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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1383622362' post='2266712'] That's what I was thinking, unfortunately there's still people out there who'd let that be a problem. Play first and ask questions later I say, hopefully they're not a bunch of shallow bastards! [/quote] They don't appear to be, although they are from Armagh, so God knows what they are like
  2. [quote name='Ticktock' timestamp='1383605597' post='2266622'] Be upfront. [/quote] Eugh! I know it's the right thing, but people won't even give you a chance if you reel off a load of issues before you've even met them.
  3. I DID IT! Got a reply from a couple of guys who are looking a bassists (and a drummer). They are in Armagh, though, which isn't ideal. Anyway, they want me to meet them and have a jam! Here's the tricky part - When do I tell them about my mobility issues? Now? Later? Never?
  4. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1383505001' post='2265217'] I have watched a few of his vids and they are pretty good. I wonder if his glove has an effect on his tone? I bet a lot of kids where gloves as a result of watching his videos not realising why he wears it.. [/quote] I wouldn't imagine it had a massive impact, certainly not on a fretted bass anyway. Maybe it has a small impact on a fretless? Maybe he'll pop up and tell you
  5. Well done guys!
  6. [quote name='Ticktock' timestamp='1383298192' post='2262662'] Bad show on the band, man. I have lived in a rural town now for 12 years. Deadsville, plenty of rednecks listenin' to cheesy dance on commercial radio though. The old postcard up in the music shop/ record shop used to work in the 80s in Belfast. God, I feel old. Any similar scenarios you could use? There's a jam session on a Thursday night in Antrim at Clotworthy House at Antrim Castle Gardens. £2 per night and keeps yer chops up for playing with other people. They are on Facebook as MADD Enterprises Ltd. [/quote] I've heard of MADD before. My mate was running an improv night (in Magherafelt), which was pretty cool, but it stopped (around about the time I stopped going, oddly enough), and I don't know if he's going to start it again or not. It was good. He's a really good musician, and I learned a fair bit from him about improv, which was cool.
  7. Slightly odd, but a musician I follow on Twitter just asked what he could do to help (to the general public, not me specifically) and I said I wanted to get more into recording/mixing, and he said if he likes a mix of mine, he will help me. Isn't that cool!?
  8. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1383255226' post='2262341'] Milty,you are not mad.You just wish to live your life by your own rules. Why should'nt cats have underpants?Yes,you can wear a bison mask when you buy a newspaper. It's your nose,and you can fill it with ricotta if you wish. If polite society can overlook these little foibles,then there IS a band a for you! Seriously,all the best for your quest. [/quote] Who told you about the ricotta? Thanks
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383254515' post='2262328'] My sister lives just outside of Antrim in the middle of nowhere . Beautiful countryside and superb farmland , but quiet . Apparently , even at the height of the troubles nothing happened there . [/quote] Sounds like where I live I heard a firework a while ago and thought the car that had driven past had broken down. Who buys one firework for halloween?
  10. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1383251817' post='2262280'] My opinion is that, in spite of them being excellent players, and tight as a unit, it's boring. Like I say, that is my view. I see it as an academic musical exercise. A very good one, but it won't sell, as there is no discernible hook to attract the masses. [/quote] I agree. Obviously incredibly skilled musicians, and really well produced, but I don't find it interesting.
  11. [quote name='Geddys nose' timestamp='1383150694' post='2260844'] [media]http://youtu.be/wu_0urzCaao[/media] The Gray plastic bag at the beginning is packed like my last bass I got! I use Shipleys for most stuff now and have never had any trouble. [/quote] There was a video doing the rounds a while ago of an American Fed-Ex worker throwing boxes into the back of the van without much care. The boxes appeared to be very light (possibly even empty), but the lady got fired. People were bitching about how bad it was, but do they honestly think this was the worst these parcels had been treated? Do they honestly think that this lady was the only one behaving like this? Then the Fine Brothers made a "Youtubers react to" video, and the posh twats who have never had to do a minimum wage job before were all saying how it was a management issue and how this was just the lady showing a disregard for peoples stuff. BOLLOCKS! Mistreatment of packages is totally institutionalised.
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1383041420' post='2259321'] I would suggest, sir, that you give Sun Ra or Global Unity Orchestra a miss! Or possibly check them out to experience just how free-form and avant-garde music can get ;-) [/quote] Oh, I know, I'm just not a fan of it. I'll probably get loads of hate for this - but I like my music to conform to modern standards of arrangement and melody.
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1383245467' post='2262133'] Precision = Sterility in a lot of people's worlds. It's a shame. [/quote] Oddly, I like really clean recordings. Don't know if that's the same as what is being referred to as sterile. To me, sterile means bland and unfeeling.
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383243782' post='2262106'] I am surprised by that, Milty. Are you in a very rural area? My sister lives in a little village in Northern Ireland and says it is [u][i]very [/i][/u]quiet there . She says all the young people move to Belfast or the mainland as soon as they can . I can imagine it would be hard to get anything going somewhere like that. [/quote] Where does your sister live? Yup, I'm in a very rural area. Remarkably, nearly exactly 8 miles from all of the nearest towns. I wouldn't mind travelling to any of those towns for band practice (I did that before in my old band anyway), but there just doesn't seem to be the people for it. In fact, what might be the problem is that a lot of local musicians just don't post ads or anything like that, so unless you know them personally (or through a friend) it's difficult. I know of local musicians but besides Facebook, have never seen them post an ad on Gumtree or the local music forum. Edit - If you put my location into Google Maps, you'll see the area I live in.
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383241306' post='2262066'] You should start your own band , Milty. You're young enough , you've got plenty of energy and lots of ideas . And being from Northern Ireland will help get you on Radio 1 . They love to go out of their way to be "minority regional" at every oppotunity , so take advantage. I fully expect next years Radio 1 Big Weekend to be held in cow shed on the Outer Hebrides while Radio 1 DJs wax lyricalk about how vital and vibrant the local music scene is and thousands of teenage music fans try and stave off hypothermia whilst raving to the latest and hippest bands . You could be playing bass in one of them . [/quote] I have tried to many times. I can never find local people who want to start a band. I even took the stance of "genre preference doesn't matter" for a while, and that still didn't get any results. Oh well
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1383181704' post='2261383'] Milty's Irish..? [/quote] (8) As I was going over, the Cork and Kerry mountains...(8) [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383179507' post='2261368'] Are you sure they didn't discriminate against you because you're Irish, Milton? [/quote] Absolutely. The tribunal is next week
  17. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1383173391' post='2261300'] Never mind, they didn't deserve you anyway. Onwards and upwards! :-) [/quote] You're probably right. I'm sure there were far better people for the job... and they got it! Oh well, as you say - Onwards and upwards
  18. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1383147206' post='2260794'] Well that's s**t. Did they say why? [/quote] They apparently have somebody for the job now.
  19. Didn't get it Bah!
  20. [quote name='Ticktock' timestamp='1382967580' post='2258523'] Go on. Do it. Let us know where you are gigging. I might be able to go. [/quote] If it gets to that stage, I'll definitely let you know
  21. Thanks for all the encouragement But I'm not in the band... yet I hope to hear from the guy soon though. I've been honest with him so he can make an informed decision without any surprises further down the line.
  22. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1382950716' post='2258220'] You seemed a little uncertain on how to handle the situation... [/quote] I'm massively uncertain, (Ian?).
  23. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1382643190' post='2255014'] I must be in the minority of those who these guys do absolutely nothing for. Polished technique and slick production and arranging, but it's just too much for me to enjoy both as a musician and general listener. [/quote] Nope. As a unit, I don't much like it. It's too free-form and avant-garde for me.
  24. Thanks guys! So I'm either not mad, or only as mad as everyone else? Fine by me!
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1382912057' post='2258034'] You're a bass player. You wanted to join a band. Someone was looking for a bass player. You got in touch. What could possibly go wrong?? [/quote] I suppose you are right... What could possible go wrong?
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