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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Is that a black plate, or something else? I've been trying to work out what they fitted.
  2. You Sir, are an absolute legend. Thank you. Yes I'd paint it, and you're bang on with the colour scheme. The bass is cream with pearl copper scratchplate and headstock plate, a lot of the chrome on the hardware has worn away to reveal the brass underneath, which I've polished up. I'd possibly even paint the badge the same cream as the body and headstock and then the pick out the lettering in gold so as to match perfectly. It's the little details............. .......... that make me a dull lad. πŸ˜„
  3. Whilst hunting around the webternet for any badges I came across a Hofner forum where I recognised a moderators name, @Dad3353. πŸ™‚
  4. I don't know what size the original would be but would like one slightly smaller as I've made the face plate smaller to reveal the edge of the painted headstock, as per the resto thread. Have you still got the three holes in yours or have they been filled in over the years? To fit the three original holes it would have to be the exact same size as the original.
  5. Maybe, I don't know you personally πŸ˜‰
  6. I just re-read your post and saw you said to give you a few days to come up with a file, so I've answered my own question. The badge would need to be about 45mm in length, if it's do-able. Thank you so much for any help as I'm totally a fish out of water with this. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  7. Yes, I think so. Is that something you have on file already, or an image you've found?
  8. I'll put this question here as it's predominantly about 3D printing, but it is for a bass, and I know a fair few don't venture into Off Topic. I'm currently giving an old Hofner a little make over. They had a badge on the headstock and mine is missing. I've had a search on the Internet but cannot find one anywhere. I know nothing about 3d printing and what's involved in getting something from a photo to an actual printed object, presumably it involves CAD or something, which again I know nothing about, so go easy on me. What is the possibility of getting this done, rough idea of costs involved, and does anyone on here do it, or know someone who does? This is the badge and thanks in advance for any help.
  9. Indeed. I never got to know Howerd Jones well. Songwriters are full of of shite! πŸ˜‰
  10. Whispering Green Grass - Don Estelle and Windsor Davies
  11. Scott Whitley's short scale bass website has some good information on strings. http://www.shortscalebass.co.uk/short-scale-string-choice/
  12. The volume equalisation is a really good feature. I've got basses that are coil tapped and there is indeed a volume jump from single coil to humbucker, and again from parallel humbucker to series humbucker. The Hofner I'm doing at the mo will have two mini humbuckers coil tapped in this way, and then a push/pull volume to put both pickups in series or parallel with each other, so my volumes will be all over the place I reckon. Three of those Sims pickups is going to be mad. πŸ˜πŸ‘
  13. A bit more progress. I've made the scratchplate and headstock plate. The scratchplate still needs pickup openings and screw holes drilling, I'm just about the tidy up the neck pocket part of the plate so I can then fit the neck and put an E and G string on to then mark where the pickups will go. Then cut the openings in the plate, then finally drill the fixing holes. The holes in the the plate that came on it aren't as the original so I'll drill them in the right place as per the pictures posted earlier in the thread. I also made the plate fit the curves of the lower bout better as the one I had wasn't great. The headstock plate is certainly different. I honestly don't know if they all, or indeed any, had this. In some close up pictures it definitely looks like a separate plate covering the headstock. I've made one from the scratchplate material to see what it looks like and I really like it. Why don't more basses have this quirky little feature, kind of like a matching colour headstock but it matches the scratchplate. I've made it so it sits in a few mil from the edge so that you can still see the cream paint. The paint was applied a mil over the edge of the headstock to help with this. I don't even think I need to put any fixings in it as the tuner ferrules and string tree will hold it. I might put two screws in if needed, or maybe just a bit of double sided tape to hold it. I'll decide when the time comes. The pictures are a bit yellow looking, indoor lighting and phone camera. In the flesh it's not quite as gold, more of a brownish tinge. The next thing I need, which looks virtually impossible to find is a headstock badge. I could put a sticker on but it's just not the same. Does anyone know about 3D printing and what would be involved in getting one done? This is the badge, and you can also see the headstock plate.
  14. Did they really have to play, 'In League With Satan', from 'Welcome To Hell' backwards to discover it might contain "messages" about The Devil. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  15. We had this from a pub that has been trying to book us for the last 12 months. "Can we pencil in something for later in the year? Things hopefully may be back to relative normality then and I'm wanting to fill my diary." In March last year he booked us for 27th June 2020, and in July he booked us for 14th Nov 2020. Obviously these didn't happen. Maybe one of lifes optimists, or maybe just niave, but at least he's eager to get bands back in his pub. In hoping when pubs can put on bands with no restrictions that there'll be a huge demand for it.
  16. I actually quite like the scratchplate. Not this actually one that looks like he cut it out using a beaver held by the tail, Fred Flintstone style, but the general shape of it.
  17. Could someone copy and paste the description for me please. It's a bit small for my eyes. Thanks. πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘
  18. The animation doesn't appear to be there, but it does say the site's undergoing maintenance so that might be why. I'd guess they've gone for just the three pickup styles as a balance of useable tones and simplicity. The two J's and two P's probably don't sound different enough to warrant the extra confusion in the configuration. With 'just' the J, P & MM on each pickup this bass is going to be mad enough without more choices. πŸ™‚
  19. This is looking fabulous. πŸ™‚πŸ‘ Sorry to derail slightly, but it is about the Super Quads. The way I picture the pickups internally is like the two parts of a P pickup inline, then another one beside it, so four sections of two pole pickups in a 2x2 grid (four string bass). Let's number them 1,2,3&4 in order as you would read a book. So a J pickup would be 1&3 or 2&4, a P 2&3 and a MM all 4 on. If this is how it's done why is there no option for reverse P (1&4) and neck and bridge J (2&4) and (1&3) in one single pickup? Or is that just too confusing in a single unit? The two J's probably aren't worth it as they are so close together, but the reverse P might be useful.
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