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Everything posted by Ant

  1. hey, whats the neck profile like compared to a p or j bass?
  2. ok ill take it at the list price!
  3. fair enough! ill wait on his reply
  4. [quote name='Dosi Y'Anarchy' post='1144325' date='Feb 28 2011, 11:46 AM']The Flipster is the same Size as my MXR Bass Blowtorch, its as wide as 2 ehx nano pedals (ie Steel Leather, nano clone) but not at long. If I had a ruler about i'd measure it for you. Its not mean to be a fuzz, but it does get fuzzy and distorted (check 1:15 - 1:43 on the sound clip to hear the different sides of high gain it can do) it also does clean, so theres quite a wide range of gain available, but all in the context of an ampeg-style bass amp being overdriven.[/quote] ok, how about 90 posted?
  5. how big is the olc flipster? and how much gain is there available?
  6. ok, im going to contact my friend now and see whats going on, can i dibs it for a day or so?
  7. is this still available? because i know my friend was after one.
  8. my original wh1 whammy cuts out when i rock the treadle (sounds like sh*t tremolo!!!), but the input jack on it's a bit poorly so i reckon it's because of that.
  9. [quote name='I am not excane' post='1101444' date='Jan 24 2011, 09:51 PM']Nice board. How's the molten voltage whammy? I contacted them and never heard back from them. The whammy is delicately balancing on my list of pedals to scrap. The bypass is HORRENDOUS and takes up too much space....but still sounds cool as hell.[/quote] still havent had time to have a go on my modded whammy or the molten midi, having a blast on them both tonight, you should try getting back onto them, they got back to me really quickly.
  10. ok, keep in mind that takeshi started using his fulltone AFTER osc dis, so it could take you closer to the 010 sound or more likely the cistm konfliqt sound, but ive never used one so i dont know how versatile they are, they could be right what you're after, try finding a way to boost your high mids at 1khz as well, it will really really help trust me! also if anyone lives in leeds they're fully welcome to come have a go with my pearce BC1 preamp
  11. with the bddi you've really got to crank the presence knob, i can't remember what freq it boosts but i remember it not being too far off 1khz (it was higher though, so a bit too harsh) the para drive sansamp thing might be a better option? it has a sweepable mid freq available, i think that's the key, the 1khz super boost! and some drive
  12. [quote name='voxpop' post='1102327' date='Jan 25 2011, 04:38 PM']Try Maplin, Farnell and RS. Hope this helps.[/quote] tried my local maplins, they looked at me like i was aborting a foetus through my eyes. ill google these other places too, what's RS?
  13. hey, one of my pedals takes a 48-Volt, 520mA, negative tip DC power supply, where can i find another one of these raasclaat things?!?
  14. It's an old rackmount preamp with two channels with distortion on each, they're voiced differently so offer some different distortion options, the company went bust in the early 90's so they're pretty hard to find, i scored mine on ebay a long time ago and still keep my eyes peeled for a second one.
  15. i was a while ago yeah, not so much anymore, stuff has tape on if its had tape on for ages
  16. from this: to this: sorry i dont have a better picture!!!
  17. its p bass into pearce bc1 for almost all his tones, with some fulltone bass drive and other drivey pedals around cistm konfliqt time. before i had my pearce bc1 i could get close to some of the tones with a sansamp rbi and really new strings, but you can nail it with the pearce. basically its all about p bass with some clank, get the high mids boosted at 1khz, some more treble above that, get your pick out and you're in awesome zone
  18. Ant


    [quote name='prog_fiend' post='1067458' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:07 AM']No thanks, besides, I'm left handed Actually, I am considering trades. Any one with alternative synth pedals, or a nice delay, or a looping station/pedal?[/quote] what about the boss/roland space echo twin pedal reissue?
  19. That is niiice! I'm always after a fretless jazz, shame ive got no money till I sell my head!!
  20. what are you after trade-wise?
  21. Ant


    i guess it all depends what type of octave sound you're after, im quite partial to the really fake souding ones, not too keen on the really organic natural octaves.
  22. ok, pictures to come tonight, this is no longer a feeler now.
  23. [quote name='woodyratm' post='926187' date='Aug 16 2010, 09:55 AM']No bother I'm looking to get my amp sold so if its still available I'm interested. Have you ever had any problems with it?[/quote] never ever, i still get shocked by how awesome it sounds when im at gigs haha. the flightcase has kept it safe too, its a beast.
  24. [quote name='woodyratm' post='925458' date='Aug 15 2010, 11:36 AM']Think i'd interested - need to shift my mesa 400+ though! Fancy a trade? [/quote] Sorry can't trade! Got my eyes on something
  25. [quote name='woodyratm' post='925173' date='Aug 14 2010, 08:45 PM']Is it USA made?[/quote] Nope, it's bombproof though, wasn't from the sh*t period,
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