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Everything posted by Maude

  1. That's cool. I'm the same, visuals have the final say, I don't care how good it sounds if it looks bad. I'm so shallow a snake couldn't even wash his balls in me. 🙂
  2. I'm not sure it is, I can't find any writers listed other the Pistols. 🤔 Similarly, I never realised Police Car by The Members was a cover. It just sounds so 'them'.
  3. Warman have become my default place for pickups lately. Well made, sound great, good range of styles and mostly an absolute bargain. Warman
  4. Lady M and I had this discussion with the other day after watching a program on the 80s. In terms of general popular music, each decade from 50s to 90s had massive changes from one end to the other, then from 2000 onwards things have just run out of steam. There's stuff going on if you hunt for it but I'm talking about the run of the mill stuff, and I do hate saying it because it just makes me an old fart longing for the past but I don't feel that's how I am.
  5. Exactly. I'm no fan of this song, but if I was in a band that played all the usual suspects, which is what most pub goers want, then I'd be adding it to the set. It really does sound like Rag'n'Bone Man singing along to Kings Of Leon though I think. As to whether this latest direction is an improvement, I don't know. But if it's going to be a big seller/streamer/sing a long at festivals, which it probably will be then I can't say I wouldn't do the same, given the chance.
  6. I've just heard the new song by 'Rag'n'bone Man' and it might just be the new 'Sex On Fire', well it might have been if anyone was gigging. We do/did 'Human' by him in our acoustic band which always goes down well and this sounds like it would be a crowd pleaser in a rock covers band.
  7. The middle bit in My Sharona always feels a bit shoved in there, especially when it changes back to the main riff.
  8. Isn't Bohemian Rhapsody a collection of mediocre ditties clumsily gaffer taped together?
  9. Miserable sod alert! Most specialist guitar polishes are a way of squeezing a teeny bit of standard polish used in the automotive or furniture trades into little containers and charging double the price. Still it gives advertising people an outlet to save them getting constipated with their shite. 🙂
  10. Ha ha, that's the closest I've got to steels as well. I also have a pack of Hi Beams in the cupboard waiting.
  11. While the lack of gigs is obviously not good, the rest of your post I look at in a positive light. To have instruments as assets is far preferable to having that money in the bank. Both can be exchanged for necessary goods if the situation arises, but instruments are far more fulfilling until that day comes, and fingers crossed it won't. 🙂
  12. Greetings From Shitsville - The Wildhearts
  13. I'm wrong, it must be a righty due to the length of the top horn, but the controls and jack must have been relocated. Or it was built from scratch for him. Intriguing.
  14. I've just noticed the black bass is a lefty, converted to a righty to get the controls and jack out of the way but keep the E string at the top. He hasn't just stumbled on this way of playing.
  15. That is quite the most bizarre way I've seen a bass played, and just looks plain wrong. But it sounds great and doesn't appear to be holding him back so crack on I say. I wonder what led to him adopting that style though.
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