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Everything posted by Maude

  1. You can't stop them, maybe it's best to just lay down and roll over........ ahem........ Beethoven.
  2. Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit - The Meteors
  3. I feel a great disturbance in the force! πŸ˜‰
  4. A tiny amount will make a huge difference. Imagine the neck pivoting on the outer end of the neck pocket, now lift the heel end of the neck even half a mil and think how far the headstock end will move. You definitely need to get those inserts flush or ever so slightly sunk into the neck. You can run the side of a bank card across the neck to check that they don't protrude. Don't try to counter the problem by adding a shim somewhere else, you'll just be chasing the problem around in circles. The phrase, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it', springs to mind here, but that's no help I realise. Also it's good to learn about these things and you don't learn without making a few mistakes, I applaud anyone who gets stuck in and has a crack. Get that rogue insert screwed in more or filed flush and I'm sure things will look better. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  5. It would be interesting to see how many were pre/post joining Basschat, and the timescale of pre/post Basschat. Example: Out of the 27 in my list. 6 in 15 yrs pre BC 21 in 10 yrs post BC. Not blaming anything you understand of course, oh no, it's not this bloomin' place is it!? 😁
  6. Just to clarify, as I used DPD via Eurosender pre 1st Jan and it was great so would use again, was it DPD or Eurosender that was the problem? Would DPD not deal with Eurosender as Eurosender are based in Luxembourg, or are DPD based in Luxembourg and as such Eurosender cancelled? I'm assuming Eurosender are based in Luxembourg.
  7. Yeah the shim thing wouldn't make much sense anyway as it would've had to have been a shim at the nut end of the neck pocket to lift the headstock up. Most shims are either full pocket to keep the angle the same but lift the entire neck towards to strings, or just a small shim at the bridge end of the pocket to tip the neck backwards to lower the strings. Hope you get it sorted. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  8. It definitely sounds like you've now angled the neck back slightly, causing the heel end to be slightly higher in relation to a straight line between the nut and the bridge. Are the new inserts in the neck definitely flush or below the surface of the neck? If they are then the neck angle shouldn't have changed. Make sure the inserts are ever so slightly below the surface of the neck and refit the neck but maybe try doing all four bolts up 'til they're nearly done, but then fully tighten the two nearest the bridge first and then the other two. This might just pull the heel end down slightly more. The only other thing could be if there was any kind of shim in the neck pocket, even if it was just a tiny piece that has fallen out. Although a shim is usually to fix the opposite of your problem so unlikely.
  9. Lots of relatively cheap stuff compared to most but having fun doesn't have to cost the earth. Unnamed SG copy (first bass) Yamaha Attitude Special Yamaha BBG5s Yamaha rbx374 Antoria J ---------------------- Above sold, below still got. --------------------- Hohner Arbour Series fretless P Line 6 Variax (modified) Line 6 Variax (standard) Aria STB Series P Aria STB Series J SX P Harley Benton acoustic 32" fretted Harley Benton acoustic 34" fretless Harley Benton bass uke fretted Harley Benton bass uke fretless Harry White 4005 Aria 4001 Bitsa P J MM hybrid Danelectro Longhorn Ibanez Talman TMB30 Kay KJP-1B Hofner Club Ignition Hofner Artist Yamaha BEX4 Harley Benton EUB Gedo doublebass Squier Bass vi I think that's it but I might've missed something. Edit. Missed one πŸ™‚
  10. As far as I'm aware it's not 'attempted' fraud, it is fraud. He set up a bogus advert for a pedal he doesn't have (even if he did have one he can't sell it to everyone) purely to trick people into sending him money. You fell for this trick and sent him money and recieved no goods in return, and were never going to. He defrauded you of your money. Only your actions have made him return it. He still defrauded you.
  11. I guess the problem is as a buyer it makes complete sense to use PayPal and pay as goods, adding on the extra for the charges, but I'm assuming the seller then worries that the buyer can claw their money back through PayPal by saying the goods are faulty or damaged. If distance selling and buying are the only way then I suppose you just have put a degree of trust in each other and bite the bullet. Or walk away. As sad as it is, I've kind of resigned myself to only spending what I can afford to lose and hope that the ratio of good to bad deals keeps me in the black.
  12. And totally justified if you ask me. πŸ‘
  13. I understand that some might feel you don't trust them, but the fact is they're a stranger and you have no reason to trust them, or to not trust them. If trust, or lack of, is nothing to be wary of then ask them to send the item first, and once it's arrived safe and sound you'll send the payment. I'll wager trust will suddenly be an issue.
  14. No need to apologise @BigRedX, work is work and I wouldn't expect anyone to lose out while doing a favour. Thanks anyway. πŸ™‚πŸ‘ @Dad3353 , 50mm per the picture you posted will be absolutely fine. It's hard to tell without actually laying the badge on there but any smaller and I'd guess it'll start to look a bit too weeny. 50mm it is, and thank you too. πŸ‘
  15. 2.9% + Β£0.30p per transaction. Very little for some peace of mind
  16. Maude


    The piezo will probably be fine, they respond better to high pressure. One of the issues with rubber strings can be the lack of pressure on the piezo element. Have you used the B to G, or gone for the F# to D for increased tension?
  17. Woah woah woah, hang on a minute. We can't have a thread on here started and resolved that quick without some political brexit chat. πŸ˜‰
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