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Everything posted by Maude

  1. It took a while to find and is going nowhere. Fantastic basses for very little money.
  2. Don't go down that rabbit hole! The more you read about them the more you'll want one. Psst, Peavey T-40
  3. I suppose it's much easier when joining a new neck and body as you could just clamp the neck in the pocket and drill straight through the body into the neck, giving you the correct angle and location in the neck. Trying to match fresh body holes to existing threaded inserts in the neck must be far more difficult.
  4. Why am I on edge reading this? I'm not drilling it. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ ๐Ÿ˜ Great work as always Andy. ๐Ÿ‘
  5. All the bits are here now and I'm furloughed again from Monday so progress should resume then when I've got an empty house, the sheds just too cold at the mo. I need to get a woodburner out there to get through my projects quicker, one in the burner one on the bench, one in the burner one on the bench. ๐Ÿ˜
  6. I've just used Eurosender. From North Yorkshire to Cornwall, insured as an instrument. ยฃ12.50 Search on here for the thread with the forum discount for Eurosender. It was in a Hiscox hardcase and then wrapped in a couple of layers of cardboard and sent with DPD, so size not an issue. ยฃ200 insurance included as standard, my bass only cost ยฃ200 so didn't bother increasing it. Two days door to door.
  7. A mirror scratchplate with a bullet hole type smash radiating out from the P pickup would suit. But I'm sure @Sammybasshas a plan. The neck is gorgeous too.
  8. Luckily most 'boutique' expensive basses don't interest me. But show me something quirky, gaudy and tacky and I can't resist. Luckily these are mainly basses no other sane person wants so it works out quite cheap. ๐Ÿ˜
  9. Ah big hairy ballbags!! 4 hours too late. If DarkHeart doesn't have this for any reason I'll take it please. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  10. It says the Mustang sold for ยฃ950, that can't be right can it? I like the Framus, but only for a couple of hundred.
  11. Does YouTube speed change emulate pitch correction? This could be the reason.
  12. This has been around for a while now but is still impressive, even if you hate ukuleles.
  13. I wasn't looking for anything like that, but then I saw them, and the output figures, and a little devil appeared on my shoulder, whispering in my ear, "Buy one and put it in something, it'll be mad". No angel has appeared on the other shoulder yet, and at ยฃ25 it hard to disagree with the old devil. ๐Ÿ˜
  14. You had one job. ONE JOB!! ๐Ÿ˜
  15. How was the guitar paid for? Alarm bells would be ringing if Paypal. Before I knew better I got done by returning something bought overseas to the sellers UK warehouse. The return was received and signed for, but as with you, completely no contact. In the end I tried to claim through PayPal but as it had been returned to an address other than the one the seller had registered with PayPal, they just basically said tough. The insinuation was that I could have sent it to my own mate and then tried to claim. The seller clearly knew that giving me a different return address would result in this, hence the silence, but I didn't know. I do now. ๐Ÿ™ Hopefully yours is purely down to the mess of lockdown, brex'ahem' and Covid restrictions, but a phone call would stop any worry.
  16. Whilst browsing for mini humbuckers for my Hofner project I came across these quad rails on the Warman website, and have since been wondering what to try one, or two, in. https://www.warmanguitars.co.uk/?s=Quad+rail Obviously nothing like the Sims Quad, but being four wire can be wired to give two separate humbuckers, or both together in series or parallel, and a pair of pickups would give those options on both, plus both pickups in series or parallell. For very little outlay it could create something monstrous. Sorry for the slight derail.
  17. No real need for many controls. Set it to P on the centre pickup, volume on full, then get on with it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. Whoaaah aaaaah ah, let's go all the way.
  19. This is the 45 played at 33. I'm still not convinced it's only that as it just sounds to good. Edit, just realised @TwoTimesBass has already posted this.
  20. I was just about to post that one. ๐Ÿ‘
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