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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Ann Peebles' album 'I can't stand the rain'. I don't know how this album has slipped me by. I've just had it on while I've been pottering and I'm now going to listen to it again while not pottering to pay it more attention. Beautiful voice and lovely playing from the 'Hi Records' house band, some of which were players for Stax as well. You can really hear that they also backed Al Green.
  2. From my point of view the pins aren't vital if they're proving tricky. Obviously I can't speak for @Rich. Once again, thank you. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  3. I'm like that when we're gigging every week. Someone will ask, "What songs do you do?" Um, er, one of them goes do da do, duh duh duh, oh what's it called. Oh, OK, bye then. πŸ˜„
  4. We've got a new drummer who joined just before lockdown so we'll need to get him up to speed, which will be perfect for getting the rest of back in shape. Hence why I haven't really bothered playing our set.
  5. Isn't there a Hohner headless in the classifieds? The one with the 'normal' body rather than cricket bat. Or have I dreamt it?
  6. I haven't played any stuff from either bands setlist since our last gig last March. I'm hoping it'll come back me. Don't tell anyone but I've been playing more guitar than bass for the last year. Shhhhh.
  7. "This is an Ibanez 1970's lawsuit bass. Stunning build quality, better than the Fenders at the time, hence their popularity and the lawsuit from Fender." Arrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! 🀬🀬🀬
  8. I actually love the smell of creosote, the real stuff mind. Takes me straight back to being 6 or 7 and helping my grandad do his fence. Funny how smells work.
  9. 'DO NOT USE THE TOILET WHILE THE TRAIN IS STANDING IN THE STATION' If you do make a bass from a railway sleeper, try and get one from the track in the station, they shouldn't be as "soaked in something nasty" as the others.
  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. My wife thinks I've got problems as while she's watching telly, I'm sat staring at a bass. When doing a bass*, I lean it on the sofa opposite me in the evenings and ideas will emerge over time, or ideas I had will get scrapped as my little brain ticks over. *I'm not comparing my tarting up old tat to your creations you understand, merely the similarity in idea evolution. πŸ˜‰
  11. Yep, I've always had great service from him too. I needed a sheet of material over Christmas. His ebay ad had a 'seller on holiday' message over the top stating he's on Christmas holiday so any orders wouldn't be posted until Monday 4th Jan, fair enough and not a problem. I ordered on Boxing Day and expected to see it at the end of the first week, or second week of January. It turned up on the three days between Christmas and New Year. So he'd still dealt with my order even though he was taking a Christmas break. Excellent and unexpected.
  12. You need a 'Hammerfor'. "What's a Hammerfor?" I hear you ask. Taking off tuners! πŸ˜„ Ahh the old ones are the best. πŸ™„
  13. I didn't know they did anything other than sunburst and black. I like that green. In that picture you can see what I mean about the pickguard and control being too white, the binding is a nice aged white and looks good. If I can find a green one I know where there'll be a nice black one available. 😁
  14. Never liked the Fisher Price Lightshow.
  15. What the dirty great holes in it for? Toasters are surface mounted.
  16. As long it's a four wire pickup, or four plus casing earth, then two wires are for one coil (green and red) and two for the other coil (black and white). Most aftermarket humbuckers come with the red and white wire joined, you use the black (ground) and green (hot) wires to make your connections, this is in series. A proper Musicman humbucker is in parallel so you use all four wires joined in pairs to make you connections, green and white (ground), red and black (hot). Or wire it through a push/pull pot so you can switch between series and parallel. A humbucker wired in parallel, roughly speaking, will be brighter but around 30% lower in output than it wired in series.
  17. I not sure where he's seen the price but he's a Rick fanboi so probably the Resource. Yeah at five grand I'd rather go the extra mile and find an original one, I've seen them around 7k. They're also a better shape πŸ˜‰.
  18. As well as shopping local they're excellent pickups. They were second on my list for my Hofner build but I didn't want the toaster style covers. They'll sound great. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  19. I've just had a message from our guitarist, apparently Β£4.5k for the guitar and Β£5k for the bass.
  20. Although everyone's screens will be giving a different rendition of the colour, Olympic White is definitely a different colour on different models, yes age changes it but go into a large guitar shop and the new ones will be different to each otger. Squier different to Fender, different ranges of instruments different to others, etc. It's really as general as saying something is Cherry Red. It's just a creamy off white of varying degrees.
  21. Yeah but with rosewood door frames and a tort carpet it would've looked epic. πŸ˜„
  22. I know πŸ˜‰. The predecessor to this bass, the 182, had both pickups very close together at the neck on the early ones. https://images.app.goo.gl/BmhjPqd3dapeiLpy7 Too close if you ask me. I'd guess they moved to the 'up against the bridge' position to to get more snap or bite out of them as back then it was all flats, and on a short scale made for a dark tone. It seems most folks use the bridge pickups in these set ups almost like a tone control to add some brightness into the tone. 😁
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