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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Who did that? Someone just picked the entire thread up and dropped it in the 'Build Diaries' section. It could've landed on someone! 😁 It was getting a bit in depth wasn't it? I'll consider it a promotion. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  2. I've never heard of that chord. πŸ™„ πŸ™‚
  3. I bought my wife tickets for The Eagles at Wembley last August, it's been rescheduled for this August but I doubt that'll happen either. It looks like this will have to suffice for now.
  4. This times, well, a lot 😁. So many people assume they can only paint over the bare wood and get into a world of needless work trying to achieve it. The best surface to paint over is a good condition paint surface. If you take it back to bare wood then you need to grain/pore fill and then get a layer of sanding sealer or primer on there to enable you to flat (sand) it back to a smooth surface ready for paint. Quite often you will need to repeat the primer process before you end up with a nice smooth, level surface. All that work to get back to where you started, minus the shine. Also along the way, unless very disciplined, you can introduce unevenness into the surface of the body. Once painted this will show up as a wobbly finish in the shine, leading to even more work to flat and polish. If your finish now is good then just take the shine off with some scotchbrite or 800-1000 grit wet'n'dry used wet. It really doesn't need scratching up a lot or again, you'll just be making work for yourself to overcome those scratches in your finish. If you have any dents or scratches they can be filled with a suitable filler and then those areas will need a coat of primer to stop them showing through your finished paint. Car stopper, which is a very fine filler, rather than wood filler is best as you're not repairing wood now, just a paint surface. You can prime the whole body if you want but you don't need to, just the repairs. Let the primer dry and flat that down with the wet'n'dry. You can paint straight over the primer after it's flashed off (what they call wet on wet painting) but there's a chance the repair will be visible in the paint finish. The only reason to completely remove the finish is if you plan on relicing and don't want the original colour showing through, if you're worried about chipping it and seeing the original colour, or if the finish is just in too bad a condition to work with. If you do want to removed the colour it's possible to sand the colour coat off and leave the original sanding sealer coat intact. Use a block to do this or you will rub through in patches. It's hard work though. If you want any specific info then feel free to PM me and I can walk you through the process as you do it. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  5. How did the seat saga end up? The last I remember the driver unit had cooked itself. Was the idea persued or shelved?
  6. Ooh that's interesting. I'd imagined it to be a solid block, kind of like a neck through without the wings. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  7. The Needle And The Spoon - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  8. I think we just need time to get used to the new system. I'm not certain because I haven't had the need to buy anything yet, but isn't it below Β£135 the seller lists item 'including VAT' which they collect, over Β£135 they list it as 'plus VAT' which the courier will collect and charge a fee for. Aren't all VAT applicable items over the threshold sold as 'plus VAT'?
  9. Yes, if a volume control was linear, although the sound level is, as you say, dropping at a consistent rate, the human ear hears it as an accelerated amount in the first (or last depending which way we're going) section of the sweep. So a logarithmic control counter balances that quirk of human hearing to make it sound equal throughout the sweep.
  10. I agree it's a confusing time buying from the EU here in the UK, but, it's just as confusing for a seller in the EU selling to the UK. If I were an EU seller I might be inclined to think, 'you chose this, you can work it out.' We (the UK) have made a very difficult situation for everyone but as usual we want everyone to make it easy for us. Unless I'm missing the meaning of the OP. πŸ™‚
  11. To answer my phone own question, neck dive presumably, but you can't have everything. πŸ˜‰
  12. If you include a payment of £1.60 to cover return postage and admin fees I'll gladly reimburse you. 😁
  13. This is amazing. If I was in a Glam Band I'd be all over this. A funky shaped, silver glitter P bass, what's not to like? Be interesting to see how much it gets too. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-Raider-1-Rare-1983-Bass-Guitar-Matsumoku-Japan-/303865791197?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  14. I've been having a closer look at this, and maybe I'm just too fussy, but how blasΓ© do you have to be to remove the neck at some point and then refit it with the neck plate upside down. πŸ€” I still like it though. πŸ™‚
  15. I'd just like to say I've just bought a set from Warman, and @Ricky 4000has bought from ebay. Both sets only contain narrow files, fine for a guitar but will only just about do the average G slot, not D, A or E. Also they aren't very coarse at all. Sorry for suggesting them.
  16. No not finished yet. I've got to fit the pickups/switches/controls and then try and wire it up so it works. I've been a bit slack but I just haven't felt like doing it for the last couple of weeks. These badges will spur me on now so will be finished soon.
  17. Get through a couple of bottles and you'll be about set to buy this for a grand. 😁
  18. Well, I've just had a knock at the door and opened it to find Michael Caine, Donald Sutherland and Robert Duvall on my doorstep. Sutherland hands me a packet (well places it on my step, stands back 2 metres and takes a photo of it) and informs me that "The Eagle has landed". @Dad3353, these are fantastic! Thank you so much. Soooo much better than having to resort to a vinyl sticker. The white is actually fine as it is but I'm off to fish out some gold paint in a mo and paint the top surface of one. A little sneaky peak. Once again thank you, a legend indeed. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
  19. Don't think I haven't thought about it. If I were to get one I'd prefer an original white one though, so that the finish had the same amount of aging as the neck and hardware.
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