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Everything posted by Ant

  1. isnt the looper integral to what you were after? since that's where you would insert the effects? keep in mind its a bypass looper not a phrase looper for looping sounds
  2. Ant

    signal phase questions

    thanks for all the help, in the end i just switched out the LS2 for a COG effects pedal which lets me swap between and blend each preamp
  3. 4th of may at King Tuts!
  4. i was initially scared to drop my 810 cab for my barefaced super15, the barefaced delivers insane depth and can go as loud as (if not louder than) my old cab. i had to borrow cabs for a couple of my last gigs, and when i got my barefaced back, everything sounded immeasurably better and insanely louder at the same settings edit: but i do wish i'd gone for the cloth grill option, i think ill be up gigging in glasgow soon if you want to come feel how light the super15 is and how massive it sounds
  5. vt bass DI can cop similar sounds but has more mids and is more versatile
  6. if i have a preamp pedal which inverts the phase of my signal, placed in a parallel loop with another of the same pedal everything will be fine, but if i then bypass ONE of the preamps (reverting one side of the loop to the original signal) would it have phase cancellation issues even if the bypassed side is ridiculously low volume (as it isnt running through a preamp)
  7. i use a demeter Minnie 800d power amp for my pre/power set up, it is ridiculously small and lightweight (fits in the pocket of my mono m80 gig bag) and can go very loud
  8. Ant

    COG Pron Thread

    [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1424300481' post='2695019'] i approve of this greatly! beast of a pedal. i have the chorus on all the time on my "Red 5" andy [/quote] the chorus into the fuzz is awesome! cant get enough of it Tom also increased the gain available on the fuzz, so the normal max gain is around 3 o'clock and then i can push it a bit further for some super swelled out phat phuzz
  9. Ant

    COG Pron Thread

    it goes octave -> chorus -> fuzz one stomp switch for fuzz and chorus and one switch for octave then it has a parallel clean blend that just lets the mids through, and a toggle on top to defeat the chorus.
  10. Ant

    COG Pron Thread

    looks ace, parallel octaves huh? what you using? somehow the pic didnt work in my post so i edited it in, that pedal is insane
  11. Ant

    COG Pron Thread

    Just took delivery of this monster!! ""Midoctachoruzz" Custom Bass Multi-Effects This pedal is totally stupid... and that's why I love it. With a T-65 Octave, analogue chorus and Grand Tarkin Bass Fuzz together in a series loop, all in parallel with a mid-humped clean blend you are not going to get a nice subtle "I just want a little bit of amp-like breakup when I dig in" kind of sound. You've got a pedal for that already, it's cool. This pedal has a knob labelled "Honk" and totally gets away with it. Built specially for Ant Wright of Brawlers in a joint bid to make some nasty sounds on Radio 1 and festival stages this summer. Winner."
  12. i used to do this with my old band as i found the markbass super synth would just disappear beneath the drums unless i boosted it with the LS2
  13. https://www.facebook.com/wearebrawlers is my band
  14. i just got the ovnifx smoothie and im VERY impressed with it
  15. Ant

    Ampeg SCR-DI

    preamp sounds nice and definitely has that ampeg sound, but not liking the drive at all
  16. i will also try and get some sound clips sorted as i dont think the current ones out there show enough of what it can do, the overdrive available from the front controls is one of the nicest sounds ive ever heard.
  17. if they had put this preamp section with the terror power section, they would have a VERY strong contender for the best lightweight bass amp in my eyes, the power of the terror is awesome, but the preamp is just the worst,
  18. had a good play with mine now, and i know prime_bass and dood have one as well. i've had chance to properly compare it to my pearce BC1 as well, so ill go over the differences here this is essentially a stripped back version of the pearce BC1, it's missing the dedicated effects loops for each channel (but keeps the global effects loop which is post EQ and pre limiter) the limiter seems to act/sound/feel just the same as the original, but the LED works in reverse - instead of coming on brighter based on how much your signal crosses the threshold it starts fully bright and fades OFF) the main channel on the suncoast (pearce BC1 channel 2 -GREEN CHANNEL)is IDENTICAL in every way to the pearce, only thing missing is boost flick switch that slams the input harder, and although the mid frequencies etc arent labelled on the face of the suncoast, the travel on the pots seems to match the pearce (i.e - i set my mid freq to the same point and it sounds like it's boosting the same frequency), the drive on this green channel is also very touch sensitive, it will clean up a lot if you play lightly, hitting the BOOST switch brings the second channel (meant to be pearce BC1 channel 1 - RED CHANNEL) on in parallel so you can blend them together. as on the pearce BC1 the GREEN channel seems to have a lot more volume available than the RED channel. the controls for the RED channel are found under the baseplate in the form of trim pots, along with the option to switch from OD1 (original Pearce BC1) to OD2 (Billy sheehan mod) they have removed the sweepable mids for the RED channel and fixed the control to 1.2khz, now, i cant seem to get anywhere near the same amount of bass from this channel than i can from the original pearce RED channel, so there must be some differences here, to the point where you couldnt really use this channel on its own in my opinion, which brings me to the next point as well. they have also removed the option to SWITCH channels from the Pearce BC1, you can only start with the GREEN channel and combine it with the RED channel, if you wish to use the RED channel on its own then you have to combine them both and then TURN DOWN the green channel - useful for recording etc but not live i wouldnt think because of the bass issue i mentioned. the billy sheehan mod is INSANE! heaps and heaps and HEAPS of gain on tap, and pretty much zero bass, sounds gnarly as hell and cool if thats your thing, but i dont like the separation of sound it gives (you can distinctly hear the two sounds side by side, whereas i like them more melded together - but this is personal taste) overall i think this pedal is insane, works perfectly for what i want and would even make me consider moving on my pearce and buying a backup pedal. wrote this in a bit of a rush, so any other questions just fire them over, my pearce BC1 is probably the only piece of gear ive owned since back when i first really started taking bass seriously apart from my precision bass so i feel like i know it pretty well.
  19. [quote name='vailbass' timestamp='1421555136' post='2662676'] I can recommend the [url="http://artproaudio.com/art_products/studio_amplifiers/product/sla2/"]ART SLA-2 amp [/url] I've been using that for my around town gigs with a single 15" EVM 15BX speaker and Ashly preamp (circa 1980) very clean and punchy; sounds SO much better than the cheap Class D stuff though this amp isn't light if that matters to you, (~20 lbs.) [/quote] any details on the old ashly pre/?
  20. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1421586864' post='2662910'] kind of - with a few mm of overhang they all fit on, but it would be totally un-usable anywhere other than the bedroom, every time I aimed my foot at the BB I'd hit the tuner... maybe I'm not as co-ordinated as everyone else, someone said the same over on TB [/quote] i know what you mean! i have to zip tie some of my switches to stop myself standing on the wrong ones! hah [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1421585423' post='2662883'] Nice! Did you ever get those cables? My fist gig tonight with my palmer di box so hopefully the sound guy won't be scoulling at the treble in the preamp. [/quote] ordered the dimarzio pink ones from a place in germany, but they were backordered so getting a refund, gonna order the ebs ones soon instead. the palmer is really ace, i even use mine when playing at home with headphones (using an xlr to jack cable)
  21. could you not squeeze that OC2 on by moving the others closer together? just finished tweaking and setting up my nano board for live use, really impressed with this ovnifx compressor so it goes: Bass -> TC Electronic Polytune Noir -> OVNIFX Smoothie Compressor -> Suncoast B1P Bass Preamp -> Palmer PDI-09 DI box -> Demeter Minnie 800D power amp -> Barefaced Super 15 with nice neon pink gaffa so i can see my settings and where to stand on stage
  22. just had my first proper sit down and play with my two compressors (Maxon CP-01 and an Ovni FX Smoothie) i havent properly messed with compression since i sold my first ever comp without fully getting to grips with it. after sitting and tweaking for a bit everything i had been wanting from my sound but could never get just appeared! the Ovnifx will be staying, as it totally rules. but the maxon is ace too, just loses some lows and adds tons of mids for the record, im not setting my compressors that subtly, you can definitely hear the difference between them being on and off
  23. holy f*** i want both
  24. i second the dimarzio DP122 model P, i have all my p basses fitted with them
  25. for those interested in the palmer, i have attached graphs showing the roll offs for the 3 settings on the PDI-09 i use mine on the 'normal' setting, in between my pre and power amp (suncoast B1P & Demeter Minnie 800D)
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