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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Freebass. Peter Hook, Andy Rourke & Mani (Joy Division/New Order, The Smiths & Stone Roses (among others)).
  2. Join the resistance people ✊. Once the Scott's Bad Lower-colon revolution takes place you'll all be forced to wear that 'sniffing someone else's eggy stonkers' bass face permanently.
  3. I don't know what I'm enjoying most, the neck removal dilemma or the Superdream chat. BassChat doing what it does best 😁.
  4. Mine is definitely 30", I assumed they all were, maybe they did 30" & 34".
  5. I've only just noticed this. Yes the second one is a 185. I can't remember the ins and out but depending on age and where it was sold they were a 185 or Artist, older ones were, I think, a 182. Lots of info in that Hofner site that has been linked. Mine had been butchered so now has Warman Thunderbuckers and completely different wiring and switching so couldn't comment on how yours sounds. They play nicely though and strangely don't feel like a short scale.
  6. It was all the right notes... 😁
  7. It just so happens that Lady Maude recorded some of my generation on her phone, I know, it sounds terrible, but you can hear the bass! She must've learnt about bass through osmosis as this was the only bit she recorded all night and she managed to get the little bass solo.
  8. The Eden Project, Cornwall. It really is quite amazing as a venue. Large amphitheater so good visibility from pretty much everywhere and the lighting in the biomes is linked to the stage lighting so mirrors the colours, strobes etc. Luckily it was dry and sunny.
  9. Well well well, I could hear the bass last night. Not a boomy mush but almost difficult to distinguish from the guitars as it was quite toppy, it could still have done with bring far more prominent giving that this is The Who. Several times though I noticed that only Roger, Pete and Zak were spotlighted with the rest in darkness, also the bassist was hiding away at the back almost behind the drums. But it was a fantastic night and they were on top form, the orchestra really lifted the sound.
  10. "Who are you seeing live next?" Yes! Off to see The Who tonight at The Eden Project, and the sun is shining.
  11. Well this is a thread I didn't want to read. I'm off to see The Who in a couple of hours.
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266062034192?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=786k7bwkQqe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=i1P6UitjSry&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. Get a Daisy Rock bass and an Ashdown Pedal of Doom and melt some faces! 🤘😠
  14. Beer and sex and chips 'n' gravy - Macc Lads
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