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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. I still think this is a great idea, and I think the celebrity involvement and any media coverage it gets is fantastic, as it hopefully all helps towards the end cause, assuming that it adds value and hype, and I absolutely understand where you are coming from Sylvia, as we did chat about this via PM not too long ago, but I just can't help but think that it should be out there, doing gigs. When I say that, I don't mean that celebrity meetings are altogether ignored, but maybe that it seems very high up on the priorities list at the moment, when maybe that could take a back seat for a few months until it's closer to the final auction? That way, it raises money in the meantime, then later, it gets the celebrity hype. Just a suggestion. Anyway, I don't want to try and undermine any of the work that has been done, because I know there has been a lot of time and effort put into it, and I really admire it If you guys need anything, you know where to find me
  2. "You know all that money that we didn't have? Well good news! I found a use for it!".
  3. "Good news! I've managed to remortgage the house and get myself a new bass rig! Great, eh?"
  4. "Guess who swapped the car for a bass?" That's bound to be the best way... no?
  5. Ah that must be a pain Pete! Did they at least let you have some morphine home with you? To eh... "kill the pain"?
  6. I lost interest I could just enter whatever I have done so far, but it won't include the extra backing vocals. Also - My loosing interest was absolutely nothing to do with the competition or the song, it was just a battle with my demons
  7. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1378881781' post='2205824'] Er ... hate to break the news to you, Milty, but: "THE FLOWERS ARRIVED!" She'd been humming for quite a while already: "Lalalalala ... Ma'tin bin baaad. Momma's gettin' flowahz..." [/quote] Lol
  8. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1378864201' post='2205796'] My OH suffers badly from PMS. I have to time buying milk at the right time of the month, never mind basses. Love her to bits though. [/quote] When my mum gets a bit fed up with me, she gets some flowers from M&S. Not sure I can afford to keep her happy much longer It does work though. She got a bouquet this morning and shouted all excited up the stairs at me "THE FLOWERS ARRIVED!". She had no idea they were coming
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1378828602' post='2205229'] I did, it's an important characteristic that my laundry basket is suitable for metal... occasionally the codpiece needs a wash. Rob [/quote] Oh jeez! Too much information!
  10. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1378828059' post='2205209'] Oh no apparently there are many different facets to consider when buying a laundry basket; size, durability, appearance, weight, is it good for metal etc.... Rob [/quote] Did you get one that's good for metal then?
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1378825992' post='2205172'] That's a familiar sounding scene... To be honest I do the same when faced with a conversation about which coloured laundry basket we should buy... Rob [/quote] Whichever colour fades into the background best, I would imagine?
  12. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1378814724' post='2204900'] Last bass I bought; Me: "I'm going to start saving my gig money. I've seen a lovely looking bass at a reasonable price. I hope I can find a similar one in a year or so's time when I've saved enough" Mrs: "Another one? You have enough already" Me: "I'll get rid of the Jazz to put towards it. I haven't played it in ages and am unlikely to" ... wait for a day or two... Me: "Here's that bass on basschat. Looks nice doesn't it? Here are some others that are WAY more expensive - it really is a bargain" Mrs: " A Rickenbacker? You've wanted one of those for ages. I don't know why you bought that Thunderbird instead of getting a Ric" Me: "Rickenbackers are a lot more expensive than Thunderbirds" Mrs: "Well, I suppose if you're selling the Jazz to go towards it..." Me: "Trouble is, it's a buyers' market at the moment. Nobody has any money. Prices are way down - which is why the Ric is so cheap" Mrs: "Where is it?" ... etc. By which point it's in the bag [/quote] Hehe! You crafty devil! (I would also do something like this!
  13. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1378738878' post='2203967'] I understand most of this is tongue-in-cheek, I've had a good chuckle reading through these, but seriously, do people actually hide stuff like this from their partners? I just buy whatever I like... There is no logical reason for anyone to get upset about what you spend your money on. We both pay our share of the rent, bills, food etc. I spend my spare cash on basses (amongst other things), she spends hers traveling the world... The story earlier in this thread about the guy having to hand over £1600 as the equivalent of his bass spending is ridiculous. If my missus said that to me I'd be gone by the time she put her hand out... Rob [/quote] Absolutely. It's no way to be in a relationship (I believe, although I could hardly call myself an expert) to have to hide anything from your partner. If the bills are paid, and you have some spare cash that isn't earmarked for something else, what's the issue? Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself, don't you? I'm the kind of person that would run something by somebody, but unless they had a good serious reason for me not to spend my money on something, I'd likely ignore their "Don't buy it" pleas. Although I rarely do go out and buy a new instrument now. Last one I bought was a £200 Lag acoustic guitar (which is fantastic value for money, might I add), and that cost less than my iPad. The guitar is more fun
  14. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1378591594' post='2202309'] Ah, the penny's just dropped - THIS is the real reason behind 'Relic'ed instruments. Wife/Partner/Significant Other: "Is this new?" Bassist/Musician/Collector: "what, that old thing? I've had it for years, just look how old it is..." [/quote] A good indicator as to how long I've owned an instrument is how many pieces of it are missing, replaced, or how many pieces it's lying on the bench in I'm currently staring at a jazz bass body that I've had for a year that has all the parts screwed off it and set on top.
  15. [quote name='Tullfan' timestamp='1378497235' post='2201265'] I'm sure this must have been raised before, but i am looking for immediate help. Best excuses or most successful techniques most welcome ! [/quote] Do what my dad does with cars - say nothing. Although leave it in a really obvious place so your wife notices.
  16. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1378041323' post='2194968'] I love my new earplugs. My hearing and tinnitus are both getting increasing worse (to the point I've been referred to hospital). I've always hated ear plugs. I've used various cheap ones over the years, and looking back, it's using the cheaper ones, that has given me the view of "they're all rubbish and just muffle everything". I've started playing for a band as a dep getting ready for a gig of theirs. The first rehearsal was loud. Since I received the hospital appointment, I've ignored my opinions and used the foam plugs. Couldn't hear a thing, but I felt better for it afterwards. The second rehearsal? I had a pair of foam plugs wedged in place and the rehearsal was so loud my ears were physically sore with plugs in. Why do people play in rehearsal rooms louder than they'd gig? After that, I said I wasn't going back if it's ever that loud again. After this incident, I went into town, and bought some ear plugs from *shudders* music room. £26 later, I've got a set with the changeable filters (these ones [url="http://www.musicroom.com/se/id_no/0421593/details.html"]http://www.musicroom...93/details.html[/url]). I put in the highest level filters, put them in the box and onto my key ring and remained sceptical. Though I was curious to "hear" the difference. Come Saturday night, I'm out and end up in a bar/club with a full PA at a DJ's disposal and thought I'd give them a try as they were on my keys. WOW! Speech sounds normal, all the little noises can be heard, but this once monstrous PA has become a stereo in the living room. My mate questioned what I looked so pleased about and explained I had them in, apparently they couldn't even be seen. So, I'm converted. I've always been aware of the importance of wearing them, I guess it's all about finding the right pair. Dead chuffed. [/quote] Thing is - Without them, you'd probably be mostly deaf by age 60. Not a nice thought (if you are intending to live beyond that age). It's good to hear (hehe) your thoughts on them, because I was looking at earplugs recently, and I was specifically going to get the ones with the different filters on them.
  17. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1378078013' post='2195662'] Sounds like a pudding from your local chinese takeaway. Round most of North Wark's, its usually a derelict,boarded up building that used to have books in it. [/quote] In Northern Ireland, they are usually very empty, very fresh and expensive buildings that should have books in them.
  18. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' timestamp='1378053502' post='2195164'] If you check the 'Which' reviews at your local library, some of these basic USB turntables provide a really low-quality output. David [/quote] Li... berry? What is this?
  19. This doesn't just apply to basses. My mate's telecaster holds it's tune for weeks. My Yammy strat holds it's tune for about a week. My new Les Paul copy, however, is constantly out of tune.
  20. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1377886885' post='2193319'] Of the basses I own, the cheapest one (bought for the princely sum of £30) holds its tuning the best. Go figure. [/quote] I was actually once told that on a custom guitar, if you took all the strings off at once to restring it, you'd wreck it. I called BS on that, but then, I've never tried it. Maybe more expensive guitars are more temperamental? I would have thought they would be more stable.
  21. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1377859409' post='2192822'] How accurate are modern electronic tuners anyway?? Do they vary?? Do they suffer from hot or cold?? [/quote] Here's a little video that explains it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ5VvRTTmgE
  22. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1377879918' post='2193208'] Most tuners are are highly stable and accurate but some are less "fussy" than others about what they consider to be in tune. I've used a few pedal/portable tuners which will happily declare a string as in tune when I can hear its not because they allow to much leeway. [/quote] Indeed. I use a Boss tune (TU-80, I think it is. Just handheld, not a pedal), and it seems very accurate, compared to my last one, which was a Planet Waves tuner, which if it worked at all, wasn't the most accurate. It wasn't unreliable either, the Boss is just a bit better than it, in my opinion. (in fact, it's a lot better).
  23. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1377811738' post='2192362'] Wow - so what is it about me then. Leave any bass for 24 hours and it's a bit out of tune. Usually the whole thing has gone a bit flat or a bit sharp. [/quote] Green wood? I have an OLP Stingray copy - an affordable bass in every respect - and it hardly ever goes out of tune, and I hardly play it at all at the moment. I just check it before I play, just to make sure, and that's it. I hardly ever make much adjustment to the tuners, if any at all. Environmental factors all take their toll though. Differences in heat and humidity could put it out of tune, but if you keep your instruments in their case, it shouldn't be affected by that as much (until you take it out of the case). The strings on my acoustic guitar were all slightly sharp when I tuned it the other day, and the strings have gone rusty from just sitting in my room. The most likely cause is the humidity lately. My bass stay in a different room in it's case, and the strings are perfectly in tune, and haven't rusted.
  24. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1377868316' post='2193008'] Haha, my dad still calls the stereo the "radiogram" [/quote] Mine still calls the radio "the wireless".
  25. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1377865370' post='2192943'] Been following this with interest. Well done to you lot for all your efforts! I've got 3 gigs lined up early Oct (wilts/Somerset) & would like to get involved if its coming south west wards? I'm sure we could pass it round the south Wales/ Bristol/ west country BC community to get the numbers up? Cheers, Norm [/quote] Sounds good. I think it really should start heading out towards Wales and then northwards into Scotland. We'll see what happens though
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