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Everything posted by Maude

  1. OK I think that's stretching the point a little, and the likelihood of it happening being practically non existent means I don't have to worry about it. But following your scenario of my profession being made illegal, my options are to protest about it until the decision is reversed whilst being thoroughly miserable due to no income and most probably losing my house and all my belongings in the process. Or find a different job which while maybe not paying as well would keep a roof over my head and food on the table, thus making me happy. I'm not going to get into the discussion of the ease of finding another job at the moment, as that's a very real possibility that might be forced upon me soon. But again, until it happens, what's the point in worrying about it? What will be will be.
  2. It will affect me, but so will the weather, what the traffic is like on Monday and all manner of other things. I'm sorry to appear to be trivialising it but that's how I view it at the moment, we'll see how it pans out in a few months time. The biggest personal impact of a guitar shop not selling to the UK is that I'll have to buy from a UK shop, good for UK business as well. If the non UK sellers weren't cheaper to start with then I'd be buying from the UK anyway. Also I'll quite often pay more to not have the wait from non UK. The last bass I bought new was cheaper from a UK seller so if all the non UK sellers hadn't existed then it wouldn't have mattered. Me personally, I'll adapt and not worry too much, but as I've said previously, I know that doesn't help folks that will be harder hit
  3. I'm sure the changes will impact directly or indirectly on every single one of us, but I tend to just roll with it. I could scream all day long that down here we have one of the highest rates for water, council tax, housing etc but a very low average for wages, but would it make much difference? As long as I've got enough to live I'll just enjoy life. I'm a panel beater in a large accident repair centre, so make my living out of other people's misfortune already. As insurance is a legal requirement and the insurance companies pay our bills, we have a reasonable buffer from the B effect, but no doubt the parts supply chain will be affected. But again I can't change that so why worry.
  4. I'll admit that on matters like this I am. I'd just like to say thanks to folks that they can discuss matters like this, that clearly matter a lot to their lives, without resorting to arguing. A lot of folks would think I'm a terrible person for the way I live my life. Very simply put, I go to work, take my pay and enjoy life, staying out the way of things that don't matter to me. Not head in the sand but screaming at the wind doesn't appeal either. I do feel things have a way of sorting themselves out but realise this doesn't help others that are directly impacted by the B word, and I thank you all for educating me a bit.
  5. Surely if things like the way VAT is collected and companies like the one in the link just choose not to sell to us, then things can, and will have to, change in the future. If all this has a massive negative impact then surely we'll put a different collection system in place. Maybe if enough businesses choose not to sell to us then that will leave a hole in the market which could be filled by new UK businesses. Maybe I'm just niave.
  6. I was about to post that down here in Cornwall it was mainly the farming community that were the driving force behind Brexit.
  7. Hey, it's good to have something solid to depend on. 😉
  8. Hopefully just as much stuff from the EU will now slip through the net as from the rest of the world. I've bought all sorts from all round the world and have had to pay charges an amazingly few times. Not just cheaper items that are below some threshold either. I've even had stuff left on my doorstep from Royal Mail with a big sticker on saying 'Do not leave unless payment is collected', or words to that effect.
  9. And if so are the folks saying the couriers handling fee is to handle the VAT collection on your (the buyers) behalf wrong? I guess the definitive answer for someone like me is time will tell, but that's no help to small business owners.
  10. Thanks for the explanation. As someone who's never had to deal with any of that it's all stuff I was unaware of, I can see why it's probably just not worth it. But being an annoyingly 'glass half full' type, if we have effectively made trading with the EU a no go for businesses like yours, and vice versa, then hopefully your UK sales might pick up a bit and fill the gap a little. Obviously the UK isn't as big as the EU though.
  11. I just want to add, incase you were to go and buy one from Thomann, and I didn't realise at the time, the price is low from them now due to the new VAT rules. 20%VAT plus handling/import charges need to be added to that so probably cheaper from somewhere else. They're not as light as you'd expect either, it's a big body for a short scale.
  12. I'm a little confused, and I'm quoting your post but it's not just related to your wife's business. A few people have said business won't be bothered /don't have the time for all the extra paperwork involved in the new way of collecting VAT. Yet others are saying the handling fee the couriers will be charging is a payment for them handling the VAT collection. If the couriers are handling the VAT collection, don't businesses just sell the goods and move on with no extra hassle?
  13. Yeah I went round his house and quizzed him about that. Turns out we don't get along as much as I thought we would.
  14. The returns part is something I hadn't considered. What happens if you bought an item, paid the UK vat, then had to exchange the item due to fault, or just return for a refund? I assume the VAT is not paid to Thomann so they won't be refunding it?Will you have to claim it back yourself, or do we not know yet?
  15. If I understand what you mean, and I think I do, then no the thread should not protrude out of the bridge. If the thread is sticking out then the bridge contact to the body is only the tip of the threads (unless it pushes into the wood as yours sounds to have done). The bridge to body contact should be at its maximum by having the entire bottom of the bridge sitting firmly on the body. The phasing is probably from the kink in the string, where it was sitting on the bridge previously.
  16. Ibanez Talman TMB30, and stick the £465 change in the your piggyback, or upgrade the pickups if so inclined. So much better than the price would suggest. https://m.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_tmb30_mgr_talman_short_scale.htm?glp=1
  17. I've got LaBella flats on my Club. They're the set designed for the Violin bass so will definitely fit. Not too high tension but definitely not low either. I really like the feel but I do prefer a stiff flat to a flexible round. They sound great though. https://www.labella.com/products/760fhbb-beatle-bass-stainless-flats-50-100/
  18. 100 Mile High City - Billy Ocean Colour Scene
  19. Great little basses. I like how they 'encourage' me to play differently than a standard bass. Enjoy the your bass, and France. BTW, that fizzy pop you spoke of, if that's the empty box in the outdoor picture then you might want to go easy on it. 😉
  20. Love Missile F1-11 (Sigue Sigue Sputnik)
  21. Stick one if these in there and wire it through a three way switch to give single coil and a humbucker in series and parallel. Warman make absolutely fantastic pickups for very little money, and this should have plenty of power for less than twenty quid. https://www.warmanguitars.co.uk/product/jazzbar-bass-humbucker-13-31k-8-56-h-4-wire-overwound/
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