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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Now you're talking. If they want kids to get the goodness of milk inside them, why not have a cream tea? Much more civilised way of consuming dairy. Or a cheese board with nice glass of port.
  2. Gagging trying to force it down as you weren't allowed out to play until you'd drunk it all. If you were the last one you'd have to try and gag your way through it while the teacher stared, increasingly angrily at you. Physical, mental and emotional torment, all wrapped up in miniature milk bottle shaped package. Yep, best days of your life. 🙄
  3. Mmm, a tiny bottle of full fat milk that had sat in the sun for a couple of hours. How to turn someone off of milk for life, lesson one.
  4. A nice looking sunburst Epiphone Viola has just popped up on Facebook marketplace, as new condition with flats and a quikkock stand, £200. It's in Plymouth though, that's quite a long way from Edinburgh. 🙁
  5. I haven't bought one yet but from measurements it looks like some Les Paul type cases should fit the Club. The couple of centimetres difference in length between brands makes all the difference though so it's a try before you buy scenario, which I haven't got around to. The Ignition pickguard and control plate (and tuner buttons) do look very cheap, very anemic, just something to be aware of if that sort of thing matters, I don't know if the Contemporary ones are better. I made replacement ones for mine, but it also looks quite nice with the pickguard removed.
  6. It's entirely possible for the north side of town to face east, and the east side to face south, isn't it? But, the simple things Daltrey sees are definitely all complicated, he doesn't look that young and he is backdated, yeah. Substitute (TM for BJ), your lies for fact, unfortunately you didn't see right through their plastic mac. Oh Roger, whatever happened?
  7. I Believe I'll Dust My Broom - Robert Johnson
  8. Oh hardly any then 😄. Maybe you could make a statement of how many basses bought over what time scale that could be made a sticky, so that the rest of could use it when we get 'those looks' upon arrival of a new one. 😁
  9. Surely they're all worthy? My awful 70s Kay got the most interest out any of the ones I've done.
  10. @Doctor J, I completely agree. Although most/all of my basses are cheapies, half have been bought as projects at a snip. I enjoy refinishing them and sorting any issues, so they are an enjoyable hobby to work on, then they are pieces of playable art, then if I really need to I can sell at a profit, win win win. People happily pay £500 for a picture on the wall, this art can be taken off the wall and played, what could be better than that? As long as the bills are paid then I'd much rather have a bass collection than a money collection.
  11. The same thought crossed my mind. Not cashing in obviously as they're Ric's designs in the first place, but realised there's a healthy market they're missing out on. Let's see if they price themselves out of the market now.
  12. I agree, there's a lot of people that want one.
  13. When are you putting an order in then? 😄 I don't like to admit it as I love the look of this, but your Jack Casady will likely be a far better bass than this at a fraction of the price, and a stunner too.
  14. I've just seen these on fb. First thing I thought was the bridge placement is going to throw the first couple of frets out into the stratosphere if it's 34",or 33.5". I understood that they wouldn't remake the 4005 as the tone isn't a popular one nowadays and the low sales would make it a non starter. This is hollow with toasters at both extremes of the playing area like 4005 though, so will sound very similar. Although the neck pickup will be in a slightly better place due to the bridge being so far up the body. It'll be horribly expensive though, I reckon.
  15. She needs lessons from a seasoned professional, do we know anyone in the scam department? Calling Department S, is Mick there?
  16. Don't be mean. Poor old Danielle is only enquiring for her elderly dad who hasn't got Internet. Anyway when's her collection agent scheduled to come? 😄
  17. Oooh how much do you want for it? 😁 Seriously though, that is a stunner, my favorite combo for a Precision. Well done everyone who's donated parts and particularly well done to you Jon for taking the time to do this. 🙂👍
  18. Going To A Go-Go - Smokie and The Miracles
  19. Now I'm Feeling Zombified - Alien Sex Fiend
  20. One thing that I've seen a lot is people listing in the advert that they've fitted a new set of strings like it's a selling point. Apart from the whole 'not my kind of string' thing, the first thing I'll do with a second hand bass is cut the strings off. I don't want whatever the previous owner has managed to grind between the windings all over my fingers thank you very much. Usually while they're off the bass will get stripped and everything thoroughly cleansed, including the fretboard, then polished and oiled and a fresh set of strings. The funk may indeed be in the gunk, but I'm not finding it in someone else's.
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