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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. But it's kind of between 2 finished surfaces (not open grain), do you think it will still work as well?
  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1375869646' post='2166621'] CLEAN IT???!!! You can't clean it! You'll erase all the majesty and all the funk it has collected! We are but conduits for The Baton. I think even restringing it is heresay, maybe if a string breaks but hey... I shall receive the bass and pass it on adding nothing but funk and taking nothing but pleasure in the process. (Although I may tune it, if absolutely necessary) [/quote] Alright then!
  3. You'd be best to get it sorted, I reckon. It might be at the end of it's travel, but that shouldn't be anything less than having your fretboard flat, so there's something not right with it, whatever way you look at it.
  4. It could be broken, unfortunately. The only way to know is to slacken it off, and see if there's any difference. If there, is, congratulations! It isn't broken. Bad news is that it is bent. There's a guy on YouTube, his YouTube os called something like Davy5546 (Dave's World of Fun Stuff) and he fixed a couple of bent truss rods a few months back. It might be worth your while finding those videos and watching them. If you don't want to try it though, you could just bring it to a tech. They'll be able to give you a proper diagnosis (I'm just speculating on the information provided) and if it's fixable, I'm sure they'll fix it for you
  5. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1375358756' post='2160191'] Just had one arrive off ebay... Weird, the low string is high! Odd. Might stick a fatter nylon string on and tune it down. Or just get used to it. Feels a bit odd after the bass though! But i think its going to be fun. [/quote] It is odd, ain't it? I wouldn't think sticking a thicker string on would be a good idea. I reckon the reason the G strings isn't an octave lower is because the scale length isn't long enough and you would need a fairly hefty string for it, but that's just my guess. If you can play guitar, imagine putting a capo on the 5th fret, and ignoring the 2 bass strings (E and A). That's a ukulele. I've currently got a £130 Lag concert ukulele in to glue the neck back on. Lovely little uke. You should check them out if you are ever playing a bit more seriously. Any of you uke players should check them out.
  6. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1375819298' post='2166198'] Oh, really???? Jokes aside, if it ends up with me I may also check if it needs the saddles adjusted and intonation fixed after the new strings are on. Still weird to do all that the wrong way round! [/quote] Great! I had asked about the general condition of it in an earlier post, but that was ignore, Peter!
  7. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1375819030' post='2166190'] If Tim doesn't have the opportunity to do that before his gig, and if I end up taking delivery of the bass for a day or two, I can clean and re-string it, no prob. Will feel a bit weird and/or awkward to tune up a righty bass, but it's going to be fun... [/quote] It's the same as a lefty bass, except EADG not GDAE
  8. If there's going to be a photo shoot, can somebody give the bass a bit of a clean and slap some shiny new strings on it? Don't want it looking grimy
  9. Honest question - Got a uke, and the neck has come off, but it's fine, because apparently it was just glued on top of the body with a dowel in the neck and the block at the top of the body, so nothing major, I just need to make a new dowel (slightly wider and longer, I reckon) and glue it back on, but what sort of glue should I use? Me being me, I would use any glue I could get. I would think something like contact glue would hold the bugger in place for eternity, but then I though about the finish, and how that would actually look when I've finished working at it. Hide glue, that's what's used in guitars and stuff, isn't it? But where would I find something like that? All help appreciated. Thanks
  10. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1375746150' post='2165225'] The polo shirt has plenty of room for signatures and the log book is fine - kinda made me smile that Rhino signed at the back thinking that he was the first person in the book ( see Donnys post above ^^ ) ! BTW Jim, i did a thing on local radio which went down well I think - and I tried the papers ...seems the trouble there was that they ran out of space covering local carnivals and by the time that space became available it was 'yesterdays news' . So strike whilst the iron is hot people when it comes to the media ( today newspaper tomorrows fish and chips wrapper !) ....its a great cause and I have to say a lot of fun. Big thanks to Jimbo for having the idea in the first place . I feel pretty chuffed to be 'one of the guys' that have stepped up to the mark. Its always easier to find a reason not to bother ...so hats off to everyone who has taken part to date ! ...and of course perhaps more importantly , hats off to everyone who is about to take part in the future !! [/quote] Well said! And hopefully those who take part in the future is a long list of people! I suppose I best organise something for me to use it at soon!
  11. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1375728338' post='2164873'] I'm wondering if we start a new topic each time the bass gets into a new area. Some title like "Calling all bass players in the xxxx area." Then in the body say the relay bass is in your area please check the stickied thread. Just to bring attention back here. I'd pretty much forgotten we were even doing a relay and popped in here by chance. [/quote] Tim, you need to follow us on Facebook!
  12. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1375727128' post='2164852'] Well done chaps. so it's coming south again. Tim, enjoy the gig on the 10th. My Aug gigs are the 17th and 23rd. I suspect the 17th would be the best in terms of crowd size. Tim and I will get it sorted. [/quote] Great! You can use it on both gigs if there's still no great demand for it (if you want to, that is). Hopefully there will be a few more stepping up to it now because it's in a more densely populated area where more members live.
  13. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1375718279' post='2164693'] Definitely! ...although rest assured no wild animals were harmed in the making of this bass. Well, not until we add the panda skin finish [I am of course joking - rhino hide gives a much better tone] [/quote] Rhino hide would also make your bass pretty indestructible!
  14. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1375704115' post='2164430'] Cheers guys! Yeah, it's definitely coming together now I'm a real fan of the overall shape - it's based on a previous bass that Paul built (and has since sold). The fretboard is a real beauty... I got to see it when I met up with Paul at the NW Guitar Show. Lovely piece of wood. [/quote] The fretboard nearly has a zebra quality too it, although very subtle. Nice and classy!
  15. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1375687410' post='2164143'] Yes. I pm'd Len and we will meet assuming no one up north comes up with any requests in the mean time. [/quote] Great! [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1375683384' post='2164102'] I have plenty of August and September gigs in Hertfordshire pubs, still happy to get involved. [/quote] You could get it from Tim after he's used it if you're nearby to him?
  16. Bumping this up - We need members to participate! The bass is currently in Derbyshire, but Len has offered to ferry it a bit further south on the 9th if anybody is interested in getting involved. I believe Len is travelling from Derby to Kent, so if you're handy to the main routes between those places, and you have a gig coming up, PM Len, and leave a comment here so we know who has the bass, where and when it will be used [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1374908157' post='2154610'] Len. I'm North of London. My next gig is 10th Aug. Any good? PM me. [/quote] Tim, any luck getting something sorted with Len? Again - If you're south of Derby, PM Len, he might be able to meet you to exchange the bass (assuming he's still willing and able), or if you're able to collect off Peter in Derby, that's also fine. The important thing is that it sees some action again And while I'm here - Peter, how is the general condition of the bass? Anything that needs fixed or seen too (frets being my main concern)?
  17. Sorry, I've not yet dug out my old strings, but I will! I think I have a few guitar strings too which are still playable. I was going to string up an old guitar I was given with them, but a set of strings isn't expensive anyway, so some disadvantaged musician might as well have them.
  18. I don't really make notes, and I don't think I really have the experience or knowledge to tell any of you anything that you didn't already pick up on. but I can explain what I did with my track. Basically, I wanted to try and clean everything up. What I didn't like with the guitars and drum tracks was the amount of bleed into other tracks, especially since the drums were being redone, I didn't want too much of the old drum sound on the guitar tracks, but a noise gate and a denoiser was enough to solve it, and it wasn't too noticeable when in the mix. I also tried to make the vocals sound a bit cleaner, but it was pretty bad, and I don't think I succeeded entirely in that, but same with the guitars - when everything is playing, it's not too bad. I also cut out a few bits that were not great, like where he says it's out of time. Then I created 6 tracks for the drums, and recreated the drums with midi sounds. Thankfully, the bass drum, snare and ride weren't too hard to capture. The sounds come with the panning already applied, so I was able just to set the levels, and then send it all to a bus with a reverb effect on it so it all had an even kind of room sound. I added effects to the guitar tracks, and spent a lot of time setting panning and volume automation, and similarly with the 2 bass tracks, they kind of work together and it switches between tracks here and there. I'm not going to pretend like I made a great job of any of it, but I think it's alright, especially considering what we had to work with. I didn't add in lots of other instruments (mainly couldn't be bothered) but I think it's an improvement on last month's entry
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1375037987' post='2156047'] Isn't this standard practice for guitar shops? [/quote] Yes, I think so. Most shops get their delivery, and either put it on the shelves, or out on display in the store, I think. I also think it's not unusual to have the person or people looking after the shop to not know how to adjust something like the intonation. I don't know anything about this particular shop, and I know bigger shops have in store techs (which really means there's no excuse, let's be honest) but I think a lot of shops don't have a tech.
  20. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1375355189' post='2160131'] We'll have to come up with another way of getting the stems to people though. IIRC there will be too much duration to get on a free soundcloud account. Any ideas welcome! [/quote] Not sure of any other way, but I was sent an audio file over Facebook last night by a mate. Maybe, you can put everything into a file, zip it, and put it on to something like Drop-Box. I've never used it, but I hear a lot of people use it now for sending files and whatnot. Or email. You can attach files in email. I don't know what the limit is, or what size the track is, but that might be worth considering as a last resort.
  21. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1375315153' post='2159800'] Who fancies a crack at mixing Kit Richardson's You Look So Good Tonight? Follow the link in my Sig to hear it. Proper bit of mixing this serious track count etc etc and incredibly thoughtful if Nigel to take it upon himself to ask Kit, even better that she said yes! [/quote] I'm up for it. I'll have a listen tomorrow!
  22. Oh goodness, Ironside! Well done! You must have been a bit annoyed that I thought it must have been Skol or Discreet!
  23. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1375313255' post='2159773'] [b]SEE FIRST POST FOR THE RESULTS![/b] [/quote] I came all the way here to see this!
  24. unfortunately, as I remember it, last Wednesday when this thread went up, I wasn't in much of a mood, so I never bothered to relisten to all the entires, I'm ashamed to say, but I did pick the entry that I remember liking! It was yours, Skol and Rob
  25. And, congratulations to Lowdown!
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