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Everything posted by Maude

  1. A few that I see come up on facebook quite often that I've had/still got, that punch way above their usual two figure price tags are Aria STB Series, SX and 90s Encores (just Encore on the headstock). Usually around the £50-£75 mark. A Tonerider pickup is £25 and turns any of these into a vintage sounding traditional Precision.
  2. Just Who Is The 5 O'Clock Hero? The Jam
  3. It's more of a tongue in cheek saying than literal. I've got plenty of 'rubbish' basses. They're not, but the likes of Kay, Encore, Hohner, Cruiser, etc aren't exactly aspirational brands names. I like taking a cheap bass and turning it into something really playable and cool. My 'guiltiest pleasure' must be my plywood Kay. Universal hated as many's first bass, but I gave it a loving refinish and a really good set up and it's great, naff, but great. I spent a couple of hours playing my Encore precision last night. With a well sorted neck/set up and a Tonerider pickup and Chromes I did sit there last night wondering why I've bothered buying some pricey basses lately as this Encore is genuinely one of the nicest basses I own. It's a guilty pleasure as no one aspires to own an Encore precision one day. I'm not guilty at all by the way, if anything I'm more proud of my well maintained, nicely set up cheap tat than the expensive ones. Now I'm over thinking it. 😁
  4. I had to Google HMNIM (Hi my name is Mark) and now the one pickup one volume makes sense, being that the Mark in question is Mark Hoppus. If it's a strictly limited run then Fender might not have a say whether they let you keep it or not. I don't know if this is the case, but say it was a run of fifty. Yours is damaged so they are making you another. If they let you keep the damaged one then there will be fifty-one out there. The number of basses may have been stipulated as part of the deal so an extra one is a no go. Who knows. Nice bass though, I like it. 😎👍
  5. Just tell us what the damn bass is and put a picture up! Please 😁.
  6. A low E on a bass VI is the same note as a low E on a regular bass, so yes it's bassy enough. But it does have a slightly guitar like quality to it, so maybe not as solid sounding, possibly. But that all depends on playing style, EQ, amp and cab as well. The Eastwood Hooky 6 strings are 30,40,50,60,85,105. The Squier strings are considerably lighter and, in my view, not suitable for the job. I put a heavier custom set of LaBella round wounds on mine and it's loads better. I think the low E was a 95. Robert Smith of The Cure is/was a user of the Fender Bass VI, but on Primary, which has two regular bass sounds, he used a Precision as even he admits that the low strings on the VI just aren't up to the job. They're great for higher up stuff.
  7. The HB one looks like a stonkingly good deal. But like most other bass vi's I feel it's a bass vi for guitarists. The Eastwood feels like a bass vi for bassists, even though I've only played for a short while. The HB one tuned as a baritone is probably fun though. I'd been on the lookout for a second hand one but they just don't seem to to come up. I'd almost resigned to ordering a new when I managed to do a deal on this one. It's one of the Hacienda ones, not what I wanted really as they are more of a collectable and I want a player, but it was cheaper than a new 'standard' one so I went for it. It feels so much better than the Squier to play, to me anyway.
  8. DHL brought me a pressie today. Not had a chance to really get to grips with it yet, but just a quick run through of Dreams Never End was enough to tell me my Squier VI will be up for sale in the not too distant. New bass day to follow later in the week once I've had a real play.
  9. That notion is still an enigma to me, but I'm trying. Ooh ooh ooh, DHL are bringing me a pressie tomorrow! 😁
  10. If Only Tonight We Could Sleep - The Cure
  11. I found my new 734a needed some extra foam under the P pickups as they were extremely loose.
  12. A Rock and a Hard Place - Sisters of Mercy
  13. A HPF is a really good thing to have with doublebass even if you don't think you have a problem. I use a PJB Suitcase with a 4b extension cab with my doublebass. Without the fdeck HPF it sounded fine but my speakers were moving back and forth a long way. Occasionally things got slightly boomy so I got the fdeck. With it the occasional booniness was sorted but two added bonuses occurred. 1, the speakers now hardly move at the same volumes where they were leaping around before and 2, the whole band just sounds cleaner and better. The amp/speakers were obviously spending a lot of energy trying to produce inaudible low notes, and all that subsonic mush was having a detrimental effect on the rest of the bands sound. I now use it even at low volumes just to clean up the whole bands sound.
  14. I used to use one with electric bass as it had the mid controls that the BDI 21 doesn't have. You can get some real mid punch from it that cuts through a loud mix nicely.
  15. Why's there no, "Grrr, why you, I oughta" shaky fist emoji? 😉
  16. I seem to recall a thread on here about them. Not much help I know. 😁
  17. The lemon oil I linked to wasn't meant to be a suggestion for finishing, but an addition/reaction to the copper tape post above it. Sorry if it confused. From the the thickness of the original finish I'd say it's polyester, or possibly polyurethane. They're both chemically cured by adding a catalyst. The two parts mix and react by cross linking the molecules to form a polymer which is basically an impermeable plastic. It cannot be dissolved by adding a solvent in the way that a nitrocellulose finish can be, so nail varnish won't have any detrimental effect at all. Just to add, if you're using a waterbased product to stain/colour the wood then you're better using a solvent product to build up the clear layer as it won't mix with/redissolve the waterbased colour and make it bleed or blotch. If you've got your colour sorted, good old Poundland superglue (3 bottles for a quid) is very good as an easy to use clear filler as well.
  18. Credit card and a dessert spoon. Place credit card on a solid part of the bass to protect finish and spread the load, place spoon tip under edge of knob with the back of the spoon bowl on the credit card, gently press down on spoon handle, rotate knob half a turn, press down on handle again. Repeat until knob is released.
  19. 1 oz  Dunlop lemon oil spray £4.99 16 oz Parker & Bailey lemons oil polish £8.99
  20. I've just looked up Gluboost. Holyhead guacamole that's expensive! I putting my miserable old cynic head on for a minute now, nearly all guitar specific care products are products developed for other industries put into smaller containers with a big price tag. That Gluboost looks to be around £25-30 a bottle and says you'll need their catalyst touch properly harden it which is the same price again, so £50-60. I'd honestly either just use nail varnish or if you've a friendly bodyshop nearby ask for a tiny bit of lacquer or colour plus hardener and give them a big tin of biscuits. But for at home nail varnish is just so easy, clean and quick. Gluboost do superglue for £15 a bottle, crazy price.
  21. I've often thought posting a link to the song would be good on this thread, for others that might not know the song.
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