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Everything posted by Ant

  1. i'll do my best to get to the leeds one, i love the brudenell!!!!
  2. i thought the solo stuff she did before the humanfly set was good too, but it NEEDED a full band in my opinion.
  3. i saw rose kemp recently doing a song with humanfly, it was bloody ace!
  4. hey, i have a 3u warwick rockbag, one of the zip handles is broken but there are a pair of zips on each side so its fine, interested?
  5. Ant

    How do I get this tone

    yeah, the tone is all about the p pickup, with some nice valvey overdrive.
  6. i think i want that echo park, how much do you reckon postage would be?
  7. yeah, sorry for not saying; this is on hold for jakesbass.
  8. With regard to music ground; i have hit and miss experiences in there for me (leeds shop), but once they had a pedal in and i asked to try it, they gave me some thing about it being really expensive so i just said "yeah i know, but someone is selling one for like half your price on some forum and i just want to test it out" and they had a giggle and let me have a go. but sometimes i hate being in there; when i asked for a onespot type power supply in music ground leeds, one guy told me it couldnt possibly exist and all this other stuff, and the same guy once told me he couldnt sell me a speakon to jack lead because that also didnt exist. i get much nicer responses and help from soundcontrol, so now if i need a quick lead or something ill go there. music ground has let me down loads, i dont even bother browsing in there anymore. One of the main annoyances is that certain members of their staff have always come across as automatically assuming that i know less than them, and when they're telling me that certain things dont exist (when i have it at home!!!) is ridiculous. sorry for the bad grammar! i cant type properly if i get in a bit of a rant.
  9. i want this, i have the cash, i just dont know how im going to get to wales? anyone got ideas?
  10. i've heard a few pronunciations of this flying about, what is the correct way to say it?
  11. bump, really an excellent piece of kit. offers? cash? trades?
  12. [url="http://www.bkelec.com/Pro/Amplifiers/MXF1200D.htm"]http://www.bkelec.com/Pro/Amplifiers/MXF1200D.htm[/url] one of these, my unit has been sat in my rack and works perfectly - i'm not sure if i even want rid of it as it's the best poweramp i've ever used in my rig setup. they cost £484 brand new with mainland delivery, mine has been lovingly racked and isnt that old - this is an extremely lightweight and travel friendly poweramp. I'm not sure how much i'm after if i sell it, but i would rather swap for a valve amp or something!! ask me more
  13. my friends dad has a vigier, here he is using it on some old music video: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gEw2nZEBph4"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gEw2nZEBph4[/url]
  14. Ant

    Show us your rig!

    what do those oranges sound like?
  15. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='257504' date='Aug 7 2008, 07:27 PM']No disrespect intended, but how do you know that the sound in that clip is the sound coming out of his amp?[/quote] I think i remember reading about how the album was recorded and what was used for each track, think that track was an ampeg svt-vr with a lakland jazz
  16. Ant


    ill take it? please?
  17. ooooofffffffff, have you heard the devestating bass tone on this recording? [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gZwFycBgUpI"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gZwFycBgUpI[/url] it's making me get super gas for a big beasty valve amp, any idea which can get big tones like that with a jazz bass?
  18. Here's some shots of me and my bands: and a funny looking bonus picture:
  19. Ant

    Show us your rig!

    those tweed aguilars are giving me GAS!!!
  20. it cant be that hard right? i have a tb loop pedal i never ever use, and i need a feedback loop. anyone?
  21. Ant

    this sound

    woaaaaaaah, that sounds ace! i want to make it too.
  22. it's super ace, i just prefer my other distortions. guess i'll ebay it, which are the good muse forums then?
  23. totally forgot i had this in my big box of musicy things, it's boxed and in super good condition - so i might let it go. ill get some pictures up soon. anyone know how much i should get for one of these?
  24. mine is still the same as last time i posted i think... but i've taped down some weird guys face - which doesnt actually show up very clearly on this picture anyway.
  25. Ant

    new bass fuzz i built

    [quote name='umph' post='227695' date='Jun 26 2008, 11:46 PM']clips on [url="http://www.myspace.com/eyepedals"]http://www.myspace.com/eyepedals[/url] can i has some opinions please ;o[/quote] just noticed you have solus locus on your top friends there, ive just put a record out for them, ace lads!!!
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