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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Any 'jazz' mags to browse through while you're having a snack?
  2. I adore The Cure and can forgive them of most things but it wasn't great was it. A shame because I really enjoyed the Glastonbury set a couple of years ago. I almost bought tickets for this Hyde Park one and although I'd have enjoyed it I'm kind of glad I didn't.
  3. That's because they had Liz Taylor depping and she's not quite up to speed yet. 😉
  4. I saw COC support Megadeth on that tour and they blew megadeth away. Another one at that time was Downset supporting Pantera, Downset were brilliant. The only support I've actually gone to see specifically over the main act was Pride and Glory (Zakk Wylde's band) supporting Whitesnake. Only found out once there that P&G had pulled out. About fifteen minutes into Whitesnake's set they started the solo's. About a three minute guitar solo, then bass, by the middle of the drum solo we'd walked. The only concert I've ever left early.
  5. Are you sharing that popcorn, or are you going to discriminate against everyone who isn't you? 😁
  6. That body looks lovely. I think walnut is possibly my favourite wood, not overly fancy, just a lovely colour and grain, kind of silky looking.
  7. It's got to be worth swapping them if you play them both just for your own entertainment. I'm always doing this in one of my bands to see how far off song I can go but it still work. My favourite is playing the lead synth riff of 'Push It' by Salt'n'Pepa in the chorus of 'Ever Fallen In Love' by The Buzzcocks, it actually fit really well and is fun when people noticed. Oh yeah it's on doublebass too. 😄
  8. The thing with Hysteria is that once you've got it committed to muscle memory it just bounces quite nicely. I used to do it in a previous band and it always followed 'No One Knows' by Queen's Of The Stone Age. No One Knows isn't difficult but has some odd timing/phrasing that I was always relieved to get out of the way, I'd get to the end, breathe a sigh of relief, glance at the setlist and go "oh sh!t, Hysteria". 🙄😁 Another tale if I may. The guitarist and singer in the Mod band I'm in have always been in bands together and in a previous incarnation had Muse on as a support band, a tale the guitarist likes to tell every now and again, to which I always reply, "Yeah whatever happened to them?" Whilst sarcastically glancing around whatever dingy venue we're in.
  9. That comes across a little aggressive but hey ho. Also, I don't think discrimination has to be a legal term, but maybe you're taking this far more seriously than me. As @silverfoxnik@silverfoxnik rightly points out it was me that made the comment about somebody possibly claiming discrimination, and as is usual with most things in life, it's not a black and white situation. I applaud the notion of setting up a business to give jobs to out of work musicians, but I can also see that you lived just around the corner, were out of work and had the perfect credentials and skills for the job, but were turned down because you weren't a musician you would feel discriminated against, it doesn't have to be proved in a court of law for it to be so. If I applied for a job I was the perfect candidate for but was refused because I'm not an actor I'd feel a bit miffed. That said I wish them all the best and hope it works out.
  10. The unbrandedness of 70s Japanese fakers means nothing really. I have an Aria RB 750, but the trussrod cover is missing so it's now just a Matsumoku made faker. If they'd screwed something else on in the factory then it would be something else. The factory is more important than the brand, well not important but you know what I mean.
  11. I'm usually out of tune and too fast but I've never been on Sky Arts.
  12. I watched Brian Johnson and Mark Knopfler before Muse. I've seen it before but I love listening to MK talk about music. Such a calm, down to earth, humble bloke. There's a YouTube vid where he just talks about his guitars for fifteen minutes but it's just great, and really calming.
  13. I'll keep an eye out for that, just out of curiosity. I'd rather they just cut a song out midway, or some of the between song waffle.
  14. It was really noticeable on Pinky and Perky live at the Marquee.
  15. Tomorrow (Saturday) 9pm, The Cure live in Hyde Park, 40th anniversary concert. A pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. 🙂
  16. No, I'm a Police Car (Larry Wallis) and so's my wife, well Sisters actual (Of Mercy) 😄
  17. Great initiative, and I hate to be this person, but how long before someone starts shouting "discrimination"?
  18. Plywood = Heavy Heavy = Heft Heft = Good Good = End of thread. Job done 😄
  19. I've said this before but I have an old Kay (yep, the ones we all threw away) with a ply neck and body which I've done some work to. Out of about 25 I own the Kay has the longest, brightest sustain, acoustically so no electrickery. I can only put this down to the ply being harder and more rigid than 'normal' wood. It's still not a great bass but not because it's ply. I also have an old Hohner Arbor P bass which is ply and is great bass.
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