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Black Coffee

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Everything posted by Black Coffee

  1. Shame. I owned one for a bit and it was great, but like you say if you're looking for a sound......... GLWTS
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402675708' post='2475917'] I feared as much! So if I'm to add a fiver to my arsenal it's going to have to be a Dingwall. Ah well, so long as I know... enjoy your new baby! [/quote] Careful . . . Once you pop you cant stop. One is not enough.
  3. Dingwall is a beautiful beast. enjoy. I loved the three I had.
  4. Do I remember correctly that he used a Musicman stingray to record another one bites the dust ? Not that it matters that much, it's just that he is remembered usually more as a P player.
  5. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1402586029' post='2475051'] When I used to manage guitar shops I offered worried customers a 'fake' reciept to show the wife (along with the proper one). The fake one would state that the guitar only cost whatever the customer asked me to state. Worked well with international customs too [/quote] That's a good plan but still carries risk of a black eye. The best way is a brass neck and tell her the truth, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. After the buy event obviously.
  6. Here is my source audio orbital modulator Flanger, chorus and phaser all in one neat package, devilishly clever but I've one chorus need and I thought I could expand my sound with the rest but it's way too much for my simple needs so someone else might as well benefit from a bargain. Only a couple of weeks old. With it's packaging, power supply included. Post in UK
  7. Do the people who get upset actually realise that folk are actually entitled to a different opinion ? I'm sure nobody actually intends to cause offence to anybody. Let's be honest, I'm a bald, middle aged guy who has certain views on certain things. I am entitled to have my opinion on subjects, I'm also interested in other peoples opinions. In the middle of it all it's an opportunity to learn as I see it, as you may hear something you didn't know before. Can't resist winding though once someone starts to bite, it's my nature.
  8. Can't even have a conversation with anyone, never mind sing. I find I can drum and have a short chat, but not with bass. Total respect to these who can.
  9. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1402307836' post='2471827'] [size=4][/size] So do you guys think it is funny like I do or do you think it should be all regimented and serious would love to hear your views on this [/quote] Internet forums and text communication in thread posts and emails are vastly different to face to face and even telephone communication. IMHO. Facial expression and even tone of voice can add words and meaning to language and communication that text alone can't do. I spend a lot of my working day communicating by email and it was a steep learning curve because some people didnt understand that "ok" as a reply from me to a request to do something actually meant " yes no problem I will do it quick as I can". Some think I'm being short or disrespectful and that I should have said "yes, no problem, with cherries and fresh cream on top". This is a simple example but when you have people who are just toooooo serious with themselves or are just simply constantly looking for something to be offended by, the laws instituted by govt encourages them to complain. The stupid country I live in for example I am discouraged from even having photos of my kids on my desk in work for example in case I offend someone who can't have kids. Roars my head but that's life. Mods on here do a good job, sadly it's needed.
  10. ACG basses are excellent. If you haven't played one, this is a steal. GLWTS and have a bump
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402176563' post='2470819'] How well you know yourself! [/quote] Sad isn't it...slave to bass materialism.
  12. I've downsize plans to one custom order from ACG which will be here soon. Can't be annoyed anymore with GAS and associated spiralling costs of frivolous bass hopping. It's the way to go for me, order what I like about basses in the finish and woods I like and be done with it. Get so familiar with one bass that you can play it in your sleep, and enjoy it. I've never been needing to be very capable at fretless although I can play it so I don't that extra fretless. I don't wana have another just in case bass as that will lead to secondary GAS symptoms. I also know this is a lot of rubbish, my resolve will weaken and I will likely cave in and feel bad about it.
  13. This is one of the nicest finishes on any bass. Shame it's a four string. GLWTS
  14. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1401890853' post='2467908'] Well now I wonder which came first, was it distressed finish jeans or distressed basses? I'll have that Fender P in a stonewash please... [/quote] Or distressed bassists , at the rising costs of a new Warwick it'll be mortgage needed for one soon.
  15. Starbucks is getting the same. It isn't even called Starbucks coffee anymore - it's just Starbucks so they can sell tea, and hot chocolate, and porridge, and crisps, and other stuff that has nothing to do with coffee. Bit like premiership football, looks like it, smells like it but when you pay close attention it's just a prima-donna haircut and fake pirouette party to cheat your way to three points.
  16. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1401868295' post='2467574'] Whats the build time on these?.. ACGs that is. [/quote] I commissioned mine beginning April. Should be ready September-ish. That's kinda what I expected but I hadn't a clue really, if he had said December I'd have been equally impressed. Alan keeps you posted with photos of progress by email, it's good to see it bit by bit coming together.
  17. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1401827395' post='2467358'] I recognise that 33" Graft Recurve! Cracking bass One day I will commission a new special Finn5, specs all sorted in my head but funds sadly don't come so easily right now [/quote] yep this is your old one. I was so impressed I ordered a J to my spec and finish preferences. Having a hard time waiting but it will be worth it. I was hoping to keep this and the new one but its not working out that way and im moving towards being a one bass man. travelling light is what im wantin and if I have two I will take two everywhere. Keep well. The acg you want is one day closer each morning dude . . . .
  18. My eldest son is wanting to study music and is planning to go to college in September. From the perspective of a parent wanting a son to succeed it's good news, from another point it's really quite sad that the tutors feel so under pressure that they would devalue the genuine passes by including less capable students in the collective. When the rubber hits the road I'd rather know the truth than be a skid mark. This unfortunate person then finds employment or a position and they are in danger of being embarrassed by the false sense of security given through this fiasco. How typical of the result driven toilet of a country we live in.
  19. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1401744472' post='2466528'] I'd be a dead loss at this. I used that 'Build Your Own Fender' web app a little while ago. Chose the body colour, hardware and neck type and clicked the 'OK' button... ...I got the bog standard bass that I already own... [/quote] I checked this out and wasn't that impressed with it. Lotsa wonga for a pretty ordinary looking bass. It did allow you to pick your neckplate engraving tough. I clicked cancel funny enough.....when I was finished and bored with trying to find a colour combo I hadn't seen before. Would rather spend $1700 on a new ACG
  20. For the money they are really great stuff. I owned a tribute series five string but it would appear on reading everyone else's opinion I got the only runt of the litter. My bass was useless, shabby finish on the electronic controls mountings and the truss rod took an age to get set to a comfortable action. But I'm the only one who will likely say anything bad, id try another if one came along at the right price to see what a good one plays like.
  21. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1401781738' post='2466680'] If I remember correctly from perusing Alan's website, that graft is 33" scale. How's the B on it? [/quote] It is indeed the 33" graft. The B is excellent for the 33" scale. I've played short scale basses where the E was awful and almost impossible to get anything other than flubalubalub from. For what I'm playing it just feels so nice with such little effort needed it's incredible. Pups are great for being passive, can't wait til my new one is ready but this will need to go to fund the final payment for it. Pics as follows in the sunshine for a change today.
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