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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Another topic I know, but nearly every ad on Facebook (not from the marketplace) is a scam. Chinese companies, take your money, send the wrong item of a hugely lower value, then tell you to return it to China at your expense for a refund. Facebook simply cannot be niave enough not to realise what's going on but as long as the ad money keeps rolling in they don't care.
  2. Exactly. Went inside for obtaining property by deception, has ten prior convictions including counterfeiting and dishonesty offences, and has just been convicted of five charges of fraud and two of falsifying articles and was sentenced to 162 weeks, suspended for two years on 15th January this year. Yet this thread has tarnished his good name? There's not enough laughing smilies to try and express this clowns comedy genius.
  3. This. I had a new LaBella flat snap at the tuner while setting the action and intonation on a floating bridge Hofner. As you need to repeatedly detune slightly to adjust the bridge, then retune to check action I thought it was maybe my fault. I messaged LaBella to see what they recommend as I didn't want to break another, they asked for a photo of the break. They came back to me and said it was a defective string and sent me a new one free and popped in a funky sticker. Happy days. 🙂
  4. Saw these last week on the fb fakers page. Looks like a great improvement. I hate to jump on the Rick bashing bandwagon but the original saddle block is a terrible piece of design.
  5. Be a Smurf. Apparently when I was very young my grandparents gave my brother and I a coin each to throw in a wishing well. I wished I was a Smurf while my brother kept the money as it was a waste throwing it in a well. Roll on nearly half a century and I'm not a Smurf and he's got more money than me. There's a lesson in there boys and girls.
  6. There was one on ebay a week or so ago, a bit rough though. I posted about it in the eBay section but wasn't aware how highly regarded they were. This video of Troy was posted and it sounds great. It probably wouldn't sound like that in my hands though sadly.
  7. He doctored his own bank statements to prove he'd refunded his caravan customers. His 'proof of posting' is probably proof of nothing. Fraud then intimidation equals police then finishing his suspended sentence inside.
  8. I have the Ignition Club bass, essentially the same as the violin but a different shape. It's a great bass, I don't think you'll regret your choice. 🙂👍
  9. You have a laser beam for an E string!? That's effing cool! 😎
  10. I've found these pages which are quite interesting, and well explained for a non-electrically minded person like myself. I'm just trying to understand the basics as people seems to keep quoting the resistance figures of a pickup, but I'm increasingly reading that the inductance value is more important in estimating the performance of a pickup. I was hoping it would boil down to something simple like resistance value would indicate the brightness and inductance would indicate the power, in a similar pickup. Obviously everything else plays a part but it can't just be a wild stab in the dark, else a manufacturer wouldn't be able to custom wind a pickup to give the tone you ask of them. http://www.planetz.com/pickup-dc-resistance-and-output-levels/ https://www.planetz.com/pickup-inductance/#:~:text=Inductance is measured in Henrys,is DC resistance (DCR).
  11. Thank you @itu. Does the inductance (H) indicate the power of the output? Eg, a low R and high H pickup would, very generally speaking, have a thick bottom end with plenty of oomph. Also, is there any difference, other than string spacing or amount of pole pieces, between a guitar and bass pickup? Eg, if a pickup advertised as a guitar pickup had the same R and H values as the ones in my bass, then it should, in theory, sound alright. I don't want to say the same as different manufacturers etc sound different. I'm trying to find suitable pickups at a price I'm comfortable with and I've found two pairs with very different values and I'm just trying to get my head around what those different values will likely equate to.
  12. That's a useful article but doesn't really cover what I'd like to know. I probably hit on to many points in one post to make much sense. I understand the differences placement and style of pickup makes so I'll concentrate on one topic for a minute. If I want a mini humbucker in one fixed position, what determines it's sound, ie magnet material, resistance, inductance, etc? I should, within reason, be able to tell how a pickup will sound just by it's physical values shouldn't I? And if so what is it that those values reveal? I understand a bit like a higher resistance will lose some low end (?) but is inductance value (Henry) more important in estimating the output power? I'd like to understand this so that if I had the value of the original Hofner pickups, which were mini humbuckers, then I could compare replacements with some idea of what results any changes to these values would have on the tone. For example if the resistance and inductance were the same but the magnet material was different, what would the effect be, or if the magnet and resistance were the same but the inductance was different, what would be the result? I realise this is quite specialist but it would be good to know.
  13. I'm currently trying to choose a pair of pickups for a Hofner I'm doing and I've come across some points that, either I don't understand, or aren't really points at all. Essentially a pickup is magnet and a coil of wire, the string moves through the magnetic field and produces an ekectrical current in the coil, job done, yes? So does it matter whether the pickup is a bass or guitar pickup, other than physical dimensions? The Seymour Duncan SM-1 & SM-3 mini humbuckers are, apparently, a good upgrade to the standard Hofner staple type pickups., but expensive. The Seymour Duncans appear to be Gibson Firebird replacements so designed for guitar. I think the toasters in Rickenbacker 4005 basses were just guitar pickups. So can I just find some cheaper minihumbers, or other style, that physically fit, and all will be good? What determines the tone of a pickup? Does the 'bassiness' come from the string gauge or the pickup? Sorry for all the questions but it would be an interesting discussion I think. 🙂👍
  14. In The Midnight Hour - The Jam (greatest cover band evaaar!!)
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