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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies - Machine Head
  2. I know it's all been said before but just what the hell goes on inside his head? The bridge, the nut, the trademark 'ballbag' tuners!?! Then the trussrod adjustment, "I fooked it up one way, then I fooked it up the other way, now it's averagely fooked somewhere in between but I might have another go before it sells". No, please don't.
  3. I really like the energy in Frankies version of The Boss' Born To Run. Some nice bass playing as well. And for those that said they couldn't play live.
  4. I want to see people's faces when I wheel that rack with the four Terror Basses and a pair of SVT4's ininto The Old Dog & Botfly.
  5. I've bought a few from an ebay seller. He's been really helpful and will build up your decal from a few pictures and ideas. He supplies in pairs as well incase you screw the first one up. Really thin waterslides that lacquer over easily. I'll try and find the details. Most recently did these for me for a project from photos. He also very generously did all these for a single decal price. Here you go, Bob's Decals. Ebay link.
  6. Maude

    Got wood?

    Since my contribution to this thread I've acquired some cheap wood. First an 80s Kay neck through which was given to me in a right state. I stained the wings and lacquered it, (it does have strings now 😉). Next a 90s Encore precision copy found in a charity shop. After a thorough clean and polish, some extensive neck/fret work and a Tonestyler pickup it really is a great bass with some lovely grain in the body and fretboard.
  7. Gratuitous pics 😉. As it came from HW (original owners pic), On the frontline,
  8. No, it's very good value. I'd guess with fireglo, or similar finish, and decent pickups you'd be looking closer to £2k now. But Rickenbackers, new and used, have increased in price dramatically over the last five years, as have good fakers so who knows what Harry charges now. His dark fireglo finish is absolutely gorgeous though, that I do know.
  9. I bought my 4005 second hand but it cost the seller £1300 to be built. He had pickups custom made by House of Tone separately so I assume that price was without pickups. The bass is mapleglo so no fancy paint finishes would've kept costs down, but it does have checker binding and crushed pearl fretmarkers. This was a few years back and the bass was a year old when I got it so prices have probably increased since. The NBD thread is here for those interested.
  10. Told ya! 😁 They are fantastic basses aren't they. 🙂👍
  11. Browse the Rickenfakers facebook group, all will be revealed. (HW4005 in my avatar 😉)
  12. Happy House - Siouxsie and the Banshees
  13. From where I'm sat on the sofa I can see thirteen, and this is the room that supposed to be kept relatively bass tidy, ie not littered with them. There's lots more in other rooms but, as I can't see them at the moment, they don't count.
  14. I'm sure I've asked it before, but when does multi laminate become ply? The high end Yamaha bodies are an alder/maple/alder sandwich. Is this ply? Shouldn't a plywood neck be stiffer and more resistant to twisting than a single piece neck?
  15. Watch your footing there, it's a very slippery slope. 😁
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