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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Mmmm Reverend. [Shuffles off shiftily]
  2. I wouldn't want to smear anything oily/greasy over my strings but if you must then surely eating chips while playing is the best way. Two birds with one stone, dead strings full chippy belly.
  3. Personally I associate building a bass, or anything else, with assembling a bunch of pre manufactured parts, but making a bass, or anything else, with actually making the body, neck etc from a raw material, ie wood. As the body and neck could be made but all of the hardware will (usually) be off the shelf then I can see why it may be referred to as building a bass.
  4. I'd be more than happy to relieve you of them. Got my favourite D'addario half rounds on my 424 but they're a little muddy on it. I'll pop something in a charity box of your choice if you don't want anything for them, and obviously sort you out postage. 🙂👍
  5. Clicked the TI Jazz flats and thought bleedin' 'ell that's cheap. Nearly bought some in my excitement before I realised it was a single string. 😄
  6. She Blinded Me With Science - Thomas dolby
  7. I'm off to see Peter Hook & The Light again in April. They don't play anything new, purely Joy Division and New Order, (maybe Monaco) They're an odd one as even Hooky admits he's frontman to his own covers band. I was too young to ever have seen JD so I'm delighted he's doing what's he's doing. Some might see it as sacrilege to Ian Curtis' name but Hooky said that so few actually got to see JD, as they existed for such a short time, and most know them from the records, that were as much about Martin Hannett's production as JD's playing that he decided to go out and play them live again. When they became New Order they pretty much turned their back on JD. So should he be doing these tours? The band (which are basically Monaco) are excellent and although Hooky's voice isn't the best they play every gig with everything they've got so I think they are doing absolutely the right thing.
  8. That 'A' string silk would drive me nuts!
  9. Who knows why it's being sold, I'm just glad I'm nowhere near Manchester. 😁 When I first saw them I thought the orange was the coolest.
  10. If anyone's after one of these and near Manchester, an orange one has just appeared on facebook marketplace for £250, including Rotosound black nylons so a bit of a bargain. Nothing to do with btw, just thought I'd post it here. Link.
  11. This is more eighties than the actual eighties.
  12. I have a few times (as part of a band at gigs, not on my own in the street) and it's really wierd, even awkward, to begin with. It's mainly been when we've played support to a 'name' band from our scene, but a few times I've been asked to sign CDs or setlists from my other band. Although odd, it's nice to think that someone sees you as a somebody who made them happy enough for a short while to want a momento.
  13. Yeah I'm not sold on the aesthetics. Looks a bit cheesey to me. Ooh look, a tumbleweed.
  14. The other less destructive way to the body would be to pots with a longer threaded part. That way you could still mount them through the body without widening the holes, then put the retaining nuts on the outside of the chrome control plate. If you can find the right length pots, and are happy soldering.
  15. I'm assuming the control plate would physically fit, the scratchplate looks to be the same as the 'X' models with the chrome control plate. But the controls might be an issue, 1 are they in the same place? 2, as the pots are mounted through the body there probably won't be enough shaft protruding (pack it in) through the extra thickness of control plate to put a nut and knob on (ffs, pack it in!). A solution would be to drill a large enough hole in the body to allow the pots to be mounted in the control plate. The 'X' series are front routed, yours is rear routed.
  16. Fender 9120M. They're tapewound strings but not dark and thumpy like most tapewounds. They're roundwound so retain a decent amount of zing (sound like a played in roundwound) but have a quite slippery nylon outer wind so very easy on fingers. Nobody ever seems to mention them on the here but I really like them, they sound great on an acoustic or electric. They used to be really cheap but as with all strings the price has now crept up, if you shop around you might still find them at a decent price.
  17. Didn't you say you got the boot from the Talkbass for trolling? Play nicely. 🙂👍
  18. Not bass related and not really that cool, but Steve Hewitt (Placebo drummer) asked me to restore the first car he bought with his royalty cheque. My wife has met loads of famous people having worked in Selfridges for a few years as a kind of personal shopper in clothing. Rich and famous or not, it seems the same traits come out when shopping. Paul Weller apparently stood around looking really awkward while she helped Dee. C. Lee. For some like Joan Collins they would close the department while shopping. And she said that Sade was possible the most beautiful person she has ever seen... she hadn't met me at this point. 😂
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