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Everything posted by Maude

  1. There's a Flea signature Jazz in the classifieds. Lovely basses, if that look is your thing.
  2. In all honesty, I don't know, or if I'll even do it. I'll see when I've had a play. I've always fancied a reverse P and this would make a great trial bass, was my thinking. Looking at pictures I think I'd just swap the E/A and D/G around. If the E/A was simply placed below the D/G, it would look nasty as it would be half in half out of the scratchplate. If the other way then the whole pickup would be too close to the neck I think. Looking at the space available, I don't think there's room for a double P in the scratchplate, not without looking cluttered anyway.
  3. Ah yes, I can see now I've zoomed in on a picture. I thought the pickup surround was mounted on top of the scratchplate, now I can see the scratchplate is cut to fit outside of the surround. So the body is actually routed for the surround to sit into it slightly then. That's still no biggy though. My main issue is what the base of the surround looks like as it'll need fitting upside down if the pickup is reversed. All will become apparent when mine arrives.
  4. Reversing the P pickup is quite high up on the possibles to do list when my 424x arrives. It mainly depends on how the pickup ring has been made, and what it looks like flipped over. The routing and a new pickguard are the easy bit. The pickup ring could be left off if the underside isn't pretty, but I really like the look of them. It should be here by the end of the week so we'll see. Or go the whole hog and have double reverse P like Lee Sklars Presicion, albeit with the J still there.
  5. Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit - The Meteors
  6. Unless you need the money, I don't see a problem with owning more basses (or anything else) than you need. A collection of basses is an interesting, beautiful, playable, talking point that brings pleasure. A collection of money is just about the dullest thing I can think of. A collection of money is just a load of vouchers that you can exchange for things later in life if you need to. Basses are exactly the same thing but far more pleasurable to own.
  7. Black/black/maple eh? Is this something you like? You've never mentioned it. 😁
  8. It's collection only so I won't be buying, it just looked intriguing and a bit better than a budget bass with the set neck, binding and contoured top. As I'd saved it they sent me an offer of £220, if anyone else was interested.
  9. There's a Sting lookalike bitsa on ebay at the moment. Not sure on the relicing though, a bit fake looking.
  10. That blue BEX is a bit steep isnt it!? They've seen the ludicrously overpriced ones from Japan on ebay and thought we'll have some of that. Oh yeah, and don't go blaming me for your BEX lust on your for sale thread @AndyTravis 😁.
  11. The BEX is just something really special IMO. The soapbar sounds superb in a band mix and is just so easy to make it sound good. They look lovely too. Stupidly cheap for such a good bass.
  12. Cheers 🙂👍. Only had one other BB, a G5S. My first 'real' bass was a Seafoam green Attitude Special, had that for a couple of years, then traded that in for the brand new BBG5S which I gigged solidly for about ten years as my only bass. Then had a break and when I got back into it I bought an RBX374 and for some reason went back to solely playing four strings. I only sold the BBG5S last year as I just couldn't part with it, but in reality I'd never play it again. I think this is why every time I play a Yammy it's like coming home. My only other Yam at the mo is my tobacco burst BEX4.
  13. What are these like? I think it looks really cool, obviously a Mosrite copy but are they just cheap tat or decent? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gould-Bass-Guitar-/164120161278?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  14. I think I'd like to try an SBV first before I committed to see what the neck dive is like. I don't overly worry about such things normally, but with a very short top horn and a very long neck/headstock it might be more of a quirky bass to own, rather than the true gigging machine that the BB is. Super cool looking though.
  15. Aaaaaaaaand... ... I'm back in the club. 😁
  16. He countered £320, so I went back with £310. He's just come back with £315. Is it worth messing about over that amount? I'd have liked to have found one cheaper as a few have sold for the low two hundreds, but this one is a white X and looks in good condition. He's put this, Message from intro2pete: Thanks for your offers but this is the lowest, eBay hits too hard with fees unfortunately! Cheers
  17. I'm so weak! I've just offered £300 for the white 424X. My son started a new job and borrowed £300 off me until his first payday, which I'd forgotten about until he just said, "I'll have your money next week", so really it'll be free if he accepts. 🤔 😁
  18. There's also a sunburst 424x on ebay at the mo, no bids with two days to go, £275. There's no point in me considering that as I'd still always be looking for a white one. Or ignore them both and get the blue SBV on gumtree. 😲
  19. Nah it's fine, I'm just toying with the idea of the 424. I want a 1024 really, in white with the plates. But that 424x does look awesome, and I'm tempted.
  20. Oh, are we doing this again are we? I've been eyeing that one up. If you get the 424 you'll have to sell me the 1024. 😆
  21. I've kind of been keeping my eyes open for an SBV, in the if one came up at a bargain price kind of way. Luckily I'm in Cornwall and that's in Glasgow. 😁
  22. Judging by the above clip between 30 seconds and 1 minute, then yes it will matter what strings you choose, as it artificially similates string tension, which it says is important. How much difference different tension strings will make is another matter, but as you say, Plekking is all about the tiny differences.
  23. That's the only problem when selling a Yammy, they're usually far better basses than the their monetary value would imply. That's why I held onto my black BBG5S above for so long even though I don't play five strings anymore. I sold it last year for £250 which I thought was quite good.
  24. So you clubbed him round the head with one.
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