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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1377862430' post='2192879'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_zZKIv8nVY[/media] [/quote] Haha!
  2. I'll take By The Way if you still have it
  3. I should probably add at this point that I think this will remain a provisional review. I don't think my thoughts on it have changed much at all, given time.
  4. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1377702028' post='2190560'] I'm guessing you're one of those "young people" who mostly listens to music on earbuds! As above, full-range speakers FTW. [/quote] No I'm not.
  5. [quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1377698661' post='2190512'] If you have sound on your PC, Maplin sell USB turntables. You can then use your existing gear [/quote] I only have a MacBook Pro, which has terrible speakers installed in it. I reckon they're really only for videos where people talk and that kind of thing.
  6. [quote name='Bloodaxe' timestamp='1377689526' post='2190332'] Youtuber [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/Photonvids/videos"]'Photonicinduction'[/url] has an educational series too. Here's a couple of samples: [b]Caution![/b] contains [i]VERY[/i] NSFW-type language. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl6-kqVyOqM[/media] Health & Safety: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXok6_BjhXM[/media] [/quote] I think this guy is in charge of the Gangster's Technological Institute, where they come up with new ideas on how to do mean gangster stuff. It's only a matter of time before the IRA start using coconut bombs
  7. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1377671295' post='2190037'] Err - shouldn't he be locked up for his own safety, or at least in a straight jacket How about a diclaimer: [size=8][b][color=#ff0000]DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME![/color][/b][/size] [size=8][b][size=6][color=#000000]Nutter![/color][/size][/b][/size] [/quote] I think his videos are lesson enough not t try it at home!
  8. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1377680402' post='2190153'] Why would you not need stereo for vinyl. I'm pretty sure most vinyl since the mid '60s has been in stereo. Am I missing something? [/quote] Has it? I thought it was all in mono! Ooops
  9. This is great. Still trying to work out though if all the times he "accidentally" shocked himself were real, faked or simply staged.
  10. So I have a couple of vinyl here, but nothing to play them on, so after a little bit of looking around, I think I'm going to get a Denon turntable, but I'm stuck for ideas on sound systems. I know for records, it doesn't need to be stereo, but if it's in stereo, then I can also use it for listening to music from my laptop. I also wouldn't mind a subwoofer. So, what packs the best punch for the money? You lot are usually good at this
  11. Is it really half as much?
  12. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1377604011' post='2189223'] I am not saying don't buy a Mac but to use you budget wisely. [/quote] Of course, that's why if I'm getting an iPad, it will be the mini - Practically the same, except a lower res screen, and a bit smaller and lighter. It has a slower processor, but it also has less to process, on account of the lower res screen. EDIT - it's also cheaper.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377603774' post='2189216'] I presume you mean BootCamp? I installed this on an iMac so that young master discreet could play Skyrim without bothering my PC. I found it as neuralgia about the fundament. Having said that, it runs Vista faster and much more efficiently than my actual PC does, so there you go... [/quote] Yeah, BootCamp. My MBP came with it pre-installed. And there's absolutely no point in me buying a cheap PC to play games on, and having a great laptop that just doesn't have the GPU to play games. However, I would love to keep this, because it's as handy as all get out, but I'm considering getting an iPad anyway (to use in college) so, with a Mac Pro and an iPad, the MBP becomes a bit redundant.
  14. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1377601374' post='2189179'] Hell yes... [url="http://www.apple.com/uk/mac-pro/"]http://www.apple.com/uk/mac-pro/[/url] Like I said - it's an investment - i.e. buy this and you'll never need another computer... looks utterly sick. [/quote] I know, right!? Looks fantastic! I paid £1200 for this MBP a year ago (more or less to the day) and I reckon it's still worth around £800-£900, so if I sold this, I'd be half way there (if my guestimations are correct ).
  15. While we're on the topic, have any of you seen the promo page for the new Mac Pro? Provisionally, it looks like an utter beast of a machine. I might sell this MBP and get the Mac Pro when it comes out, if I can afford it. My guess is that the base model will be about £2,000, but it's really well specced, and at the moment, I'm considering getting a PC to run games on anyway. Getting the Mac Pro would mean I didn't need to, just partition the HD and run Windows for games.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377544076' post='2188707'] Or it gets taken to a shop in the bloody west end (at great personal inconvenience) to be fixed. Bah. [/quote] Beep... beep... beep... beep... No, that's just the sound of the till.
  17. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1377542165' post='2188670'] i prefer pc's over macs, ive used both and i find pc's easier. plus i build my own so i know how to fix it if it goes wrong, its all down to personal preference i guess [/quote] That's quite a good point. PCs are like the Transit vans of computers. Broken? Open it up, rip out the issue, throw in a new part, start it up again. Macs are more like F1 cars. It breaks, it goes onto life support.
  18. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1377536077' post='2188585'] As someone who works in computers every day, has a degree in Comp Science my 2 cents is that the Mac is so much easier to use and generally just better. Built on a unix based OS, its just so much better than windows. I think the only thing that has crashed on my MBP is Windows Office. And i think i've turned it off around 4-5 times in the past 18 months. [/quote] Precisely!
  19. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1377268940' post='2185648'] Can I just say..... Mark King or Flea...... [/quote] Mark King... he signed the relay bass
  20. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1377259058' post='2185408'] In my opinion, as good as but cheaper? No Same hardware specification and cheaper? Yes A Skoda VRS has the same 2.0 Turbo engine as an Auto TT but they are twoi entirely different things. Windows fan boys will argue the toss until they are blue screen of death in the face, but the long and short of it is, a mac has a much greater chance of not letting you down. [/quote] Bingo! [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1377262343' post='2185492'] Windows as an operating system is no less stable than Mac. And when something does go wrong on Mac, you're usually buggered. It would be naive to expect a trouble-free experience on any sort of computer; it's the nature of computers. [/quote] In one full year of owning a MacBook Pro, I can happily report that there have been no issues whatsoever. Sometimes a programme crashes, but that's happened maybe 2 or 3 times in the entire year, and that's the height of the issues I've had. You aren't buggered any more if it goes wrong on a Mac than if it's just a regular PC. When I asked for my first iPod, probably when I was about 12/13, my sister told me not to get one, and that they all break. My sister had a Archos MP3 player at the time, which broke and failed miserably. It wasn't much cheaper than an iPod was at the time. The iPod never broke. In fact, I sold it to my cousin a couple of years later and bought myself a new iPod. Even the battery after 4 or 5 years hadn't diminished a great deal. There's a lot of talk about Apple products being this, that and the other. Personally, I've been using an apple product in some form since I was 12, and I have never encountered much of a problem with them.
  21. This is really cool! It makes me excited for the future! God speed, relay bass! God speed....
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1377364739' post='2186798'] Remember that not only do you have to compare the differences between one species of wood and another, but also show that there is a significant degree of similarity between instruments made of the same species of wood. [/quote] That's true!
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1377342224' post='2186441'] Not the sales tactic I would want to follow... Never liked the "they can afford it, so they can pay it" ethic. It should the same price to all.....not just a certain price to a richer person..and less to someone else... [/quote] That would actually be a form of discrimination. But I think the idea is that value is based on what people are willing to pay. I think a Fender Jazz bass would be a lot more affordable if everyone thought it wasn't worth it, same goes for everything. That's why things have the prices they do - You have to work out your cost, and what people are willing to pay, then balance it so it's fair for everyone. I found that out the hard way - Charge too much, make no money, charge too little, make no money.
  24. I haven't had a chance to listen to the vocal tracks yet, but I'm sure they are lovely. I'll maybe have to rethink my mix a bit, because I don't like too much going on in my mix (probably because I can't make them all work well together). This could be interesting! Looking forward to hearing what you have all done and hearing what you think of my mix too! I appreciate the critique very much
  25. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1377326664' post='2186183'] I have really enjoyed reading all this! I would love to build two near identical instruments with bodies / necks etc cut from the same lumber!! It would be a fantastic way to show how much difference a fingerboard makes! If / when i have time i'll make a start on them! [/quote] I'd love to do that too. I would love to be proven wrong.
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