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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Yes, Smith uses a bass vi a lot for melodies while Simon Gallup plays the 'regular' bass lines.
  2. Jesus Loves You... But I Don't - The Almighty
  3. That doesn't look like the shops storage area. 😁
  4. I remember their version of "I'd Rather Go Blind" on an old Peel sessions tape I had years ago. I had no idea it was Christine.
  5. It always makes me chuckle. Typical Justin Hawkins writing a song with the lyrics "bells end" and "ring in peace".
  6. The Darkness' Christmas Time (don't let the bells end) seems to have become a Christmas fixture, released 2003. Holy holly berries Batman, is that really nearly 20 years old?!
  7. That's a great picture. Good to see the Eastwood in action.
  8. An absolute beauty of a 1200S has just been posted for sale on the facebook vintage BB group. In France, €1200. Again, nothing to do with me. I need to stop looking at Yamaha's. 😁 https://www.facebook.com/groups/219406111488370/permalink/5928190130609911/
  9. Not wanting to derail too much but that's the funny thing with saying "when a group gets to that size", and I'm not disagreeing with you. On the Wish tour they were possible at the very height of their career, just had their biggest album yet, Disintegration, and were touring the even bigger follow up album with the biggest hit Friday I'm In Love. So were they bigger then than now? They've certainly not had albums that sold like Disintegration and Wish since. But could they have filled arenas back then like now? Probably not. So why can they now? Or is it just that the way of doing things now seems to be more about five sell out arenas rather than thirty sell out smaller venues. Maybe it's just that going to a rock concert is more acceptable today, whereas years ago it was more rebellious. Who knows, I just know I long for big bands doing tours of lots of the small venues over a handful of arenas or stadiums. I shall now take my grumpy old man hat off. 😁
  10. I guess Robert Smiths voice is still good because he's not straining it all the time. I know there's plenty of songs, and parts in songs, where he is pushing it but there's also a hell of of a lot of softly sung parts. I'd love to have seen them on this tour but a combination of travel, costs and arena shows meant I let it slide. I last saw them at the long gone Cornwall Coliseum on the Wish tour in 92. They played for hours (that's a good thing before anyone starts 😉), even doing two encores, which were long enough for some bands full set, seven songs. I'd love to be able to see them in a smaller venue again but I can't see it ever happening. I'm jealous of all those going.
  11. Yeah. At least my foray into bass playing hasn't hasn't sunk low enough to end up playing for the likes of Wham! It's a great Christmas song, and Wham made some fantastic pop songs. It almost as if they had a really talented singer/songwriter in the band.
  12. @Ricky Rioli I know you're kind of after a reverse P. Could this be the one? Vintage with the engraved, curve top bridge and loveheart, or ballbag depending on your view, tuners. I know it's sacrilege, but I think would look fantastic with a black pickguard, the one with the pointy bit by the bridge.
  13. I'll admit that I don't know what the letters always mean. In the 1100 & 1200 for example the S signifies active, doesn't it? But as far as I'm aware all the 400s (plural not model) are passive.
  14. There's a BB400S on ebay if anyone's after a cheap way to dip their toe into reverse P BBs. £325 or best offer, nothing to do with me but everyone should own a vintage BB if for the tuners alone. Are they not the best looking tuners ever?
  15. Thanks, I guess if they made it clear that was the only real difference then no one would buy the newer version, at least in the UK where it's nearly twice the price.
  16. The trouble with the two webpages is that a lot of what they list is, I assume, what the app does, not what the hardware does. The two spec lists aren't comparable at all. I was more wondering if both versions use are compatible with the same app. Here's the two specs lists.
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