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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Probably beyond me, or more importantly the tools I have I'm afraid.
  2. I love that! Very 50s Sci-fi kitsch. I bet it's even better up close with the bakelite bits. 😎
  3. I have had the same thought, as the bass comes the bridge, and bracing, is designed to work with more of a shearing force than the straight downward force a floating bridge will place on it. My plan, and I use that word extremely loosely, is to knock up a rough bridge and tailpiece, hook the tailpiece over the bottom strap pin, with a suitable brace over the bottom of the bout, and try it as it is before removing anything original. The strings will be miles above the fingerboard but I'll be able to roughly judge its tone, and strength, on the open notes. Possibly even leave the normal E and G and fit the A and D over a tall narrow bridge to compare the two. If it really isn't going to work then I can just repair the original damage on the Aria and keep it or move it on. On the other hand it may be terminally broken from the outset. Obviously with lockdown and everything I haven't been going out or doing anything really that costs money, so if it implodes then although I'll have lost money, I'll still be up for compared to normal life expenses. And in the words of Henry Cole from Shed And Buried, "We may not have made any money, but we've had some fun doing it". πŸ™‚ Edit. I could add a soundpost if the top looks like imploding.
  4. I haven't even considered the finish yet, it might be matchsticks by that point. πŸ˜†
  5. Nope, it makes no difference on mine.
  6. Not quite, if the idea here was to add a link for feedback to your sig so that everyone can find it easily, then that's not a good solution if some people still can't see that info. I'm not going to argue though as internet arguing just doesn't work. Feel free to put whatever you want in your sig, just understand that some won't see it.
  7. So because something happens on your device it must happen on everyone's? Righto, at least that's cleared that up.
  8. Screenshot in portrait. Screenshot in landscape.
  9. Calm down dear, it makes no difference on my phone using the mobile site. As I said earlier, avatar, name and watts rating is the only info visible. No location, no post count, no sig, nothing other than that ve stated twice now. It's no problem though.
  10. No you won't get any nut wear issues with that. Those string runs are exceptionally straight compared to some basses.
  11. @mybass, I've got an EUB, it's not acoustic and you can't play sat down with it on your lap. πŸ˜‰ I appreciate the input but this is mainly about just trying to do something different. The closest off the shelf bass to what I want is the TB-10, and at over Β£2.5k it isn't in the price bracket of home noodler. Even then it doesn't have an extended board like a DB. This may well turn out to be a disaster, but it's a bit of fun and I thought I'd document it so everyone can point and laugh when it goes wrong. Or maybe even be amazed if it works. πŸ™‚
  12. Ghost Riders In The Sky - Stan Jones and the Death Valley Rangers
  13. It's the right (plucking) hand that I want the extra fingerboard length for. The picture in this link shows why, including why it needs to be raised off the soundboard, see his thumb. https://images.app.goo.gl/E9a6uj9SBseZjEBE8
  14. He's probably been making bread. Tom owns a bakery and his Lance Corporal brother a butchers shop.
  15. I assume buying and selling is always accompanied by some private messages organising the trade? Would it not be very easy to just add a link to your feedback page in your final message after the transaction saying something along the lines of, "Thank you for the 'whatever it is', please leave appropriate feedback here? Thus prompting feedback and sending them to the correct place. Surely not that difficult?πŸ€” One issue with all these links in your signature is that if you browse on the mobile site you don't get any of that info. All I can see of anyone's info is their avatar, username and watts rating, everything else I, and everyone else on the mobile site, have to go looking for. Not a problem though as it's just clutter 99%of the time.
  16. Ha ha, you haven't seen my new thread in the build diaries then 😬.
  17. @lobematt I could use that neck. A long shot now but I've PM'd you. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  18. I looked up the 4 string cream version, it says 'available in several months'.
  19. It's funny isn't it, how people whose opinions I respect can be so wrong? πŸ˜‰ The cream one is the nicest. 😁
  20. The overhang part is more important for me for the plucking (right) hand, so the point where you would go into thumb position with the left hand not so relevant. Without the overhang to play over you can't slap like a doublebass.
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