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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Is it just the line of four screws at the end of the saddle slots? Maybe try loosening them just enough to give the bridge room to move and twist (rotate) the bridge one way then the other rather than lifting it up, hopefully it shouldn't pull on the paint as much this way. 🤞
  2. Scrub my 15mm, I have no idea why but I read your tape measured completely wrong. Yes I'd of said 10mm (ish) looking at your picture properly so that 8mm makes perfect sense. Where are the fixings, can you move it back enough without exposing the old fixing holes?
  3. That would make some sense, although looking at your picture I'd say the bridge would want to be around 15mm further back to put the G saddle in the right place. Not good at all.
  4. In general when placing a bridge you want the G string saddle adjusted nearly on it's minimum adjustment (furthest forward, shortest speaking length of string) and place the break point of that saddle on 34". I say nearly as that allows for any slight miscalculation/mismeasurement/tuning anomalies. All the other saddles will usually need to be adjusted progressively further back. @Woodinblack's an example of why you want that little bit of leeway as his D saddle is slightly further forward than the G. But placing the G saddle where it is on @warwickhunt's leaves practically no chance of ever intonating the G, let alone the E, A & D. It seems odd that a manufacture like Maruszczyk would get it that wrong.
  5. Street Turf - Double Trouble and The Rebel MC
  6. I'm in the cool as heck camp. Not everyone agrees though. 😄 I don't notice it being a short scale as much as other SS's probably due to the strap button position shifting the neck over to the left. I picked up a 56 for peanuts earlier in the year, I couldn't help myself. It needs some love but it'll great once sorted.
  7. Is There Anybody Out There - Pink Floyd
  8. Experiment time as I'm sat here looking at my '22 734a and '85 1100s. The 1100s is the earlier one with the old style pickups with bezels so I'm assuming classed as old school tubby. They are both very similar to the eye bar a few slight changes. I'll list the changes on the 734 compared to the 1100. The upper horn curves neckwards more, presumably for strap security or possibly balance. The second change is the neck heel as they have the six bolt mitre fixing and a curved lower edge for better upper fret access. Neither of these noticeably change the physical feel of the bass really. The change that makes it feel smaller is mainly on the upper side . The upper bout is a few mil narrower and the waist is around five mil narrower. But the actual transition from bout to waist is different. The 734 bout continues higher up the body making it feel less pronounced as it doesn't curve back in to the waist as drastically, even though it actually curves in further to the 734's narrower waist. This changes the line between the two lowest points of the waist to more parallel. In reality the actual width between the 734's narrowest points may be be the same as the 1100 but the 1100's being diagonal increase the measurement. Taking lines straight up parallel to the neck from the narrowest points and measuring would give a true reading. Here's the difference in angle across the waist. The lower horn is also closer to the neck which makes the body appear wider but probably won't change the feel of playing it unless seated. The body thickness is the same on both and everything else seems pretty much identical. So the difference in feel seems mainly down to the 1100 not actually being much broader, albeit it is a few mil, but more to the actual shape of the lower bout cutting back in much sharper to a lower down the body waist. It makes the lower body seem more squat and wide than the gentler curves and taller waist on the 734 giving a more slender appearance. But all that said and done, a few mil here and there can make all the difference in feel and we all like what we like. I'm now curious as to the comparison of the 424/1024/2024 series as my 424 (and previous 1024) both feel more like a traditional BB than the 734. Is it actually measurements, or mind games?
  9. Waiting for some warmer weather and it'll be project finishing central.
  10. I'd be interested in the comparison to see how much of an upgrade the P34 might be to my 734a, obviously in passive mode.
  11. Don't be upset, they'll be on my 424 soon enough. I'm going to record something with the 734 in passive with both PUs, then swap them to the 424 and do the same. See how the two compare. Obviously active is where the 734 is at but it'll be interesting to see how similar they are, or not, both passive.
  12. Couldn't agree more. I'm semi in the market for a P34, but I don't want sunburst so that leaves blue, which will look black on stage.
  13. Borrowing your son's bass so you can play support to them. Come on Dad, sort your s**t out! 😁
  14. While we're on a 734a vibe, I saw some pictures of Hooky today at the 'World is a Vampire' festival in Mexico playing a bright red 734a. I don't know why he wasn't playing his usual BBPH as he loves the reverse P, hopefully nothing has happened to them. I assume he's had the 734 refinished in red.
  15. In a Big Country - Big Country Who knew they grew on trees?
  16. Two peoples kindness/generosity in one photo. Firstly @Ricky Rioli for the set of Boomers, gratis, and secondly the guitarist in both of my bands for getting me a little BB for my birthday last week. I've gone rogue Ric and put them on my 734a first to see what they're like. Too early to tell yet but I'll report back. Thank you again. 🙂👍 And further to the 'new BBs aren't real BBs' debate (😉), this is a fantastic bass. I do really like the fat classic BBs but this is also a beauty. What's not to like? Gratuitous pic. 😊
  17. I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness
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