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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I seem to remember when researching what strings would be best on my Hofner, Pyramid and LaBella seemed to be favourites. All subjective of course.
  2. I Believe In Father Christmas - Greg Lake Only 355 sleeps to go.
  3. Sorry to sound harsh but I'd be delighted if there was someone like ACG only 45 miles from me.
  4. Squier VM Jaguar bass in CAR. Bought new for her son, he'd tried it twice and given up, still had the protective film on pickups and scratchplate. £100 ono including hardcase. I spent ten minutes deciding if I really needed it, then it was gone.
  5. Goodnight Girl - Wet Wet Wet (hangs head in shame)
  6. I Could Be So Good For You - Dennis Terry Waterman
  7. See this is the problem with Basschat. I bought a Club as I'm not a fan of The Beatles and didn't want to have 'the Macca chat' every time I used it, I even bought a black one as the sunburst still looks very 'McCartney'. So why am I now finding myself scouring ads for a violin bass? It won't even sound any different to my Club. 🙄 😄
  8. To be completely honest it's looking like a very good time to start enjoying the gear we've already got. I know, I know, don't slam the BC door as I leave. 😉
  9. Yep, still 'selling' bass gear. https://www.facebook.com/groups/MusicalInstrumentsForSaleWantedUKIrela/permalink/3601759693274404/ He has got a case for sale. Let's hope he'll be attending one soon as well.
  10. Very kind of @TheGreek 👍. Another thing to consider when going shorter scale fretless, is that the shorter the scale, the less margin for error there is. Obviously spot on intonation is the aim but a fraction out on a 34", give it some vibrato and it's acceptable, to a degree. That same amount out on a 28" is just plain old out of tune.
  11. ['allo' allo English/French policeman ] You just need to shit slowly and loudly.
  12. Buy direct from Warman. Their eBay listings are usually more expensive, presumably to cover the fees.
  13. And if you want someone local to do the repair Ashdown will happily supply the schematics for your tech. I had two Perfect ten mini rigs (still got one), the ones with the metal grilles rather than cloth, one was popping the slow blow fuse. Took it someone local who got the schematic from Ashdown, traced it to an output resistor or something. Changed that and put some extra heat sink paste on something (can you tell I'm not really sure what was done?) and all was good again. The schematic really helped him pinpoint the issue.
  14. Absolutely this. I've got one in a passive MM type bass and KiOgon made me a four position rotary switch, to match the volume and tone knob, which switches through single bridge coil, single neck coil, then both coils in series, then both in parallel. The standard pickup comes wired in series but a true MM is wired in parallel but it's simple to change, if you wanted to.
  15. I agree that our (Britain's) obsession with 'the war' is obsurd. I watched the documentary because, as I mentioned, my knowledge on it is lacking as I'm really not into all that war stuff. It seems that on freeview you could see a program about the war every day if you were so inclined. As you say, strange. The one I watched was factual and not celebratory, and focused quite a bit on Luftwaffe flying ace Adolf Galland.
  16. I don't want to sound childish, but @EBS_freak started it. He brought up two wars one cup..........oh hang on, that might've been a different 'docunentary'. 😉
  17. At a complete guess (not helpful I know) I'd estimate adding 25% on top, as you used to for imports from outside the EU previously. 20% VAT and 5% to cover other fees.
  18. That's it, I've binned my white scarf and I'm off to shave off my handlebar moustache. Thank goodness the roundel tattoo was from my bubblegum.
  19. That wasn't the one I saw, but I might watch that later. It was this Channel 5 one. https://www.channel5.com/show/the-battle-of-britain-3-days-that-saved-the-nation/ Not being the type that watches a lot of these WW2 documentaries I realised that I didn't actually know much about the details. The sheer number of German planes coming over at a time got me. Wave after wave of 500 or more German planes were sent in one day. Also I didn't know that the Polish pilots in the RAF were the ones with the knowledge of how to fight the Germans.
  20. Interesting doesn't mean right. If those Germans were flying over goods direct from Thomann things would've been different.
  21. I did watch that program last night about the Battle Of Britain, it was quite interesting to be honest. Ahh the sound of those Spitfires. 😉
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