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Everything posted by Maude

  1. It was all the right notes... 😁
  2. It just so happens that Lady Maude recorded some of my generation on her phone, I know, it sounds terrible, but you can hear the bass! She must've learnt about bass through osmosis as this was the only bit she recorded all night and she managed to get the little bass solo.
  3. The Eden Project, Cornwall. It really is quite amazing as a venue. Large amphitheater so good visibility from pretty much everywhere and the lighting in the biomes is linked to the stage lighting so mirrors the colours, strobes etc. Luckily it was dry and sunny.
  4. Well well well, I could hear the bass last night. Not a boomy mush but almost difficult to distinguish from the guitars as it was quite toppy, it could still have done with bring far more prominent giving that this is The Who. Several times though I noticed that only Roger, Pete and Zak were spotlighted with the rest in darkness, also the bassist was hiding away at the back almost behind the drums. But it was a fantastic night and they were on top form, the orchestra really lifted the sound.
  5. "Who are you seeing live next?" Yes! Off to see The Who tonight at The Eden Project, and the sun is shining.
  6. Well this is a thread I didn't want to read. I'm off to see The Who in a couple of hours.
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266062034192?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=786k7bwkQqe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=i1P6UitjSry&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. Get a Daisy Rock bass and an Ashdown Pedal of Doom and melt some faces! 🤘😠
  9. Beer and sex and chips 'n' gravy - Macc Lads
  10. Star Maker - The Kids from Fame 🤟😎👌
  11. Tempted by which, the Harley Benton ones or the Olympias? If Olympias definitely try a low offer, the last set I bought I got for a tenner, it was a year or so ago though and we all know what's happened to prices lately. Just this week I put a set of Olympia flats on my Epiphone Embassy, they have a surprising amount of top end to them and sound very much like old roundwounds at the moment, which I like. A decent amount of tension but not too stiff like a lot of flats. I think they're nice strings full stop, not just nice for the money. I haven't tried the HBs.
  12. Another thing to bear in mind regarding colour and the ability to achieve the desired finish, is that the darker the colour the better the finish will have to be to look acceptable, as a darker colour will reflect more and show up any flaws more. Think greasy fingerprints on a black bass compared to a white one. I'm absolutely not trying to put you off, quite the opposite, more food for thought.
  13. I'm in the UK but I was only jesting. Seriously now, I don't think I'd buy one set as although £20.70 is still a good price, two pairs puts them in Olympia territory at £16.70 which, as you say, is more like it. You can get the Olympia ones for £15 and they're actually very good. If placing a Thomann order then adding a couple of set's of the HB flats is a great idea.
  14. That's it, if you picture your finger tips going straight forwards you'll see four lines rubbed, if hold you fingers flatter and move your hand at a diagonal to your fingers you'll see a larger area rubbed without getting lines. It's not absolutely vital, just good practice to avoid rubbing lines into the surface with your fingers or a block edge. Silver sparkle will be pretty forgiving on any ripples in the finish anyway so you'll be fine. Silver will however really show up any scratches in the primer so make sure you finish you primer in a nice fine sandpaper, 800 would be OK but I I'd use 1000 wet just to be sure.
  15. Everything in that video is achievable as long as you aren't a cack handed klutz. 😁 Seriously though, with care and patience you can do everything pretty much as he says in the video. There's a couple of of bits that make me wince but that's just me being fussy. Rubbing in straight lines with your fingertips, in the same direction as your fingers are pointing is a no no, you'll encourage a rippley surface. Use a rubber block with the paper and rub at forty-five degrees to direction the block is facing, ie aim the front edge of the block at twelve o'clock but rub the block towards two o'clock (ish). It stops the edge of the block making lines. For the areas a block isn't suitable use your fingers but keep your hand flat and rub more with pads of your fingers and the area between the two finger joints rather than the tips, also use that same forty-five degree motion as much as possible, or ninety degrees to fingers, never in line with your fingers. Also stay away from the corners, I know it doesn't have corners but I mean rub the front and back down, then all around the sides and leave the little roundover until last and just give it a tickle with some fine paper, this will be the easiest part to rub through, which you want to avoid. As with anything, the more care and time you take the better the end result.
  16. The trouble with buying these is that I'd have to pop a new bass in the order to get free shipping.
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