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Black Coffee

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Posts posted by Black Coffee

  1. Id heard great things about the place. I must say that denmark st had one shop with a very strange way of being nice to customers. The whole dont touch it, in fact dont breathe near it unless you are going to buy it approach confuses me.
    I may still visit bass gallery though. If i ever go to london again......

  2. [quote name='MrChrizmo' timestamp='1364878445' post='2032061']
    hey guys,

    I just read through the sticky topics and realized I'm newly registered here and trying to drop off a high priced instrument, maybe that's putting some of you off... so what can I do ?

    All the Best,

    One thing may help..
    Is it left handed or right handed..... on the post the scenes with you are one way; the scenes without you are the other.
    Maybe putting some people off......

    Good luck with sale. Cool colour.

  3. Everything is only worth wot somebody will pay for it.
    I have a feeling it might be relisted. Several times...........
    At that price you could nearly buy a second hand custom shop five string bass from fender. I actually paid £1,600 for my four string custom shop fender about three years ago.
    Its too dear.

  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1364063911' post='2021561']
    Play what you've got and stop looking at stuff you don't need (and perhaps won't even want quite soon after you buy it).

    As my old man used to say: 'it's only another way of getting your money off you'.
    This is sound advice but grass always looks greener to me elsewhere.
    On reflection I fear i may have been a little harsh on my missus here as she is always supportive after i justify how i intend to fund the buy and provided she likes the colour as it invariably may be stored on a stand at some point in her house.
    I intended this as a bit of humour as she does kinda do the whole one out one in thing along with the rest but generally is good with it.

    As for brussel sprouts as mentioned by discreet above. Sorry dude its bbq beans maybe.

  5. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1364001435' post='2020911']
    ... It's always a bad idea to let a woman know how much money you have, especially if they're your ex! ;)


    Been there. Glad she's gone. :lol: Never had money anyway cuz I drank all I earned back then. Better being dry.

    Same thing for your kids...... designer labels are nearly as expensive as bass gear.
    Does Jack Wills do a single cut in bubinga ???

  6. Every bassist needs a person to reign them in when GAS takes over. I have to admit that if I was left to my own devices Id probably be bankrupt and living on the street in a cardboard box but would have more bass gear than I could play in 5 lifetimes.

    I have my very own little voice in my ear as I am contemplating and browsing which sounds like this,

    "One out - one in"


    "Have you got the money for that ? dear......"


    "Not in this lifetime sunshine"

    Whats the best GAS stopping policy on basschat ?

  7. I have an ABII fiver and had tuned to low A for a bit but I had to bring it up again cuz I couldn't stop playin it.
    Sounds incredible. And yes; more useful than low B.
    Pining after a Lee Sklar sig model. Dont care what colour. Would sell car, TV, and other basses, family pet etc if it would finance it.
    I wonder what a F# string would sound like on a Dingwall? Crazy idea here - drop tune it like you would for a B string to low A and you would have a super low E?

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