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Black Coffee

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Posts posted by Black Coffee

  1. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1368456995' post='2077278']
    Personally Id go for a Westfeild small body bass. Really lightweight, playable neck, decent tone no fuss or hastle, plus fairly cheap and price but not build (from my experience).

    I would agree with this. I think I paid about £49.00 for one of these new about 7 years ago for my son when he was 8 yrs old.

    He has now graduated to EUB, 4 and 5 string bass and double bass too in county orchestra.

    Westfield, cheap as chips, stayed in tune, did what it was meant to and he didnt care that it said Westfield on it;

    and for £49 I didnt care if he played bass or cricket with it.

    Sold it on for the same price as I paid for it on gumtree 4 years later. Total bargain.

  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1368033594' post='2072348']
    Now that really is how I`m sure many of us felt on joining, and seeing all those wonderful instruments/amps etc up for grabs.

    Many thousands of pounds - literally - and I think I`ve finally stopped (he hopes).

    Ebay was like the starter course and the forum here was the main. Aladdins cave of gear on offer FT / FS.

    So much temptation. The only way to avoid the GAS is to stay away.

  3. Im neither wealthy nor scratching the barrel bottom for pennies but currently it is extremely difficult not to sell at a loss. Times like this see folk sitting with what they have as no selling of your kit means you dont lose any money.
    If you were flush with loadsa ready cash you would be fortunate as it is currently a paradise of deals and people willing to take less than usual because other bills are forcing their hands.
    Many sarcastic thanks to someone somewhere who caused the economic equivalent of the Marianas trench.

    For deals on ebay - if you search what you're looking for badly spelt, other peoples smelling pistakes will lead you to auctions where fewer people will bid so you are more likely to get a bargain.
    eg Fender spelt Gender etc etc

  4. My attempt at defretting ended up a train wreck.
    Trade for a fretless and avoid the "i wish i hadnt started this" line of thought.
    Mine was only a cheap esp but its now only fit for firewood. Dont wana get into how it ended badly but it started good and went downhill too far in too stop.
    If you wana try something different, defret carefully from 12th fret up to 24 or however high it goes then you have a hybrid.

  5. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1366487484' post='2053216']
    The MusicMan Sterling does not fit in this list.
    And to put it beneath the 'Sterling by MusicMan' entries makes no sense at all.
    The Sterling is a different instrument to the StingRay - smaller body, thinner neck, different electronics and actually more expensive than the StringRay, so I don't know what that does to your 'pecking order'.

    In any case - pecking order schmecking order - I was playing an Ibanez bass in a store this afternoon and for about £250 it played far better than many £1000+ instruments I've played.


    What Ibanez model was it ?? If you don't mind.

  6. Can we agree then that playing a bass with something other than four strings doesn't make you a better player - it just makes you a different player ?

    Before the anti-Maiden brigade get their truncheons out - I am not saying Steve Harris is the best ever, but he has a reputation with some quarters as one of the best players / writers in metal music. He has never really strayed much from a Fender P. If he had gone 5 / 6 or more I dont know if he would have been better - he would certainly have been different.

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