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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Speed King (Deep Purple) It had to be didn't it? 🙂
  2. Do we need to talk about a new home for Hooky BB in six months time?
  3. The Devil Went Down To Georgia (The Charlie Daniels Band)
  4. Is the polarity of your magnets the right way around? If they work against the pickup magnet it will sound weak as you've described. Somebody on here posted a link to a great little write up they did on the Squier Jag as mention above, explaining what happens when the polarity is wrong, I just can't remember who it was now though.
  5. I'm not sure if I've understood correctly but what about the arm rest from a banjo? https://images.app.goo.gl/b6QvT18JxkmkKpUw5 You can get metal or wooden ones, metal ones start very cheap (£5) and could be taped on to test the water.
  6. Battleship Chains (The Georgia Satellites)
  7. Now I'll apologise in advance for going here, but from experience of our drummer who's just had to leave the band for different reasons, the post gig fart will breach both that decibel meter, and the constraints of a sturdily built pair of jeans. His reasoning is that an hour of jiggling up and down whilst 'sealed' to a drum stool causes all sorts of gaseous build ups, and once 'uncorked' by the stool needs to be released. Unpleasant so 'n' so! 💥💨👃🤢 😁
  8. Out of curiosity, what would a decent sneeze or cough register in decibels?
  9. I didn't realise it was that long, for the reasons you state. As much as I love Hooky, JD and early NO I couldn't help but think, come on Hooky, you know more than Love Will Tear Us Apart, 24 Hours and Age of Consent. Still enjoyed it though 🙂.
  10. I'd held back from questioning for fear of causing any upset, but as the conversation has headed that way curiosity has got the better of me. I too wondered the reason for wanting it back. If it was a beloved bass then why was it moved on in the first place? Hopefully it's as simple as a sibling saying, "I'd love Dad's old bass back". I also realise that it's none of my business, but that's curiosity for you. I do though, hope that the bass finds it's way to where it needs to be. 🙂
  11. In that case, and this is very generalised as you can change the tone of all bass models, a Rick might work well. Going from most bottom end to most top end I'd put their core sound in the order of P, J then Rick. So if a J sounded clearer than the P, then a Rick might well be what you're looking for. But as I hinted at above, depending on strings and EQ any bass can sound different. Stick flats on a J or Rick and use the neck pickup and it'll sound deeper than a P played with rounds and a plectrum. In all honesty a good old P should cut through most bands if EQ'd right.
  12. Three points here need attention. Firstly, best wishes to you and your mum, I hope you get to have some quality time with her. Secondly, yes of course you should get a Rick. Thirdly, what does your singer mean that he can't sing over a P bass? 🙂
  13. Love Potion No9 (The Searchers) Edit: Ignore me, too late again.
  14. Kill Your Television (Neds Atomic Dustbin)
  15. Isn't there a luthier called Bernie Goodfellow (GB guitars and basses) Could be made specifically for a shape of theirs. 🤔
  16. I'm happy to stand corrected. If fender use nylon as standard then it must me fine. That said, personally I'd still go with metal for no other reason than the cost difference is negligible, and it would satisfy my mind. 🙂
  17. What's this obsession with knackered old Triumph cars on here lately? 😉
  18. @Dad3353 has pretty much covered exactly what I was going say. Hofner Club if you don't want the Macca comments, same sound and weight but different style. With rounds they're a lot brighter than you'd expect but they are lacking in sustain due to design, no bad thing though I feel. The Ignition series or a proper German made one will be lightest as they are both fully hollow, the Contemporary series has a centre block to improve sustain, but it adds weight. Or something by Danelectro for a more 'usual' bass sound, a surprisingly aggressive tone with rounds and plectrum if needed. They have centre blocks so similar weight to a Contemporary series Hofner.
  19. I'm not sure nylon washers will be tough enough, there's a fair bit of compression on the end nut.
  20. To get enough 'milk' from the males they'd be going at it until they were blue in the face.
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