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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I've made a replacement control plate for my Hofner Club with no labelling on. It makes more sense than the original. πŸ˜„
  2. If a mini humbucker gives a more focused sound due to 'seeing' a shorter length of string compared to a standard humbucker, then a pickup which could 'see' 100% of the speaking length of string should just be a sludgey, booming mush shouldn't it? But who knows? As Andy says, with all three of the Simms pickups on in MM mode you'll have a lot of the normal pickup area covered all a the same time.
  3. I must be a weirdo. In every thread about straps, one of the key features seems to be a grippy inner. It's the one thing that puts me off a strap. I'm fairly animated and like to be able to move my bass around and even when I don't, a grippy strap just results in whatever top I'm wearing ending up all bunched up on my shoulder. I honestly don't get the love of a grippy strap, but hey, we'll all different right? I use the Mono Betty as it gives decent support without being grippy. πŸ™‚ I've just re read that and a 'grippy inner' sounds like a rectal issue. πŸ˜–
  4. Yep, I've been pulled for that one too. πŸ˜„
  5. Thats good to hear, thank's. πŸ˜‰
  6. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch - Motorhead
  7. You're probably right. It's just that in the OP's picture the part of the E string before it starts to taper is through the tuner slot, which made me think they're a long, or medium, scale set of strings. But yes, I'd go for a proper short scale set to get the tapered part in the tuner.
  8. Short scale yes, but the tuners, while looking rather small, seem to be taking the full width of a standard E. @Silj, there's some good info here about short scale strings from Scott Whitley, although obviously only one man's opinion.
  9. This is the only 'social media' I use, apart from my one post per year on facebook. I've learnt loads, been guided through projects by folks willing to share their knowledge and skills, had items donated and even produced for free. I've tried to do likewise and help others out with any parts or knowledge I can share. For every tiny disagreement there is a mountain of courteous positivity. Without getting too soppy, Basschat has made me a better person. Thanks to everyone. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  10. Come Back And Stay - Pino ft. Paul Young
  11. Don't Stand So Close To Me - The Rozzers
  12. Great. Hopefully if all these emails are forwarded to Leicestershire Police they'll have to take action.
  13. No no, I'm happy to go along with Steve. It means our album must be really good. 😁
  14. That's only if I'm really getting into it. πŸ˜– πŸ’¦ πŸ˜„
  15. Summer Fun - The Barracudas For the "Baba Rara Cucu Dada!"
  16. I like to move around, have a little dance, etc especially when there's a big stage. Can I still come here?
  17. Which surely mean this has to get posted. Love it. πŸ˜„
  18. Friday I'm In Love is probably the most played, followed by Love Cats, Inbetween Days, Just Like Heaven and Lullaby I reckon.
  19. I started discovering music from the very late 70s onwards, so was really finding my feet in the eighties. Whilst not any one band, or song in particular, I dismissed a lot of, mainly American, soft rock, synthy rubbish that was huge in the 80s, only to find later that those bands were a hard rocking outfit in the 70s, Boston, Cars, etc. In the same vein, solo artists that released the same type of material but had fronted much heavier rock bands earlier.
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