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Everything posted by Ant

  1. headphone amp in the effects loop? then turn the master volume of the amp down?
  2. [quote name='sirmuppet' timestamp='1418149059' post='2627413'] Cool. That's some good info on the Tech 21 stuff. I'm looking at getting the VT bass DI to replace my VT bass. I like the idea of the DI option should I need it. Would you know, if I use the VT bass and not the Oranges Pre-amp, can I still use the DI on the Orange or does that not work since I bypass the Preamp. [/quote] i cant remember from my short time owning an orange terror whether the DI still worked with an external preamp (the pre i used had an XLR out anyway) but checking the block diagrams for the amp on the orange website it looks like the DI output comes just BEFORE the effects loop (which seems odd to me?) so potentially might not work with the external preamp. but i could just be looking at it wrong, best course of action is to try it! if you're liking the sound i definitely say go for the VT Bass DI, then no matter where you play or record, you have your sound in one place.
  3. yep! exactly! by running the vt bass into the effects return of the amp you are bypassing the oranges preamp section and replacing it with the VT bass, the EQ knobs on the orange will become useless and only the master volume will work.
  4. run the vt bass into the effects return of the orange and youll bypass the dark sounding preamp edit: oh wait, can the VT bass drive a power amp? or is that only the VT bass DI?
  5. when i had my orange bass terror i found it completely unusable without an external preamp, awful awful sound. im still wanting to pickup a darkglass vintage deluxe to run a low low gain cleanish sound alongside my dists
  6. my two
  7. ive been gigging a demeter minnie 800d power amp, its insanely small and light and fits in the pocket of my mono m80 case
  8. anyone seen this? looks like a different version of the BDDI reconfigured to more suit 5/6 string players (lower register) i think the LB = LOW B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oakY6Ekcjzo
  9. i have put a badass II bridge on every bass i own, i can hear a slight difference. but the main reason i change them out is because it makes my basses FEEL different to play, even just hitting an open E feels tighter to me and its the feeling im used to when playing, gives a new bass a sense of familiarity
  10. so, im looking for a small rack style compressor to keep on my pedalboard (pedaltrain nano) the way i have my board on stage it would be easier for me to see the LED metering if it was front facing like a rack unit instead of on the top of the board. anyone know of any half rack comps that will fit on a pedaltrain nano?
  11. does anyone know where in the signal chain the EQ is? is it only applied to the loop? if i use the send to split the channel to a clean DI, will the EQ be applied, or is it later in the chain? like after the return
  12. it dont baby my gear, but i dont throw it around, but carrying something fairly big up and down stairs every night or through narrow doors and corridors, or when loading it into the van with the other gear, its impossible not to knock it, so ive lost little chunks of wood and paint etc over the years
  13. people comment about my barefaced super15 all the time, and its still my favourite cab. ive given up trying to keep feet attached to the bottom and it currently just tips a bit forward and one of the corners has fallen off. definitely gets more damaged when compared to other cabs ive taken on tour.
  14. yeah i have one on the way from basscentral, i had planned on getting the V1 a while back before the sheehan mod was introduced into it, but im glad i waited now.
  15. i loop a bit of cable under the feet of my board (if yours has feet) and ALSO gaffa the lead to the stage. this way if i catch the lead, first the gaffa stops it, and if its a crazy yank that pulls the gaffa up, itll normally just come out from under the board instead of unplugging.
  16. i have a palmer pdi 09 im not using if you're after one? its the older version without ground lift
  17. what kind of price is a red one worth with a hard case but no pickups, might take the pups out of my other basss though
  18. a month?! man, i wish i could get that kind of longevity, my strings are toast after a few gigs, and noticeably duller after one
  19. i used to always use the hybrid slinky set but got sick of paying big money for a set of strings that [i]could[/i] go dead on me in one gig if i played hard/sweated loads just got a nice little deal with rotosound and trying out the swing bass 66 (in the same gauge)at the moment, they sound insane! so aggressive and awesome
  20. i have a 400w 8ohm matamp 112 that isnt doing anything, if youre interested
  21. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1406013860' post='2507402'] I don't know the pocket size of the mono bag but I have the Protec contego and I can fit my Genz Bnz Shuttle 9.0 along with power chord, speakon cable and 2 jacks leads in the main pocket. By and by I'd say the Demeter is a lot of muller for a power amp you want to fit in your gig bag, you could probably get the Genz do under 400 now days and it's only 4 inches bigger down one side. [/quote] good point, this is definitely something for me to consider
  22. i could use the power amp section from my ampeg pf800, but im pretty sure the demeter power amp would fit in the pocket of a mono m80 case, which means i could have pretty much my entire rig on my bag sans cab
  23. think ill save over the next couple months and get one, then i can move on my ampeg pf800
  24. holy crap these things are tiny! i need to get one. if i could squeeze one into the front pocket on a MONO M80 then, with my pedalboard in the tick i could carry a whole rig, sans cab on my back. just one question, does anyone know if these have a switching power supply like some of these micro heads have? so you can use the same units in USA or over here? cant see any buttons like it on the rear, but i could save a LOT of money if i could get one from abroad.
  25. ive got a matamp 1x12 that i'd let go for 100
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