When is a build not a build?
If I were to build a house using concrete pumped in from a lorry for the footings, pre made blocks for the walls, windows, doors, roof trusses made in a factory, slates for the roof quarried and cut elsewhere, paint bought from a shop, etc, etc, would it be a self build or just an assembly of pre made parts? I'd say you've built your own house.
The same is surely true of a bass. You can go into a shop a buy one off the wall (or other outlets), but if you sit down, create a plan, order all the individual parts to create a bass of you own spec and then put all those parts together, I'd say you've built yourself a bass.
I had a project moved into the 'Build Diaries' section by a moderator as it was getting too in depth for the 'Bass Guitars' section. I'm only bringing an old bass back to life, and didn't consider it a build as such to start with. But as the thread got more in depth the 'Build Diaries' was the only suitable section for it, but apart from a few aspects I'm only really stripping and reassembling parts.
Also people's different levels of ability will govern what would constitute a build to them. For someone who isn't a hands on type of person, buying a kit and building and finishing that kit so that they have a playable instrument is a huge undertaking, and to be applauded. To one of the scratch builders on here that same kit might seem like the most mundane of jobs. They are both building though.