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Black Coffee

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Everything posted by Black Coffee

  1. Yamaha are the best at that £200 price range. There is a 425 on here at the minute for exactly that amount. Total bargain, please buy it before I give in and buy another one.
  2. I know Behringer have a bad rep but I had a 20 channel powered mixer of theirs and it never missed a beat for the three years I had it. Had a BD121 as well and same story. The vamp pro is old tech surely now, probably better stuff around now.
  3. Should maybe endorse the darkglass vintage too. Given the choice Id prefer this to the B3k. But that's just me.
  4. I love these. I would get strange looks if I bought one though as I'm probably too old to own a bass like that.
  5. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1426285296' post='2716703'] I can't stand the nut area. It is a terrible design IMO, not slanting the fretboard with the nut, it just looks unfinished to me. Its also a much smaller fan, with the B only being 35.5 inch compared to the 37 inch of a Dingwall, would it really have the same effect? Get a Dingwall if you want fanned frets, they may not have done it first but they have certainly done it best. The combustion models are ridiculously affordable, more expensive than the Ibanez but the extra would be worth it for me. [/quote] I've owned three Dingwalls previously and they are the mutts nuts totally. Specially the ABII. I just bass hop regularly and its a lifelong project. Disappointing to hear the nut could be better, I thought it looked - odd, in the pictures. Ah well, there's always the ibanez single cut to try too.
  6. I had a streamliner 600 and it was a gem. I then upgraded to the shuttle 12.2 max. So much headroom it's ridiculous with massive tone through two separate blendable amps. Mutts nuts. Shame they were swallowed by a big fish.
  7. Behringer BD121 is an obvious choice. Buy about seven of them for the price of a programmable sansamp pedal.
  8. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1425628372' post='2709119'] What G said! £250 New from GAK at the minute. [/quote] +1. Totally loving my 425
  9. Ive played usa and MIM and I'd prefer the USA if I didn't have to pay for it. Value for money, the mim is not half the quality even though it's half the price. IMHO obviously. Geddy lee bass (also IMHO) is the nicest fender I've played, but that was a Japanese made instrument.
  10. SRFF805 is the model number. Has anyone played one of these. I've never owned an ibanez and I'm sorely tempted, seems like a lot of bang for buck. Any thoughts. . . .?
  11. That is a gorgeous looking bass. How many more total gems do you have ?
  12. I'd love one of these. One stop effects solution. I'm a little short though.
  13. I coveted that bass on Alan's site, gorgeous finish. Happy playing.
  14. They all look really well but I've never played one. MTD has a great reputation though.
  15. This is a total bargain . . . . . . Have a bump
  16. [quote name='knoxz' timestamp='1425199990' post='2704859'] Black Coffee : default camera date ! 2006.01.01 0:00 [/quote] That's a seriously lovely finish. That buckeye is incredible, sadly out of my league on grounds of price.
  17. That's gorgeous. . . . . . . . . But is that photo from 01.01.2006 ?
  18. I had one of these but stupidly sold it, and the neck was the sweetest easiest thing to play. Wish I could afford to lash out on this. Good luck with this.
  19. I love dingwall basses. This is my ideal and perfect dream bass. I'm about £2,000 short though.
  20. This is a gorgeous looking sample of these great basses. Love the colour. GLWTS and have a bump.
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