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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Sorry to go back to the BBPH again, but from about 6 minutes onwards here it's sounding great. Why do I keep torturing myself? 😄
  2. Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit - The Meteors
  3. I think candy paint gets called candy apple because CAR tends to be the most common colour.
  4. In the custom world, a tinted lacquer applied over a metallic (usually a coarse gold or silver) basecoat is just 'candy' paint, the 'apple red' or 'apple green' is the colour. A similar process is used on lots of modern production cars but it's known as 'three stage pearl', and isn't usually as extreme as a candy finish.
  5. I've got a Sharpie and a shyte bass, all I need now is to download a collection of random, unrelated pictures of a celeb and I could have a £2.5k Christmas bonus. Just need to track down a willing mug to buy it. 😉
  6. Been Caught Stealing - Jane's Addiction
  7. (Song for my) Sugar Spun Sister - The Stone Roses
  8. Just seen this on ebay and I really like the poor old wonky thing. Collection only and far too far alas. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Guild-B301A-Bass-Guitar-/114563407320?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  9. Beautiful English tie pin, yeah, hmm !?
  10. Ooh that'll make your eyes water! The tuners will be like a Guiro. 😬
  11. We Gotta Get Out Of This Place - Angelic Upstarts (the best version)
  12. I've found lots of 'budget' strings tend to have red silks. Those ten pounds a pack Olympia flats do, and the two different brands of super el cheapo rounds I used to buy from a local shop for a fiver did to. Not much help but there you go 😁. Enjoying this build BTW. I don't know how but I only just discovered it over the weekend. 🙂👍
  13. Pah, 'tis but an afternoon stroll! 😁 559.3 miles for me, shall we try for a forum relay? 😁
  14. Aren't there only 300 and something being sold worldwide?
  15. You're really not helping you know! 😁 I'm fighting not buying one of these as I'm in the middle of doing some major work on the house and can't really justify another bass. Part of me was hoping there'd be a lively second hand market in time, like the Flea jazz, but I fear you might be right and these will mainly be keepers. The other thought is that as there's a lot of interest and very limited numbers, then there might be a second run in a few months with an inflated price tag. If I stick one on a 0% card for 12 months, I won't really know I've bought one, will I? 🤔 😄
  16. The LaBella flats I put on my Hofner Club (they're actually listed for the violin bass but the same thing) had black silks. One of them snapped whilst first tuning and LaBella sent me a replacement but it had a grey silk. I don't know if they're moving from black to grey, I hope not as I like the black silks. A black Sharpie sorted the mismatch out.
  17. That's not my name (The Ting Tings) Edit: Too slow again, ignore me.
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