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Everything posted by Ant

  1. Ant

    custom bass?

    [quote name='Bassassin' post='89510' date='Nov 16 2007, 05:06 PM']The Jet King is Ibanez plagiarising their own 60s back catalogue: That's an Ibanez Rhythm Series 1900, from 1960. You're gonna kill me when I tell you one of those (the same one) has been through Ebay twice in the last few months. Jon.[/quote] Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo did anyone buy it?
  2. Ant

    custom bass?

    ey up, ive not posted in a while because uni has been making my brain melt, i can only nip on the internet for a quick minute right now but was wondering if anyone knew of any luthiers who would build me a bass with a body modeled after the ibanez jet king II guitar: [url="http://www.samedaymusic.com/product--IBAJTK2"]http://www.samedaymusic.com/product--IBAJTK2[/url] I really love the design and want to get one built up with 2 darkstar pickups (or something equally sexy) in black with tortoiseshell pickguard and a neck the same as the one on my 1975 fender jazz bass RI (slimmer than normal jazz bass neck - rosewood with block inlays) and then with some reverse gotoh tuners and a badass II bridge or something. can anyone help? it's my dream bass, and because of something i might actually be able to get it.
  3. 37 shipped and ill take it.
  4. [quote name='punksoul257' post='58642' date='Sep 11 2007, 11:29 AM']Ant, i like your band, sound v unusual. But i like it alot.[/quote] thanks
  5. it's ace, i mainly use it for looping (as i have two other delays), but sometimes i use it for ridiculously long delays - i've compared the looper to the DL4 and this sounds much nicer, to my ears the looped phrases on the DL4 lost some 'oomph' and quality.
  6. Right, i've been away for a bit finishing off my new board, and here it is:
  7. Ant

    Russian Circles

    i just saw these guys the other day in leeds at the cockpit, i had just gone to watch one of the support bands i liked but russian circles were well ace. great drummer.
  8. Ant

    OC-2 vs. OC-3

    [quote name='Clunge' post='49041' date='Aug 22 2007, 04:28 PM']I have an OC-3 and as much as I like the sound I get from it when mixed with a bit of fuzz, I can't help but notice it does suck quite a bit of life out of my tone. I was just wondering if the OC-2 would be a better bet or a completely different octaver would be worth looking into.[/quote] i had to log in while at work just to say that you have the best user name ive ever ever ever seen.
  9. Ant


    a whammy is one pedal i dont think ill ever sell.
  10. i got a single TB loop ages ago when they were muchos cheaper, it's pretty decent - but when i used to use it with some zoom multi thingy i thought i could hear a tiny bit of the effected signal bleeding through.
  11. i've got both the headrush E2 and the line 6 DL4 in my house at the moment, Headrush wins hands down, just as easy to use, feels sturdier, but most of all - the loops sound nicer.
  12. [quote name='BassManKev' post='28887' date='Jul 8 2007, 11:24 PM']there wad definatly two identical bright yellow pedals on his board, which could only have been 2 odb-3's. flea has never used a rat, it cuts all the low end and is basically sh*te on bass[/quote] how can you say he has "never" used one? im pretty sure you havent been around him every time he tries a pedal...
  13. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='20840' date='Jun 20 2007, 04:24 PM']Hey Ant, what bass is that in your avatar? From the scrap I can see of it, it looks gorgeous![/quote] thanks! it's a Fender MIJ '75 reissue Jazz bass from something like 1986.
  14. woah woah woah, it's passive? i want to give it a try too.
  15. i did mine the same way as higgie's.
  16. [quote name='funkysimon' post='20228' date='Jun 19 2007, 03:11 PM']+1 for Grolsch! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1673&view=findpost&p=19730"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...ost&p=19730[/url] Though if you're a connosoo... connosew... beer snob, you could always buy a couple of nice bottles of belgian beer instead, some of them have the right stoppers. Or give the Grolsch to a lager-swilling friend.[/quote] +100 i use grolsch ones, and gave some to my guitarist friend too.
  17. could be a delay with hold function. Or a harsh tremolo, sounds like the former to me though.
  18. To make noise with? i want to send it through my pedalboard for my experimental noise band.
  19. here we are: [url="http://www.interruptor.ch/sirenschematic.doc"]http://www.interruptor.ch/sirenschematic.doc[/url] [url="http://www.interruptor.ch/Rasta-box.pdf"]http://www.interruptor.ch/Rasta-box.pdf[/url] go oooooon, make it for me and i'll cross your palm with silver.
  20. [quote name='Waldo' post='16993' date='Jun 13 2007, 04:13 PM']What condition is it in? I may be interested Interesting wah-thingy you've got there Joe. I call it a wah-thing simply becuase I don't know what it is![/quote] MSD Earthquake thingy i think.
  21. [quote name='BassManKev' post='16547' date='Jun 12 2007, 10:16 PM']mineee muahahahhahaa[/quote] now get yourself an insane tower of a rig!!!
  22. i thought i recognised that looper hehe.
  23. I've heard the line6 9v AC requiring pedals will actually run off regular dc power, is that for the modellers and things? 'cos you can run the modellers from a godlyke power all.
  24. im getting an akai headrush. looks very easy to use.
  25. [quote name='DrGonzo' post='10868' date='Jun 2 2007, 01:14 AM']Was this recorded at home?[/quote] nope?
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