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Posts posted by Ant

  1. grabbed myself a B3 from gumtree, havent had a proper go with it yet

    im LOVING the pitch delay, sounds exactly like my earthquaker devices rainbow machine, but with more versatility.

  2. [quote name='plunkrock' timestamp='1367225502' post='2062652']

    Nice! The Rat is a permanent feature then? How is the new Darkglass?

    rat is great! still havent dialled in my perfect two settings on it, but im going to use it for a more focused and cutting sound with not as much of a level boost as i have on the B3k (which i use for a gnarly MEGAdrive)

    the darkglass vintage is amazing, since i stopped using my pearce BC1 preamp live (was too worried about it haha) i was missing something from my sound, im using the Boss parametric to approximate the pre gain mid EQ of the pearce, running that into the vintage, and then doing some bass and treble EQ on my ampeg PF500,

    the vintage really smoothes out the high notes, which had got a bit DRY sounding from the massive 1khz boost.

    everything sounds great to my ears now.

  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1366889494' post='2058554']
    If some are fine and some are not then I'd blame user error.

    i disagree, the foot on my S15 clipped the top of a beer keg as i lifted it over and came flying off, it's not unreasonable for me to expect the feet to stay on during a tour even if they clip walls, other cabs, kerbs or anything.

    im sure Alex acknowledged somewhere that there are issues with the feet, cant seem to find it now though.

  4. yeah, you need something that can reproduce those low freqs, you wont get any of the OOMPH through that practice amp, but you'll probably hear some of the synthy tone it makes.

    an awesome pedal, really excels through a massive PA


  5. grab yourself a Boss OC-2 from eBay or somewhere.

    If you want a pedal you can still buy new, then i would go for the Aguilar Octamizer.

    these are my favourite two normal analogue octave pedals

    edit: i've heard the MarkBass octave pedal is quite close to the OC2, but haven't had chance to try it myself (and i dont think its 9v)

  6. my rig is perfect at the moment, only thing i want to switch out is my Ampeg PF500 (for the PF800 when it's released)

    i didnt play on it for ages and i'd totally forgotten how amazing it sounded, adding the Microtubes Vintage really gave me the tiny bit i thought i was missing too!

    Ampeg PF500 into Barefaced Super 15 is a killer combo!

  7. had another go with the TFR russian last night, pretty cool but still not for me
    the russian muff style is still my favourite from the fuzzes, but i just dont see a place to use it in my music, plus if i ever did get a fuzz, i'd just grab a Fuzzrocious because Ry has always been a dude to me (brand loyalty haha!)

    if anyone has a Zoom B3 and wants to trade, hit me up

  8. [indent=1]i dont think you'd need one to be honest! not on the rat tail anyway, i mean, you can set it for sounds that have less low end, but there is plenty of bottom on tap! sounds amazing.[/indent]

    [indent=1]but shoot Ry an email (or tweet @fuzzrocious) and im sure he'll let you know right away.[/indent]

  9. [sub]i use lots of pedal dirt and used to use an orange terror bass, i traded it in for an Ampeg pf500 and everything sounds loads better![/sub]

    [sub]edit: my PF500 into my barefaced Super 15, is the beefiest most killer rig ive played through[/sub]

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