who thought they had something to prove. I just wonder what? Put any member into another band with mixed gender members, and they would probably do just as well. I don't have anything against female musicians, I would actually like to see more in these kind of bands. If it is a feminism issue, I can kind of get on board with that, especially since it's pretty obvious that most women don't get very far in the music industry unless they are using their beauty to sell songs, but if it's about something like female genital mutilation, I can't give them much more attention than I would give any other feminist on those matters.
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384620099' post='2278842'] I don't understand why skill is important anyway. [/quote] I didn't enjoy the song, but I have to say, the speed and ferocity with which the guitarist played, didn't miss a note or add any unwanted notes - If that's not skill, you show me what is. I recognised it as a John Frusciante kind of playing style - great muting control.
  20. I've been looking on Mike Senior's site, and I've downloaded a track by James May (not the one of the telly) to work on by myself. Sounds like a nice little tune. You could consider it for the mix comp? I'll not enter - It wouldn't be fair that I had more time than everyone else (not that I would get far off bottom place anyway ) But yeah, just a suggestion
  21. Cool! Thanks Paul
  22. What's happening with the mix comp? I've been keeping an eye out for it recently, but not seen a new one. I miss it
  23. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1384175502' post='2273512'] All the working and retired folk in the room are all taxpayers, so we're really only talking about contributions from children and the unemployed. (Prisoners being the other category, but I doubt many were there.) So my guess is the funds do all come from taxpayers. But I doubt HMRC would like to see it that way. So, ahem, it's really generous of you Johnnyboy. [/quote] But when you apply gift aid, it's to do with the tax that you specifically have paid. So if I, hypothetically, got £100 in donations from various members f the public, and I donated it into the pot on, let's say, Just Giving, and I tick "Add Gift Aid", that's the same as saying "I want to make a £100 donation from my own pocket, please add gift aid, as I do pay taxes". If it's a mass collection, I don't think you're allowed to add gift aid, it's only for the individual. Still, that's just one, entirely hypothetical situation
  24. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1384170687' post='2273419'] A quick protocol question.... When sending the £100 via the justgiving website it asked me if I pay tax and can claim gift aid. I put that I do and I can which makes the total £125! Whoohoo! However, after hitting the send button it occured to me that it is possible (even likely?) that not everyone who donated the money on the day actually pays tax. So there may be a few quid of gift aid 'over paid'. Does this matter? It is ok/ethical etc to have everyone give the money to someone who pays tax to get the government in order to bump up the total? [/quote] Don't think it's really allowed. If it was just a donation out of your pocket, then yes, that would be fine, but if it's been collected at a gig, I don't think you're allowed to claim gift aid, because, as you said, maybe some people who donated don't pay tax. So, I don't think the government would see it as ok, but it doesn't matter this time, does it, because the £100 was yours, wasn't it
  25. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1384097134' post='2272677'] Well I played it at our church this morning and we raised a respectable £100! It would have been more but I hadn't realised that there would be another collection for some missionaries from our church too. [/quote] Well done
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