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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I won't pretend to understand it all but the singer in one of my bands is a postie, has been for years and loves his job, was saying one of the problems, along with the aforementioned trying to make drivers work like a franchise with driver owned vans, is that the money is there but they look after shareholders before looking after employees.
  2. On their Facebook page they had the picture of the pink 'The Saint' bass at their open day/weekend. In reply to a few questions Mark Gooday had stated that they were shortscale and due for release in April. They are selling the ones used at the open day as prototypes through Reverb. I bought the pink one and it is definitely the one in Ashdown's photo as there are a few tell tale marks such as a piece of scratchplate swarf attached to a certain screw. It's definitely 34". I don't mind as I prefer a 34", just fancied another shorty. It would appear it's just a range of new colours, and possibly roasted necks (if they weren't an option before) being released in April. The good news is that this is a standard The Saint bass which retail for around £1000, I only paid £299. 😁👍
  3. Just to add to my post about the Ashdown shorties, they're not shorties. I bought the pink prototype pictured but it is 34".
  4. The bass pictured in the facebook post, and here, is the bass I received, there's a couple of tell tale bits, but it is most definitely 34" scale. I'm actually happy as I'd rather it be full scale but I don't know why Mark Gooday was saying it was a shorty. I'll report back when I had a proper play. It's a fantastic colour though.
  5. 😄 They really are cracking little basses. A little on the the heavy side for a shorty but it's got a fairly big body. I really like the pickups.
  6. Just seen this BB1100S fretless on ebay. Seems a bargain... or did I overpay for mine! 😳
  7. I usually just search for 'Feedback' with the member as the author. Usually the title is 'Feedback for xxxxxx'.
  8. There's the Ibanez Talman TMB35. I touch on the heavy side but a fantastic bass. £230 in Bax at the mo but come up used around £150 if you keep yours eyes peeled.
  9. That's a crazy amount of of bass for the money! I bought the 5 string version brand new when they first came out. My only bass for ten years, then ended up back on fours but didn't sell it for another ten years as it was just too good to let go. I did in the end as I just didn't play fives anymore.
  10. There was a BBG4S on ebay a couple of days ago for £200 ono I think. Fantastic bass for that money. Here you go. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/394382139621?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kSKcxboISmu&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=i1P6UitjSry&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  11. Ashdown replied on their Facebook page. The green single PU one is another prototype they're working on. I saw it pictured with a single PU pink one as well. Maybe worth contacting them.
  12. Next year will be my year. I fell five days in this year 🙈. I'm planning on finishing all my projects and possibly selling some others next year. Keep the cream so to speak.
  13. Exactly, if I was anywhere near Essex it would gone buy now.
  14. I think the shell pink is metallic now I've zoomed in. Result 😁👍
  15. Quite possibly. It says last visited October 2020.
  16. I'm tempted because it is white. 😁
  17. That green one isn't listed on Ashdown's website. The do a P, a J (in long and short scale), a non reverse T Bird type and The Saint (as per this thread but 34"). As these new ones are being released in April, and they do a long and short J, I'm plumping for these will be shortscale. The Saints are all PJ and they don't list a green option so that green one must be a one off or another prototype.
  18. Yeah that's the one, kind of. Her hand was obscuring the pickups in the picture I saw so I didn't realise it was different, individual bridge pieces too. Lovely colour though.
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