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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Does anyone know the advantages of the Pro version over the original one? I'm assuming any new amp/cab effect models are in the app and apply to either piece of hardware? In short, does the Pro warrant the extra money (nearly double at first glance)?
  2. On the contrary. I saw a recent interview where he said, "I harawah karamah clomascsh schler scaarmererer hach hach eshesheshc". Or something like that.
  3. No, Steps are 5,6,7 & 8.😉 The beatles phenomenon was over before my musical journey started, so meant nothing to me. I obviously heard all the mop top stuff as it was repeated on the radio but really didn't like the tweeness of it all. The biggest problem I have is that I really don't like Lennon and McCartney's voices, so even when I hear things like Helter Skelter, which musically I like, I don't enjoy the singing. What's the point in trying to delve deeper into a bands catalogue if you don't like their singing. Maybe it's just the repressed rebel in me subconsciously refusing to like them as I really like things like UK Renegades cover of Bill Haley's Thirteen Women which obviously influenced by The Beatles. No denying their influence but it's not for me.
  4. I bought a black Ignition Club because I wanted 'that' sound on a budget but didn't want any Macca reference. I made a vintage cream pickguard and control plate to match the binding, rather than the anaemic white pearl they come with, bakelite knobs and a set of LaBella flats. It's not up there with a German made by any means but a very good, fully hollow bass for very little outlaw. I think the Ignitions are a cheap way of dipping your toe in the water to see if you want a full fat german made.
  5. Hi, and welcome to Basschat. 🙂 There's lots of ways to achieve a decent silent practice set up. Personally I use a cheap, old multi effect pedal (Line6 Pod). Runs on mains, bass and phone in, headphones out. Lots of effects and amp sims to play along with whatever you stream from your phone. It can be as cheap or expensive as you like.
  6. Yeah the speakers still keep it in home toy territory. They sound good but take up a lot of room and weight. Personally I'd just have headphones or a line out. I'll never want or need a proper keyboard so this will do fine.
  7. Not that I want it for this but the electric pianos sound pretty good for its age. This guy on YouTube seems to really like it, he's done a whole series of vids demoing the MZ 2000. It's also got a floppy disc drive! 😂😂
  8. I've just bought a keyboard but I know absolutely nothing about them. I wanted something to add some swooshy background ambience to some planned recordings so was low level looking for a cheap keyboard. This Casio popped up on facebook marketplace last night fifteen minutes away. A quick Google/YouTube and it seems that back in the day it was something quite special. It has synth section where you can build your own sounds with oscillators etc, so I should be able to get what I want out of. If not it was twenty quid and they seem to fetch decent money if you find the right buyer, there's one on Reverb at the mo for £399, but that is Reverb pricing! It needs a quick clean up and I don't know that everything works, it powers up, screen works and it makes sounds, but hey it's twenty quid. Looking forward to a new toy to get to grips with. It's bloody big too!
  9. Wake Up And Make Love With Me - ID&TB
  10. I've got a pair of Drivetrains here ready for a project, just not decided what they're going in yet. I bought a Crafter Cruiser for twenty quid a while back which actually plays surprisingly nicely, it may well be getting a full on make over with the Drivetrains. I've just realised I've already said the above, even further above 😁.
  11. Robert Smith of The Cure liked the pickup in his Woollies Top 20 (similar or same as above) enough to have it transplanted into his Fender Jazzmaster.
  12. You Shouldn't Call The Doctor (if you can't afford the bill) - Dr. Feelgood
  13. Genuinely shocked to read this news. Very sad news indeed. But as others have said, he was given some extra time and he made full use of it. It's still a shock nonetheless. 🥺
  14. I was going to say why are you even asking, you'll get both sooner or later. 😁
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