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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I've got a bass with with a sautéed neck. It plays like butter. 🙈
  2. Nothing at all, the 1024 is a better bass IMO. 😂 It wasn't really a swap though. I reversed the pickup on the 424 and then the 1024 came up for a good price. I bought it to compare and keep the winner. Decided to keep the 424 and sold the 1024 to help fund an Eastwood Hooky 6. Then fancied a 734a as it's vastly different to the 424, or 1024, being active, and wanted it as an everyday active bass to leave out around the house, rather than the BBPH. It's also different enough to the BBPH. Oh who am I kidding. GAS made me do it all! 😂😂😂. Apologies, this has turned into a bit of a hijack.
  3. I love a good Yamaha. Here's a family pic from earlier in the year. The BB1024X has been replaced by a coffee burst BB734a, another BEX4 and a fretless BB1100S have joined. L-R Attitude Ltd II, BB1024X, BEX4, BB424X, BBPH. All tonally different but all fantastic.
  4. Septuple double P. Superb!
  5. While being at the brighter end of the flats scale, they are far from zingy and sustaining like a round. They still have that characteristic flatwound response to playing, so rolling off the tone a bit will give you the 'classic flat' tone, with the option of brightening things up a little if needed. They are most definitely still flats.
  6. As a Jazz bass disliker (it's me not the basses) I'm probably not the best to advise. But I put a pair of Entwistle JBXNs in my Aria copy and wired a in series switch. The result is a thunderous J bass that I like. The series wiring is key, but probably not to a J bass lovers liking.
  7. Some oversized radio style knobs on a Kay I've refinished/restored, inspired by the brass Westone Thunder knobs. Bought on AliExpress.
  8. In my limited knowledge, as wood ages the resins in it crystalise making the wood more solid. Instinct would tell me that this would make the wood more resonant as less frequencies would be absorbed, compared to a softer, spongier wood, but I could be wrong. What effect this has on any tone qualities is the age old debate. Is more resonant better? It depends what you want I suppose.
  9. I used to use a UB1 years ago when I had my rediculous rig, the kind I thought looked cool dragging into a pub as a noob. It was four home made matching cabinets, a 2x15 on the bottom, then one housing a Line6 guitar combo, then a 4x12, topped off with a rack unit housing a Peavey Max valve pre-amp with crossover which split the high and low bass signal and fed into a stereo power amp via a stereo 30 channel graphic EQ. I went through the UB1 and sent the octave up plus a 5th to the guitar amp and the clean bass to the Peavey crossover. Upped the gain to get a little valve growl and sent the highs to the 4x12 and the lows to the 2x15, did I pioneer 'tri-amped'? When balanced properly, in more ways than one, I used to be able to create thunder with that thing. Insane and slightly embarrassing looking back. 😂😂😂
  10. Brand New Cadillac - The Clash, Vince Taylor, The Renegades, etc Too slow, but it still works.
  11. Some oddball bakelite knobs I found on ebay.
  12. I Alone - Live And no, I can't think of that song without hearing Beavis & Butthead! 😁
  13. You're The One For Me Fatty - Misery
  14. They're perfect for a Shell Pink bass. Obviously it's not all about looks... but it is all about looks. 😁
  15. It would appear so. The only strings I can find with powder pink silks rather than hot pink or cerise. A quick Google tells me you need to contact Dean Farley at Snake Oil Strings. It's a small American company but they do ship to UK. Is the company is still going? Who knows?
  16. @Grimalkin you okay hun? ❤️
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